Melanosis coil is a disease with black or brown pigmentation of colon mucosa. Since there is scarcely unevenness of the mucosa and neither sclerosis by xray is impossible. Diagnosis is possible only by endoscopy. As melanosis coli is not a surgical disease, we did not know the distribution and the grade of pigmentation accurately. However, with the fibercolonoscope (FCS), we are able to study the condition in more detail. In our institute, we have experienced 58 cases of melanosis coli among 1071 cases of f ibercolonoscopy from June 1969 to May 1974 (5years). The incidence of melanosis coli is 5.4% (58/1071), including 3.5% of endoscopic finding (37/1071), and 9.4% of biopsy finding (58/615). Among these 58 cases of melanosis coli, there are 29 males and 29 females, but the ratio of percent are 4.6 males and 6.5 females. The age ranges from 18 to 85 years, average is 53 years. Endoscopy revealed gray-black, black-brown, yellow-brown or mild brown color. These changes were distributed in the rectum and sigmoid colon in 33 among 37 cases (89.2%). The other distribution of the pigmentation was in 2 cases all over the colon, in 2 cases from rectum to transverse colon and in 5 cases to descending colon. The pigmentation was mostt intense in the rectum and lower part of sigmoid colon and less towards the oral sides. In the upper part of the sigmoid and descending colon, any such change was not scarcely. Pigmentation was relatively homogeneous in some cases and marked difference in density was noted even at the same site in others. Histologically, pigment is seen in the cytoplasm of phagocytic mononuclear cells of the stroma or tunica propria of the mucosa. Histochemical studies of biopsied specimens revealed the pigmention to be due to melanin-like substance. In these 58 cases, we found 15 cases of colonic polyp or polyps, 12 cases of colonic cancer, 4 cases of irradiation colitis, 3 cases of colonic diverticulosis, one case of ulceratives colitis, 5 cases of hemorrhoids, 4 cases of cancer of the cervix, one case of stomach cancer etc. 42 among 58 cases (72.4%) of melanosis coli have the history of prolonged use of laxative of anthracene or anthraquinone series from one month to 38 years. Among 8 cases without history of using the laxative of anthracene groups, we found 4 cases of colonic cancer and one case of cervical cancer. Conclusion : 58 cases of melanosis coli among 1071 cases of f ibercolonoscopy were found during past 4 years. Endoscopically the most characteristic finding is the localization of pigmention at the rectosigmoid area. The pigment was identified as melanin-like substance. It is noteworthy polyp or cancer of colon were noted in 22 of 58 cases (38%).