In particular to the sports world, recently it has become clear that the use of social networking applications has negative effects on top athletes, such as increased mental fatigue and decreased quality of performance. However, quite many top athletes use social media because it allows them to disseminate information directly to sports media and fans. In this sense, social media is something critical for modern top athletes. Ego-searching is a search that a person or a company conducts on the Internet to find out what people in society think of them. The search is specifically essential for celebrities who earn money depending on their own popularity. Ego-searching in the age of social networking, where anyone can easily transmit information, have both advantages and disadvantages. From the perspective as athletes, the disadvantages have greater impact. However, athletes cannot stop ego-searching, perhaps because they are concerned about what others think of them to check personal reputation. To solve this issue, this study proposes an application that pairs the athlete’s smartphone with the coach's (or other devices)so that the coach can support the athlete.
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