Online ISSN : 2185-6710
Print ISSN : 0024-3914
1980 巻, 78 号
  • 澤田 治美
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 1-35
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    There is a set of predicates, i. e.‘epistemic’ predicates in Japanese, which express the speaker's epistemic attitudes toward the propositional content, such as daro, rasii, kamosirenai, etc. In spite of abundant literature on Japanese auxiliaries, the syntactic and semantic structure of ‘epistemic’constructions has been only partially clarified in the history of Japanese grammar. In this paper I am mainly concerned with formulating the derivational process of them in terms of rules such as Subject Raising to Subject Position (SRS hereafter), Predicate Raising (PR hereafter), Restructuring.
    I argue for the following:
    (a) SRS enables us to formulate Japanese ‘epistemic’ constructions as well as English ones in the common framework of syntax, though its existence is denied in Kuno (1976).
    (b)‘Restructuring rules’(in the sense of Akmajian, Steele, and Wasow 1979) are applied in the derivation of ‘formal nouns+epistemic predicates’constructions. For instance, in the case of [[S]-no]NP+[daro]Pred, the formal noun no is ‘restructured’ to the epistemic predicate daro to derive the complex epistemic predicate no-daro.
    (c) The relevant rules are applied in the following order: Restructuring Rules>SRS>PR
    (d) In ‘epistemic’ constructions, formal nouns such as no or koto represent the speaker's proposional attitudes. no refers to the ‘situational’ entity around the speaker and implies that the judgement is based on facts, while koto objectifies the propositional content, and implies that there is a greater psychological distance between the speaker and the content.
  • 特に動詞活用から
    田村 宏
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 36-54
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper attempts to present an interpretation of the phonological character of morpheme initial consonant clusters in Middle Korean (henceforth MK), dealing especially with clusters beginning with b.
    Noticing that monosyllabic w/e stem verbs have consonant clusters intheir initial position without exception, the author augues rule ordering between ‘stem final vowel (w/e) deletion rule’ and ‘vowel harmony rule’in verbal conjugations. The results of argument are the following:
    1) A syllable containing morpheme initial consonant clusters # CC (C) V is interpreted as #CVC (C) in the phonological representation.
    2) Two different phonological rules, i. e.‘stem vowel (w/e) deletion rule’ and ‘metathesis rule’, are required according to the condition whether suffixes begin with vowels or consonants, in order to generate the phonetic representations.
    In the diachronic aspect of morpheme initial consonant clusters, it has been postulated that #CCV is a result of sound change from #CVCV. Then it is supposed that monosyllabic w/e stem verbs in MK have had restructuring of underlying forms as follows: disyllabic w/e stem (pre-MK)→monosyllabic consonant stem with stem vowel w/e (MK)→ monosyllabic w/a stem (Mod. Kor.). Corresponding to it, phonological rules have changed as follows: a single ‘stem vowel deletion rule’(pre-MK)→co-existence of ‘stem vowel deletion rule’ and ‘metathesis rule’(MK)→complete rule loss (Mod. Kor.). Thus, co-existence of two different rules on the stage of MK shows a transitional character, in other words, a slightly unstable positionin the synchrony of MK.
    In the end, morpheme initial consonant clusters in MK can be regarded as a case where synchrony and diachrony interact with each other in a dynamic manner.
  • 米重 (Нонэсигэ) 文樹 (Фумикиэ)
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 55-84
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2011/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Как уже всвзё время подчёркивал Пешковский, инфинтнв совершенного внда (СВ) не может сочеться с гдами, обоэнающми начадо, прододжение и конеч прочесса (начамь/кончцмь). Но мадовннмания обрашади на тот факт. что кроме гдагодов СВ, г. е. среди гдагодов несовершенного вида (НСВ), набдюдаются грамматичскн об'единённные гдагоды (т. н. гдагоды опредённого движения-ОПД), которые отрншатедьно относятся к гдагоам начамь/кончцмь (с пробпопжамь они свобдно сочетаются так же, как и другие гдагоды НСВ).
    Иэ этого обстятдьства можно сдедать вывод, что обе категорнн (гдагодаы СВ н гдагоды ОПД) характерся общим днамическим шрнэнаком “настпдение=минованне”-представить дайствие как передаюшееся йэ непосредственно предшествуюшей вренной стадии и обяэатедьно передаюшееся в непосредственнопосдеуюцуо вренную. Йными, сдовамн, Действие, обоэначенное СВ и ОНД, эакдючает в себе, так скаэать, своё начадо н свой конец, чем об'ясняется несочетаемость инфинтнва СВ и ОПД с начамь/кончцмь. Отдичне между СВ и опд СОСТОНТ НМЕННО В ТОМ, ЧТО ПРИ опд ПРЕДШЕСТВУЮЩАЯ И ПОСДДУЮШАЯ стадии осуществляются одним и тем жа конкретным действием (движение) и образуют в целом лоследовательную пространственно-двигателънуюлинию, между тем как лри СВ обе стадии никаким конкретным действием не облечены, а представлены в видтого течения времени, именннлоэтому пействие не может “продолжаться”.
