Online ISSN : 1348-8163
Print ISSN : 0913-6339
ISSN-L : 0913-6339
111 巻, 12 号
  • 堀 洋一, 小林 芳樹
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 999
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田村 博
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1000-1002
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 人にやさしいインタフェースの枠組
    黒須 正明, 上田 博唯
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1003-1007
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 感性情報を統合的に利用した企業活動の新展開
    篠崎 彰大
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1008-1010
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • アンケート調査にみる新生産環境
    岡田 博美
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1011-1014
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松崎 吉衛, 今井 薫, 大成 尚, 杉本 佳弘, 上村 護
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1015-1022
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    A graphic model generation system for house interiors has been developed. The system generates an interior image which fits a user's idea. The system includes an interior picture database which can be accessed interactively using key words to select a desired picture. The system generates a graphic model by mapping part images included in the selected picture on a specified room structure. The dimensions and view points of the picture in the database and the specified room are different. Therefore, the graphic model is three-dimensional. To construct a three-dimensional parts image database, a picture image is recognized by a monocular vision algorithm, and normalized images, sizes, and locations in a room space of the picture are calculated. Using these data, part images can be mapped on a specified room structure. The system was utilized in a home electronics presentation system to generate a photorealistic environment model. This environment model helps in appearence design evaluation and setting of product specifications to fill customer requirements.
  • 谷 正之, 山足 公也, 谷越 浩一郎, 二川 正康, 谷藤 真也
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1023-1030
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper proposes a new man-machine technique for operator's consoles at plant control centers. The technique is direct manipulation of objects in real motion pictures taken by monitor cameras. Operators can manipulate devices placed in a plant, such as buttons and sliders, with pick and drag operations on the real motion pictures. They can also get information related to objects which they pick on the real motion pictures. The virtues of the technique are:
    (1) The operators intuitively understand what they are doing and what is going on as the result of their manipulation because of the realty of the pictures, as compared with graphic interfaces.
    (2) The consistent interface to real motion pictures and to graphics is established. Operators can manipulate objects shown either in real motion pictures or in graphics in the same direct manipulation manner.
    A prototype man-machine interface with the technique is presented to show how the technique is applied to plant control centers.
  • 鈴木 英明, 松崎 吉衛, 藤川 恵一
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1031-1037
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    A user friendly shape design system which fits an user's sense has been developed. The system has dials as operation devices. The dials can be defined by words which express user's ideas. The system uses a neural network to convert user's ideas which are input by the dials to geometric parameters. Using the neural network, relations between user's ideas and geometric parameters can be defined while the relations are difficult to define mathematically or nonlinear. Learning data to define each word's transformation function can be generated by an user's selection of appropriate sets of source and destination shape samples for an idea expressed by the word. This learning procedure enables an user to make neural network parameters reflected the user's sense. The system was evaluated by toy plane design experiments.
  • 村上 俊之, 石橋 宏純, 大西 公平
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1038-1046
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The paper describes network system to realize the motion like muscle. First, the motion of the network system is analyzed by the model system which consists of many electromagnets. Secondly a control strategy of the network motion system constructed by micro actuator is shown. In the proposed network motion system, the total system consists of many force transmission lines and the superposition of the force signal propagated by each line acts on the end actuator. In this sense, the proposed motion control method is called Delay Superposition Method (DSM). Several experimental and numerical results are also shown to confirm the validity of the proposed method.
  • 大堀 隆文, 道見 忠範, 林 勇, 渡辺 一央
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1047-1056
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper proposes a new sequential perceptron, which is an improved version of the two-layered simple perceptron, and applies it to the on-line hand-written chinese character recognition problem.
    The basic idea of the sequential perceptron is as follows: The simple perceptron cannot classify the linearly non-separable pattern set which consists of several categories, but if the already classified categories are removed during learning process, some categories may become linearly separable and can be classified from the other categories.
    The sequential perceptron, during learning process, discriminates a locally and linearly separable category and removes it sequentially. During recognition process, it recognizes an unknown character by sequentially searching already learned and ordered characters.
    The proposed method can significantly improve the rate of learning and the rate of recognition for unknown data. It is verified by eighty kinds of on-line hand-written chinese characters recognition experiments.
  • 奥谷 巖
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1057-1064
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper develops simple and convenient methods of estimating the numerical value of psychological rating of a street space in a city center. More than twenty physical elements comprised in a street space are taken to describe the space condition in a mathematical way of expression. The measurement data of the elements were collected from more than two hundred street spaces. In order to obtain the data of psychological rating values several color pictures taken at each of the street paces were administered to a group of subjects with instruction to check categories which best indicated their degree of like or dislike for the space. Data from those category ratings were transformed in accordance with some scaling models to yield psychological scale values. Analyses were carried out by four multivariate statistical methods to obtain models which should estimate the psychological rating from measurements of the physical elements of the street space. The resulting models were applied to estimate the effect of improvement plans of some real streets to demonstrate that they can be of practical use.
  • 飛田 敏光, 藤野 篤哉, 米田 健治, 上島 孝明
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1065-1072
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    An elevator group supervisory control system is used to supervise multiple elevators, ensuring that they are operated efficiently. In a conventional system which adopts the viewpoint of improving service to passengers, occurrence of hall calls is supervised and a call is assigned to the optimum elevator in consideration of the entire service condition, thereby reducing average waiting time.
    Recently, requests by elevator users have focused not only on reducing average waiting time, but also on reducing riding time, the number of passengers, etc.
