International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems
Online ISSN : 2188-2460
Print ISSN : 1884-2089
ISSN-L : 1884-2089
Volume 13, Issue 1
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Huang YING, Nobuyuki MINATO, Florence Ng Ji YUN
    Article type: research-article
    2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
    Published: December 31, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 10, 2022
    User experience (UX) refers to the users' experience during the consumption or usage of a product or service. With the increasing dependence of users on mobile applications (apps) for travel management, travel agencies provide travelers with a good customer experience in travel-related activities such as searching, evaluation, and booking. This study aims to examine the differences in user expectations for travel apps by presenting a quantitative evaluation model of the UX. Data were collected using a survey of 243 travel app users and analyzed using principal component analysis. This step was followed by the construction of scatter plots using the principal component scoring tendency. Preferences for UX design based on user attributes, such as gender, occupation, and age, were visualized using relation graphs. The results show that older users prioritized interaction experiences more than younger users, and workers preferred security experiences more than student users. Women within the age group of 31–50 were more concerned about the visual experience, while men focused on the information experience. These findings have important implications in improving the UX design of travel apps, as they provide information on which UX design elements to emphasize for different target users.
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  • Hiroto SOGA
    Article type: research-article
    2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 9-14
    Published: December 31, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 10, 2022

    This study explores the factors affecting Incoterms selection based on statistical analysis. Specifically, it focuses on free on board; cost and freight; and cost, insurance, and freight; and considers the impact of firm characteristics and trust in transaction partners on the selection of Incoterms using 2020 “sell” data from Trade Tie-up Promotion Program. The variables affecting the selection in this analysis are nationality of exporter, industry, nationality of importer, international experience, and using letter of credit. The results of multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis, following chi-square testing, show that industry, nationality of exporter, nationality of importer, and international experience are the main factors that affect the selection of Incoterms. Therefore, this study shows that firm characteristics, which were not considered in prior studies, are important factors in this context. In particular, the identified factors are useful for firms with little international trade experience in selecting Incoterms rules.

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  • Nobuyuki KOBAYASHI, Mikiko NAKADA, Seiko SHIRASAKA
    Article type: research-article
    2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 15-24
    Published: December 31, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 10, 2022

    In an enterprise, designing system-of-systems (SoS) is required to assume and clarify each organizationspecific viewpoint for the SoS, in order to solve problems within their budgets and benefit. The previous study suggests that designing the IT system as to achieve different purposes depending on the various positions is difficult. To solve the above problems includes two difficulties which must solve at least. One difficulty is that if the organizations do not have enough conversation among organizations, the organizations cannot reduce the range of what we do now know the ‘unknown unknowns'. Another difficulty is that to achieve two (or more) purposes at the same time. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reduce misunderstanding at the time of SoS design in different positions that have each different purpose, in order simultaneously to achieve the purposes of SoSs which have different boundaries defining as SoS for each organization. We will propose a design method which assumes the purpose of this study, includes steps to make it that can commonize design by two positions. To evaluate the proposed method, we actually applied the proposed method to the processes for the order for sales and the maintenance for the product in the manufacturing industry.

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  • Takeshi MORI, Nobuyuki KOBAYASHI
    Article type: research-article
    2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 25-33
    Published: December 31, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 10, 2022

    In corporate management with high uncertainty, management of new value creation and human resource development are important. We propose "Virtual Hollywood activity"(VHA) and evaluate its effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to show that employees voluntarily work on value creation in VHA and grow up themselves. "Virtual Hollywood activity” is a scheme for employees to develop voluntary activities to create value. In this activity, employees who identify a problem propose a solution, gather a group of people who agree with the proposal and develop a voluntary activity to create value. We will evaluate using the results of the All Nippon Airways (ANA) Groups' over 15 years (2004-2018) and the questionnaire conducted in 2015. We will use the open coding to analyze the comments in the free description section in the questionnaire. In evaluation and analysis, we found there are many employees who voluntarily participate in their own private time and participate frequently. Participants gain contacts with the outside, good colleague, wide field of view, motivation up, sense of accomplishment, self-growth and self-fulfillment. It seems that these were intangible incentives that participants gained through the "Virtual Hollywood activity”. We will conclude that the "Virtual Hollywood activity" is effective for participants to voluntarily work on value creation. Finally, this study concludes with future research topics.

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    Article type: research-article
    2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 35-48
    Published: December 31, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: January 10, 2022

    Theory of change approach is a comprehensive illustration of how activities, undertaken by an intervention, are intended to function and empirically evaluate whether and how they achieve their ultimate intended outcomes. Theory of Change (ToC) has, to date, been widely used as an evaluation tool for Comprehensive Community Initiatives, and this study aims at exploring its application to research on female empowerment-based Comprehensive Community initiatives. The study presents a theory of change, based on a model proposed by the authors, to evaluate the role of rural women's social inclusion as one of the key factors contributing to the success of a single Comprehensive Community initiative in Egypt. The lessons learned from this success story can be put forward as a possible solution to curb the economic challenges caused by COVID-19. A case study was conducted in a small village in Egypt through the use of observation, interviews, and secondary data. Findings indicated four key interventions facilitated the inclusion of rural women, contributed to the success of the development plan, and helped the village overcome the challenges caused by COVID-19. Those interventions being; over-coming gender stereotyping, focusing on up-skilling, re-skilling; through mass on-the-job training programs, and selfsufficiency.

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