A twenty three years old male was admitted to the department of Surgery in our university hospital in 1968 with a history of 5 years duration of abdominnal pain and diarrhea. Surgical treatment was recommended after Barium enema examination in which ileocolic pattern of Crohn's disease was suggestive. Partial ileocolectomy and ileocolostomy were performeed. He was readmitted in our department in June 1976, because of abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, and fever. The lesions occupied in entire colon and ileal end of ileocolostomy. We could not differentiate Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis in this case, even by Barium enema and colonofiberscopic examination. Patient was treated conservativejy by administering 40mg of Predonisolon and 3g of Salazopyrin per day for 5 months. However, during these treatments, fresh bloody diarrhea developed suddenly without any causes. Frequent blood transfusions were carried out, however, bloody diarrhea did not stopped. Therefore, immediate emergency ileocolectomy and ileorectostomy was per-formed. Subsequently, bloody diarrhea disapeared. However, watery diarrhea continued and patient was gradually emaciated. Three months have passed since reoperation, but he is suffered from short bowel syndsome. The case of Crohn's disease with massive bleeding has not been reported in our country, so far. In the report by Truelove and Pena about the course and prognosis of Crohn's disease which appeared in 1976, only one case, which is similar to our case, is experienced in 55 cases of recurrent Crohn's disease. With the development of the diagnostic technique of bowel disease, the case of Crohn's disease 'with massive bleeding might be increased.