The Hokuriku Shinkansen line (from TAKASAKI to KANAZAWA) is driven by an AC traction system. A special feature of the line is its division into 50Hz and 60Hz power frequency sections. Each subsystem, such as a train traction system or signalling system, can function at the two power frequencies. However, the carrier frequencies of the track circuit for the existing “DS-ATC” (Digital communication & control for Shinkansen Automatic Train Control device) are tuned for electromagnetic compatibility with the harmonics of the 50Hz power frequency. Firstly, the track circuit frequencies were chosen. Secondly, the track circuit was designed. The accuracy of the track circuit constants and of the wayside cable characteristics was confirmed through direct measurements and from distribution diagrams of the absolute values of the signal voltage, current, and phase measured through experiments. Thirdly, the behavior of the devices was recorded over two months under the field conditions for operation in the Shinkansen section composed of insulated track circuits. All the parameters such as the shunting resistance, response time of train control, and signal amplitude and its fluctuation that indicate the maximum controllable field conditions for operation in the Shinkansen section track circuit length, SN ratio, BER (bit error rate), and interference with frequencies of existing signalling devices were confirmed to be suitable for the required conditions. Subsequently, the accuracy of the obtained data and the suitability of the method for designing the track circuit of an actual section were examined.