An alternative vapor was explored to replace carbon tetrachloride (CCl
4) for testing breakthrough times of cartridges and canisters of gas masks in the National Approval Test of Respirators. Cyclohexane was single out as a candidate for the alternative vapor out of six vapors: trichloroethylene, n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, toluene and cyclohexane from the viewpoints of similarity of vapor pressure and water-solubility to CCl
4, lower toxicity than CCl
4, and technical feasibility in generating an airflow of 30 L/min containing the vapor ranging from 300 to 5000 ppm. Breakthrough times of cartridges and canisters were examined by generating cyclohexane vapor in a test airflow of 30 L/min in comparison with CCl
4 vapor under various test conditions with different vapor concentrations and relative humidities (RH). As the results, the breakthrough times of the cartridges and canisters for cyclohexane were found to almost coincide with those for CCl
4 under all examined range of concentrations and RH. By an increase of humidity from 50%RH to 80%RH, the cartridges showed significant shortening of breakthrough times for both of CCl
4 and cyclohexane, but the susceptibility of the breakthrough time of cyclohexane to humidity was also similar to that of CCl
4. It was, therefore, concluded that cyclohexane can be recommended as the alternative vapor of CCl
4 for testing the breakthrough times of gas mask cartridges and canisters in the National Approval Test.
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