Online ISSN : 2185-1719
Print ISSN : 0016-7444
ISSN-L : 0016-7444
56 巻, 4 号
  • 門村 浩, 武内 和彦
    1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 199-222
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The intensity of landform transformation due to various kinds of large-scale land development in Japan has been magnified since the 1960's when Japanese postwar high economic growth came in real earnest. Japanese geographers, however, paid only a little attention to such phenomena except natural disasters caused through human impact on land. On the other hand, geographers in foreign countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany and East European countries, have continuously recognized from early times the important role of man as a geomorphic agent and they have accumulated field studies on landform transformation in the process of systematic establishment of anthropogenic or environmental geomorphology.
    In the last few years, the importance of landform transformation studies has gradually been recognized in Japan. In order to promote systematic and comprehensive studies, a Working Group on the Man-Made Landforms and Land Transformation was organized in 1980 in the Association of Japanese Geographers, and a symposium on “Land Transformation and Related Environmental Changes” was held in 1981. This special issue on “Landform Transformation” carries the papers which are rewritten from the reports presented in the symposium.
    This paper aims at overviewing the trends and problems inherent in the previous and recent Japanese studies on anthropogenic transformation of landforms and landforming process through a comparative review of foreign studies and at promoting the progress in this field. In the English-speaking countries, landform transformation problems have been studied since Marsh (1864) and Sherlock (1922), who wrote “Man and nature” and “Man as a geological agent”, respectively. Among the problems, man-induced soil erosion has been recently highlighted over again to contribute to solve the environmental problems, which proved to be more urgent in the 1970's. In the French-speaking countries, accelerated landforming processes caused by human activities have been studied both in the homelands and the former overseas settlements through a climatic geomorphological approach. In Germany, the concept of anthropogenic geomorphology was introduced by Fels (1934) and the studies similar to those in the French-speaking countries have been performed mainly in Central Europe. In the East European countries, in particular in Czechoslovakia and Poland, classification and mapping systems of anthropogenic landforms have been intensively studied.
    Japanese geographers tried to analyse both ancient and recent landform transformation and related environmental changes as a part of the subjects of historical and applied geography, respectively, though they paid little attention to the man-made landforming processes themselves which have been recognized through recent activities by the members of the Working Group on the Man-Made Landforms and Land Transformation.
    However, many tasks require further research in the context of landform transformation studies and their application to environmental management. In particular, following subjects must be stressed hereafter.
    1. Socio-economic analysis related with landform transformation and its control,
    2. Morphogenetic classification and mapping system of man-made landforms,
    3. Historical approach enabling the reconstruction of long-term man-induced geomorphic processes,
    4. Comparative geographic studies including climatic geomorphological approach,
    5. Experimental studies and field measurements of man-induced geomorphic processes,
    6. Assessment of the magnitude, areal extent and temporal sequence of the resulting effects on environment, and
    7. Comprehensive land transformation studies and their application to environmental managemeut.
  • 田村 俊和, 山本 博, 吉岡 慎一
    1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 223-242
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 森山 昭雄
    1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 243-261
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    筆者は,まず人工地形を「人間の諸活動が自然の地形に対して直接的にあるいは間接的に作用することによって生じた地形」と定義し,直接的に造られた地形(第一次人工地形)と間接的な影響によって生じた地形(第二次人工地形)とを区別した.第一次の人工地形は,改変前の地形・地質条件,改変主体の性格,改変方法,法的規制等の詳細な分析により成因論的に説明することが可能であることを述べた.その考えに立って,瀬戸市およびその周辺地域に分布する陶土・珪砂採掘鉱山の人工地形について分析した.その結果,本地域の陶土・珪砂採掘に伴う人工地形は,改変主体の零細性に起因する鉱区の狭小性が数多くの巨大な採掘穴を無秩序に分布させたこと,ベンチカット方式と重機械による採掘方法および法的規制によって,ベンチの高さや幅,道路の幅や配置,穴底の沈澱池などの人工地形に著しい規則性をもたらしたことを述べた.また, 1m2当たり改変土量が約35m3にも達する強度の改変は,露天掘鉱山特有の性格であることを強調した.
  • 宅地造成と海面埋立て
    田中 眞吾, 沖村 孝, 田中 茂
    1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 262-281
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    背山における大規模地形改変と土砂採取は, 1960年代より急増し,地域的には市街地に近接した六甲山地南麓から次第に西方の丘陵地・六甲山西部山頂地区を経て,より遠隔地へと移動し,開発規模も大型化した.また,これらの開発の事業主体は,主として公共企業体によっているという特色をもっている.このようにして,すでにポートアイランドを代表とする10km2の低平地が得られ,港湾・公共・工業なちびに住宅の各用途に向けられている.
  • 日下 雅義
    1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 282-296
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    本地域では, 5~12世紀のころ,地形を中心とする地表景観の人為的改変が著しく進行した.その代表的なものとして, (1) 丘陵地斜面や段丘崖を中心に広く点在する須恵器の察, (2) 丘陵地の尾根付近や高位段丘面を選んで立地する群集墳, (3) 中・低位段丘面に,多量の土砂を移動させて構築された前方後円墳と方墳, (4) 段丘面およびその開析谷,谷底平野などの一部を堰き止めて造られた大小の溜池, (5) 低地の水を段丘面に導くため,築堤と開削を行なって敷設された巨大な溝渠,および (6) 段丘面から低地にかけて広く展開する条里型土地割などがあげられる.これらのうちのあるものは,今なお原形に近い姿をとどめているが,他のものはその後における複雑な地殻変動や河川の侵食・堆積作用のほか,河川改修,築城,土砂採取,耕地の区画整理,道路建設,住宅地開発などのような人為的作用によって著しく改変されており,消滅してしまったものも多い.
  • 1983 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 297-298,303
    発行日: 1983/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー