Industrial Health
Online ISSN : 1880-8026
Print ISSN : 0019-8366
ISSN-L : 0019-8366
Volume 1, Issue 1
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Shigeo KOIKE, Yoshiaki NIIYAMA, Juichi KATO, Toshio KAKIZAKI, Ayako KO ...
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 1-11
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    The hemodynamic responses and metabolic changes were examined in 13 healthy malestudents on the passive tilting from recumbency to 60°, 75° and 90° or vice versa, re-spectively. Abrupt increase of heart rate was observed by cardiotachograph on each ofpostural change. The average per cent increase in heart rate was about 50% as comparedwith that of recumbent, however, no significant difference was observed among each angle.Systolic pressure fell 15 mm Hg on tilting, but diastolic pressure remained at about thesame level.
    Urinary output of catecholamine, particularly of noradrenaline, increased markedly.The increased noradrenaline excretion may be attributed to the vasoconstriction, whichwas inferred from the reduction of amplitude in volume pulse in the big toe and from thefall in skin temperature. The rise of rectal temperature on tilting from recumbency totilt position may be attributed to both the decrease of heat loss through vasoconstrictionand the increase of heat production.
    On tilting urine volume and urinary output of sodium and chloride decreased, whilelittle change was observed in potassium excretion.
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    Taichi NAKAJIMA, Shigeko KUSUMOTO
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 12-19
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    For the study on the mechanism of methemoglobinaemia in the industrial poisoning due to the aromatic nitro and amino derivatives, AP and DP, were used in our study, because they are the main intermediates in the organism. The authors have found previously that metHb was formed in the red blood cell by incubating it with AP or DP, and that, furthermore, oxygen uptake was occured during the incubation. Lately, it was proved that oxygen uptake was truly caused by the interaction between AP or DP and Hb in the red cell. Accordingly, the following study was made to elucidate the mechanism of the metHb forming reaction of AP or DP by using crystallized Hb. In this paper, the follow- ing results are reported. MetHb was formed by ortho and para isomers of AP or DP. Those were the same as the substances which were previously reported to produce their quinone bodies autoxidatively or catalytically by the Hb. It was suggested that the mechanism of metHb formation by AP or DP was different from by other popular metHb formers such as ferricyanide and nitrite. Unexpectedly, the reducing action of AP or DP was found when added into the Hb solution containing high amount of metHb. Moreover, as the perturbation of Hb in the reaction mixture was proved in this study, the mecha-nism of metHb formation by AP or DP is concluded as follows. The quinone bodies of P or DP are produced by the oxidase action of Hb perturbed by AP or DP, then, those quinones act on Hb molecule and form metHb.
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    Hiromichi HASEGAWA, Mitsuo SATO
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 20-27
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    In the previous paper1), we have assumed that nitrite ion was not produced from nitro-glycol in vivo, and that methemoglobin found in the blood of rabbits injected with nitro-glycol was formed by the action of nitroglycol, but not by nitrite. In this paper, thisassumption was ascertained. When rabbit received nitroglycol subcutaneously, a largeamount of free nitroglycol was found in the blood immediately after the injection. Theamount of methemoglobin found in the blood was in parallel with the amount of freenitroglycol in the blood. As a metabolic product of nitroglycol, nitrate ion was detectedin the blood, but nitrite was not. When nitroglycol was injected daily, the rate of nitrateproduction increased day after day. This phenomenon was interpreted as being due tothe increment of nitroglycol hydrolyzing enzyme.
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  • Kimiko KOSHI
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 28-36
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    Effect of two sorts of quartz particles with different surfaces on some cellular systems was studied.
    Two handred micrograms of quartz particles were added to 5 million monocytes in Tyrode's solution and the cells were incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. Estimated value of the tetrazolium reducing capacity of monocytes showed after incubation constantly 50% inhibi-tion by adding NaOH treated quartz, while it was not effected by ground for 100 hours.
    Succinoxidase activity, endogeneus respiration, tetrazolium reducing capacity of liver homogenate and succinoxidase activity of liver mitchondria were not affected by two sorts of quartz dusts.
    Ehrlich ascites tumor cells did not phagocytose both of these quartz particles and no inhibitory effect was estimated with tetrazolium reducing capacity and cell counting.
    Phagocytic potency of polymorphonuclear leucocyte was less than that of monocyte was faster than that of polymorphonuclear cells.
    From above results, it may be assumed that the toxic action of quartz particles is specific to phagocytic cells and the monocyte is damaged after phagocytosis of quartz particles.
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  • Hisato HAYASHI
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-46
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    This paper describes X-ray diffraction or infrared absorption methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of mineral dusts in the lungs. The worker's lungs were treated with hydrogen peroxide solution to obtain the dusts free from organic substance. In order to obtain the precise information on the mineral composition from the very small amount of dust, X-ray diffraction analysis was used together with heat and chemical treatment. For the quantitative study of mineral dusts in lung, both X-ray diffraction and infrared analysis were used. Combined use of these two methods was proved to be very effective as the shortcomings of each method may be compensated each other. The procedure for the determination of minerals of dust in the lung was proposed.
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  • Yukiko OHTA
    1963 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 47-55
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2008
    Injurious effect of Blasticidin-S, the agricultural antibiotic effective against Piricurariaorizae, discovered in Japan was investigated in the production plant. The result of this investigation was reported and discussion was made on its protective measures. Blasticidin-S, causes very severe, acute inflammation on the mucous membrane and epidermis exposed to the antibiotic. Among the injurious effects of Blasticidin-S, some marked symptoms in the eyes, intestines, and skin were described. Results of investigations on subjective symptoms of the whole workers were listed and adverse effect of Blasticidin-S against human body was clarified. Measures against these injuries include, first, the prevention of. contact with the antibiotic and then prevention of continuous exposure, when the worker is likely to be in contact with Blasticidin-S in minute amounts. These measures were found to lessen the degree of injury. Any injuries that have occurred have been alleviated by administration of antiinflammatory hormone and antibiotics. This seems tosuggest measures against future injuries.
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