    Дннамичекий прйэак чисгое “наступление=минование” прилаёт особый характер глаголу СВ, когорыи является маркйроваркым члером вилового прогивопоставления Во первых временной рял СВ, составляется по критерию, осуществилось ли “раступлерие=мироварие” или ещё ие осуществилось (но обяэагетельро осуществигся с гецерием врмемени). напри мер, у бабола ичцб тодьке веменных-ирчмал ниочмаем. во-вторых, если ли глаоде нсв, намркнрованном члие, лексное эиачеие гдаода нелоедствено свяно с веменным ли-знаком, то ли глаолеСВ с вменным свяэаи лежде всего видовой призиак “наступдение=минованиовае” а дексичесое зиачение со-ставдяетсодержание этого приэнэнака. Например, чцмад (НСВ) обоэначает, чтобыло дей “читатъ” а прочцмал обоэначает, что осуществидось “настление=минование”, соджнием которого являтся денствие.
  • 吉田 和彦
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 85-113
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ever since Streitberg's formulation of the perfectivizing function of the preverb ga-in Gothic many counterclaims have been proposed. But unfortunately they have been discussed in the bed of Procrustes, so the problem with the Gothic ga-remains to be solved. I think the following three things would be necessary in order to clarify the function of this controversial morpheme: first, an analysis of all Gothic ga-compounds and corresponding simplexes on the basis of their counterparts in Greek; second, an explanation of how ga-, which originally meant ‘together’, changed to the marker of perfective aspect; third, a diachronic analysis of the aspectual system in Germanic languages.
    Goth. ga-can be assumed to be cognate with Lat. com- on several phonological and semantic grounds. Since Gothic had no preposition corresponding to Lat. cum which had concrete meaning ‘together’, ga-underwent great changes in its function.
    Extensive juxtapositions of ga-compounds along with corresponding simplexes make it clear that in some cases ga -changes the lexical meaning of the simplex: e. g. gaggan ‘go’ vs. ga-gaggan ‘go together’; jiukan ‘fight’ vs. ga-jiukan ‘conquer’. In the former example ga -preserves its original meaning but in the latter ga -has given perfective meaning to the simplex.
    Apart from its lexical relevance ga -acquired the function of expressing the perfective aspect as a grammatical category, but the function is not so systematic as Streitberg believed. According to my survey, ga -stands as a translation of almost any Greek preverb though other Gothic preverbs rather regularly render specific preverbs of the other language. About 19 per cent of all the ga-compounds are used to translate various Greek compound verbs. This fact shows that ga -almost lost its original meaning, and intensifying function which is very common in Greek preverbs can be ascribed to ga-. The function of intensifying the meaning of the verb was connected with that of perfectivizing the action and then ga -became the marker of perfective aspect. About 80 per cent of ga -compounds (except lexically relevant ga -and intensifying ga-) are used to translate the Greek forms expressing ‘perfective’. But in our text we can find the ga-compounds which correspond to the imperfective forms in Greek and have no special meaning.
    The arguments presented above point to the conclusion that the meaning and the function of Goth. preverb ga -underwent the following change.
    association → intensifier → marker of perfective aspect → meaningless

    change in lexical meaning
    The reason why ga -weakened its perfectivizing function must be sought in the fact that periphrastic forms expressing ‘imperfective’ and ‘perfect’ was found in our Gothic text. That the equivalents of ga -in the subsequent development of the surviving Germanic languages nearly disappeared and periphrastic forms gradually came into productive use is adduced as further confirmation of this view.
  • John H. Koo
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 114-119
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 英語語彙bedとbidの同源語をめぐって
    新谷 光二
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 120-127
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橋本 邦彦
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 127-129
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 樋口 康一
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 130-131
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平賀 正子
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 132-134
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田端 敏幸
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 134-137
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 抽象的分析と具体的分析
    梶 茂樹
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 138-141
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 角田 太作
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 141-152
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Yasokichi MOCHIZUKI
    1980 年 1980 巻 78 号 p. 153-155
    発行日: 1980/09/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー