"Structure and Function of the Human Body (Anatomy and Physiology)" is a basic subject for medical professionals, but many students have difficulty with it. The question of how to make knowledge of the subject take root and be converted into skills is a source of concern for teachers. Here, I 1) analyzed the use of Gagné’s nine events of instruction in lectures; 2) emphasized ways of relating to students and asking "loose" questions (pair-works and structured-group encounters (SGE)) by using a career counseling approach to lectures to promote job understanding; and 3) performed group work describing organs and blood vessels on a "diagrams of the body". However, with the expansion of COVID-19 infection starting in FY 2020, the need arose to distance-teach Structure and Function of the Human Body. With "student engagement" in mind, the application of 1), 2), or 3) produced significant improvements in final exam marks, and the online use of Google Classroom produced marks that were equal to those produced by 1). Additionally, I have used XR(VR/AR.MR) teaching materials and VR spaces to lecture the subject. I intend also to report the results of studies currently under way of the use of them.