Railway crossing are the weakest point in the railway system. In spite of various countermeasures taken most of fatal operational accidents have occurred. Therefore high priority is given to safety countermeasures. In an approach to safety problem from information science, the author has aimed to establish a mathematical model for analyzing complexed relation between accident and factors such as locality, transportation environment, crossing structure etc., and apply the model to safety management method.
This paper proposes a method which extracts accident factors by multivariate analysis i.e., a kind of statistical method, constructs a risk assessment model and calculates risk assessment indices, as well as simulation of equipment improvement, safety management system. It is universally available for not only general analysis of accident factors, but also risk assessment, proposal of countermeasure, and setting of priority of investigation on individual crossing. We are confident that we have established a consistent, effective safety (risk) management system. We have dealt with the crossing with relatively complete data as a recent urgent issue, but the method has generality for overall safety problem.