The chemical species of arsenic in the hair, blood and urine of workers exposed to the dust of arsenic trioxide were studied.
The total arsenic concentration in the hair of the workers was very high, and analysis of the arsenic compounds for chemical species showed that inorganic arsenate accounted for the major portion. These arsenic compounds seemed to have been attached externally to the hair.
The arsenic concentration in the blood was 3 to 4 times as high as the control value, and analysis of the arsenic compounds for chemical species indicated slight increases in inorganic arsenite and arsenate.
The arsenic outputs in the urine of workers exposed to a high concentration dust of arsenic trioxide and those (As
3+) in the urine of workers exposed to a low con-centration dust were comparatively studied. The arsenite (As
+3) output in the urine of workers exposed to the high concentration dust was significantly greater than that in the urine of workers exposed to the low concentration dust, while no significant difference was noted in dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) output between the 2 groups.
This study demonstrated that the urinary output of inorganic arsenite (As
3+) increase in the subjects exposed to arsenic trioxide.
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