Fifty lesions of gastric ulcer and 125 of gastric carcinoma were studied in freshly resected stomachs by the dissecting microscope. According to Salem's definition, the "papillae" are the architectural units of the gastric area. But in pathological conditions, the "papillae" disappear; only papilla-like architectural units are observed, the shape and arrangement of which vary in individual pathologic conditions. To those papilla-like units the author has given the name "pseudo-papillae". By the dissecting microscope three stages were clearly difined in the healing process of gastric ulcer: acute, healing and scarring. In the acute stage, pallor of the marginal mucosa was observed together with irregularity in size and shape of the "pseudo-papillae". In the healing stage, two phases were further noted : the early healing stage and the later healing stage. In the early healing stage, the pseudo-papillae were deep red in colour and membranous structure with parallel capillaries was seen to grow from those marginal "pseudo-papillae" towards the ulcer base. The author has named this the "palisade structure". In the later healing stage, regenerative “pseudo-papillae” appeared f ollowng the growth of the palisade structure. The regenerative “pseudo-papillae” were lighter red, spindle-shaped and arranged in radiating directions. The scarring stage were in like wise divided two phases: in the early scarring stage, the redness of the pseudo-papillae faded to become pink; the shape became cubic. As the scarring proceeded, the pseudo-papillae became pale pink and the shape rather globular; some degree of irregularity still remained in the shape of the pseudo-papillae. In 858 cases of gastric ulcer, healing prosess was carefully followed up by fiberscopy always with close up view of the lesions obtained. Analysis of this fiberscopic follow-up confirmed the changes of the pseudo-papillae in respective stages of healing detected by the dissecting microscope. As for gastric carcinoma, 71 cases were of an advanced type and 45 of an early type according to the difinition by the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. Each histological type of carcinoma showed type-specific appearanse of the pseudo-papillae: In adenocarcinoma papillare, commashaped pseudopapillae, dark red in colour, were scattered. In adenocarcinoma tubulare, large and pale tightly packed pseudo-papillae were seen. In adenocarcinoma mucocellulare, irregulary shaped large deep red tightly packed pseudo-papillae, were observed, giving rise to deep red strawberry-like appearance. In adenocarcinoma muconodulare, the pseudo-papillae were large, oval and pale, partially overlapping one another. Tubular as well as papillary carcinoma formed a clear demarcation between the carcinoma involved area and the surrounding normal mucosa, while mucocellular and muconodular carcinoma were poorly demarcated. Twenty-two cases of gastric carcinoma were studied by close-up fiberscopy prior to gastrectomy. In one case for instance, close up fiberscopic view of the lesion showed irregularly shaped reddish tightly packed pseudo-papillae. Thus the endoscopic diagnosis of adenocarcinoma mucocellulare was made, coinciding with post operative dissecting microscopic diagnosis. Histology of the resected stomach confirmed this diagnosis. The present sudy shows that a close up view of the lesions through the fiberscope is in good agreement with the dissecting microscopic appearance. Thus the results of dissecting microscope study of the gastric mucosa are applicable to interpretation of endoscopic findings of gastric lesions. Not only differentiation of benign and malignant lesions, but also estimation of histological type of gastric carcinoma has become possible by fiberscopy of the stomach. Staging of healing process of gastric ulcer has become more precise. A new field has been opend for endoscopy of the stomach.