Along with multiplicity of demand, many companies are advancing construction of an information system combining customer's demand information and integrating various kinds of automation elements of a production process organically that aims for profit maximization. To construct such system, at first an essential review of the work is necessary, and various kinds of software package are used effectively, to improve the efficiency of system development. However, there are few systems that are operated as an integrated management system in which an operation control system of a production site is connected with an information system of an upper management level. So, the database for theses systems should be integrated.
In the field of batch process, SP88 committee was established in ISA, in which standardization of data structures and guidelines for language that are related to the batch operation control is carried out. And, there are many software packages for the batch operation control, which are conformed to this standard, and the advanced utilization of such packages is paid attention. However, the data structure that is prescribed with SP88 is of the level of an operation control, and the date structure for a scheduling that connects with an upper management level is not mentioned so much.
This paper describes a data structure for recipe management system for batch process to integrate batch control with scheduling. At first, this paper introduces a target scheduling system, called Front-end Scheduling System, that combines batch control system with upper management level. For such scheduling system, unified recipe management system for S88 batch control system and scheduling system is proposed.