    This paper describes a new elevator supervisory control system which improves plural control objects (reducing waiting time, riding time, number of passengers, etc.), according to owners' or managers' requests.
    This system consists of a supervisory controller which supervises elevators, and support equipment. This support equipment receives' owners or managers' requests, and products a control method which satisfies the control objects by using an expert system, and estimates results by simulation.
  • 溝手 宗昭
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1073-1078
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The facial temperature alters in such cases as when a human plays exercises, when the ambient temperature changes, or when he feels psychological shock. I attempted to estimate the facial temperature change which was caused by psychological change in the human mind.
    In room temperature (between 22 and 26°C) facial temperature and heart rate of male students stretching a back muscle dynamometer and playing role in the psychodrama were measured by an infra-red camera. Subjects stretched the dynamometer as quickly and powerfully as possible, and held it for 10 seconds. And a trial was repeated five times every two minutes in an exercise. Facial temperature and heart rate of subjects increased while stretching the dynamometer. The facial temperature of most of the subjects decreased as the trial was repeated and the heart rate of subjects recovered soon after the exercise. But, in 3 of 10 subjects, the facial temperature increased gradually even after the stretching as the trial was repeated and their heart rate also increased. On the other hand, in the psychodrama, increased facial temperature of subjects who experienced psychological shock was kept high for more than 20 minutes. Then heart rate of subjects was not changed.
    I developed a system which estimated the human psychological change by calculating deviation from the mean in measured data.
  • 山口 亨, 吉田 光伸, 佐藤 宏, 美多 勉
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1079-1086
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    We propose a fuzzy associative memory system named Fuzzy Associative Memory Organizing Units System (FAMOUS) and show its usefulness for smulating human's training steps and human's association at helicopter control operations. FAMOUS has three features: 1) human friendly knowledge representation using fuzzy logic, 2) high ability for knowledge refining, 3) good inference results using association. The control knowledge is shown as the pair of “the condition (for example, the upper flying or the lower flying)” and “the operation (controller)” using fuzzy rule. The control knowledge is initially put into the fuzzy controller using FAMOUS. At the learning algorithm, each operation is individually trained under its condition, and the relationship between each condition and its operation is strengthened. FAMOUS recalls well-trained operations connection to the input condition, and controls a helicopter by synthesizing their operations. We actually apply FAMOUS to samall helicopter control, and show its usefulness.
  • 丁 路, 中岡 睦雄
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1087-1096
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper is concerned with an improved bidirectional zero-current switching (ZCS) quasiresonant type single-ended soft-switching mode DC-DC converter with a HF center-tapped transformer link and ZCS commutated diode rectifier which is capable of minimizing switching losses of a power device, its electrical stresses and electromagnetic interference (EMI/RFI) noises. This converter topology can efficiently operate under a simple frequency-regulation strategy in the ultrasonic frequency ranges.
    The advanced exact computer-aided simulating analysis of the new converter circuit is presented introducing the normalized frequency variable and circuit system parameters. The open-loop/closed-loop steady-state voltage regulation characteristics in a variable frequency-modulation mode are illustrated and discussed in the normalized general-purpose expressions in addition to the load variation performance.
    The feasible high-power density SMPS breadboard with a full-wave quasi-current resonant switch assembly using a single MOS-gate switching power semiconductor device is originally developed and investigated, which is optimally designed for a distributed low voltage large current power supply system. Its experimental results in the PFM control implementation are demonstrated as compared with the exact simulation ones from a practical point of view.
  • 村上 力
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1097-1102
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    A design method of a dynamic compensator for magnetic bearings levitating a spinning rigid rotor is proposed. The control strategy is to move the angular momentum vector to the spinning axis for nutation (short period mode) suppression and to move the vector to the central position of the stator for precession (long period mode) suppression. It is necessary to estimate the angular momentum vector. A simple estimation method is proposed here without using observer system or rate signals of attitude angles. Low pass filters are used to obtain low frequency compoments, which nearly equal the angular momentum vector, from the observed attitude signals. It is shown that phase lag effects of the filter can be compensated by cross-feedback, whose physical meaning is clarified by a block diagram of the total system including the dynamic compensator. Stability is discussed using root locus method. Several numerical simulation examples are given, showing effectiveness of the method.
  • 実成 義孝, 篠原 勝次, 入佐 俊幸
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1103-1111
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The voltage source inverter without DC link components does not have electrolytic capacitor and reactor (or resistor). The main circuit consists of inverter, rectifier and AC filter. The inverter is made from power MOSFET modules to use PWM control. The rectifier is the three phase bridge connections of 120° duration, and each diode has the antiparallel connected GTO for the reverse current flow path. The AC filter is indispensable in point of the switchings and the waveform of the source currents. The 1.5kW three phase induction motor is driven by this circuit.
    This paper describes the analytical method and the calculated results on the stability of this system. The DC link voltage of the inverter takes immediately the influence of the AC source voltages. The stability analysis is performed by means of state variable method in consideration of the AC source voltages. In the equation of the small displacement on the state variable from steady state, the stability is estimated by the dominant root in eigenvalues analysis. The stable and unstable characteristics with constant V/f control of induction motor are similar to the conventional voltage source inverter. An experimental result and the calculation of the step response are shown, and it is obtained that the analysis is reasonable.
  • 西方 正司, 川上 潤
    1991 年 111 巻 12 号 p. 1112-1113
    発行日: 1991/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー