For optimum design of photovoltaic power systems, it is very important to estimate their annual maximum amount of output. In general, the annual maximum amount of output has been calculated by using photovoltaic module efficiency under irradiance of 1kW/m
2 at AM 1.5 with solar cell temperature of 25°C. Since the spectral distribution of solar radiation changes with weather, season and time, the efficiency of solar cells is not always constant. This paper describs a method evaluating the maximum amount of output in photovoltaic modules, “the spectral method”, by using the measured annual spectral solar radiation and the spectral response of various photovoltaic modules.
The calculated values using the spectral method agreed well with the measured values for amorphous silicon photovoltaic modules from March, 1991 to February, 1992. The spectral method proved most effective for optimum design of amorphous silicon photovoltaic power systems.