International Journal of Applied Informatics and Media Design
Online ISSN : 2758-7622
Print ISSN : 2758-8122
Current issue
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • Taishi Nemoto
    2024 Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages 3-16
    Published: April 30, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 09, 2024
    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly integrated into everyday life, with chatbots and similar technologies being widely used in fields such as business and education. However, existing AI systems often lack individuality and true human-like qualities. This study proposes a dictionary application designed to replicate the personality traits of historical figures through their recorded words. Focusing specifically on Jesus Christ, whose statements in the New Testament are extensively documented, we aim to create a saying database that captures his unique flavor—the distinct but intangible traits that define his personality. By analyzing and classifying these utterances, the application enables users to engage in pseudo-interactions that provide deeper insights into his multifaceted character. This research represents a fundamental step toward constructing artificial personalities that embody human-like traits, making the inner thoughts of individuals more visible and enhancing the development of human-centric AI applications.
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  • Yuka Kojima, Takayuki Fujimoto
    2024 Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages 17-26
    Published: April 30, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 09, 2024
    Words formed by Japanese ideophones evoke various situations or movements through sound. In Japan, ideophone is used not only in daily conversation but also in various other situations. Ideophone is used frequently in Manga, which are comics popular in Japanese culture, and it plays a significant role. In short, understanding ideophone is integral to the enjoyment of Japanese Manga. However, it is hard for non-Japanese people who are not familiar with the Japanese language to understand the Japanese ideophones and their unique, sensory word-feel. Therefore, in this study, we developed a system to experience Manga ideophones visually and auditorily. The visual component adds movement to the letters of the ideophones, and the audio function allows the user to hear the actual sound it represents by clicking on it. Through this audio-visual system, users can recognize the presence of Manga ideophones and understand its meaning without having to use Japanese.
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  • Takayuki Fujimoto, Yusuke Sugita
    2024 Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages 27-37
    Published: April 30, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 29, 2024
    This paper presents a prototype application for three-dimensional virtual graffiti based on the concept of eXteded Intelligence (XI/ EI). Often positioned as an illegitimate art form, street art such as graffiti and tagging has become an artistic activity with high artistic acclaim and popular appeal. This is evident in the fact that the works of artists such as Basquiat and Banksy, who emerged from Street Art, are today sold for some of the highest prices. Therefore, this paper presents the possibility of digitizing street art such as graffiti in a three-dimensional virtual space as a new artistic method, which is legitimate and is also able to extend the expressive potential of existing street art. In particular, by introducing the ideas and methods of augmented intelligence, we will pioneer a completely new approach and expression of street art.
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  • Shogo Maeda
    2024 Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages 38-45
    Published: December 30, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2025
    In particular to the sports world, recently it has become clear that the use of social networking applications has negative effects on top athletes, such as increased mental fatigue and decreased quality of performance. However, quite many top athletes use social media because it allows them to disseminate information directly to sports media and fans. In this sense, social media is something critical for modern top athletes. Ego-searching is a search that a person or a company conducts on the Internet to find out what people in society think of them. The search is specifically essential for celebrities who earn money depending on their own popularity. Ego-searching in the age of social networking, where anyone can easily transmit information, have both advantages and disadvantages. From the perspective as athletes, the disadvantages have greater impact. However, athletes cannot stop ego-searching, perhaps because they are concerned about what others think of them to check personal reputation. To solve this issue, this study proposes an application that pairs the athlete’s smartphone with the coach's (or other devices)so that the coach can support the athlete.
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