Psychosocial safety climate (PSC) is defined as the corporate climate in relation to employees’ perceptions of organizational policies, procedures, and practices for the protection of employee psychosocial safety and well-being. The present study was based on the Demand-Induced Strain Compensation (DISC) Model and proposed that the interplay between identical job demands and resources would be conditioned by PSC. Particularly, high levels of PSC would enable employees to optimally perceive and utilize more job resources in dealing with corresponding job demands. A study was conducted among 406 Chinese workers from various occupational sectors. The findings of hierarchical regression analyses suggested that PSC a) mitigates the negative relation between emotional resources and exhaustion, b) enhances the positive relation between emotional resources and work engagement, and c) mitigates the negative relation between emotional demands and work engagement. We also found that PSC is a compensatory factor for low cognitive resources and demands encouraging high work engagement. Although we did not find the proposed three-way interactions, the present findings support the idea that high PSC is a fundamental contextual factor conducive to workers’ health and well-being, especially in perceiving and obtaining emotional resources.
Asbestos, especially chrysotile, continues to be exposed to humans globally. Hence, it should be disposed properly to prevent asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. This study aimed to verify whether forsterite, a heating product of chrysotile, can cause carcinogenicity, particularly mesothelioma. Forsterite (FO-1000) and enstatite (EN-1500) produced by heating chrysotile at 1,000°C and 1,500°C, respectively, were subjected. We injected 10 mg of chrysotile, FO-1000, or EN-1500 in rats intraperitoneally and observed the development of peritoneal mesothelioma until 24 months. The incidence of peritoneal mesothelioma in the chrysotile group was 91.2%, whereas in the FO-1000 and EN-1500 groups, peritoneal mesothelioma did not develop. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine and serum N-ERC/mesothelin concentrations significantly increased in the chrysotile group that developed peritoneal mesothelioma, while they only temporarily changed in the FO-1000 or EN-1500 groups during early treatment. Furthermore, there was a significant homozygous deletion of the CDKN2A/p16 gene in the chrysotile group compared to the control group, in contrast to no significant difference in the FO-1000 and EN-1500 groups. Therefore, this study provides clear evidence that forsterite is a nonmesothelioma carcinogen and suggests that forsterite and enstatite are sufficient substances for chrysotile detoxification.
Presenteeism has been noted to be associated with cognitive factors of pain, such as pain catastrophizing (PC) and pain self-efficacy (PS). Pain perception differs by gender, so it is important to consider gender differences when examining the association between cognitive factors of pain and presenteeism. This study aimed to examine the association between presenteeism and cognitive factors of pain, taking gender differences into account. A cross-sectional survey of 305 workers was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire that included items on pain status, PC, PS, and work performance. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to test whether PC and PS independently influence presenteeism, separately for men and women. Logistic regression analysis showed that PC was extracted in men, and the group with severe PC had higher odds of presenteeism (odds ratio 6.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.83–23.40). Contrarily, PS was extracted in women, with higher odds of presenteeism in the moderate (odds ratio 2.54, 95% CI 1.01–6.39) and low (odds ratio 5.43, 95% CI 1.31–22.50) PS groups than in the high PS. This study showed that the cognitive factors of pain related to presenteeism may differ by gender.
This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the Overwork Climate Scale. Japanese workers were invited to participate in online surveys at baseline and 1-month follow-up. The Overwork Climate Scale was translated into Japanese, according to international guidelines. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), while structural validity was evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Psychological job demands, work engagement, psychological safety, and workaholism were assessed for convergent validity. The number of respondents was 302 at baseline and 169 at follow-up. Results indicated robust Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.86 (for overwork endorsement) and 0.80 (for lacking overwork reward) at baseline, complemented by ICC of 0.89 and 0.82, respectively. CFA confirmed the suitability of the two-factor model. Moreover, the Japanese Overwork Climate Scale exhibited significant correlations with anticipated constructs. Structural equation modeling revealed a consistent association between overwork climate and both workaholism and work engagement, similar to the original version. In conclusion, the Japanese version of the Overwork Climate Scale demonstrates acceptable levels of reliability and validity, warranting its potential adoption among Japanese workers.
Workplace violence is a significant problem in industry, especially among rank-and-file workers, known as “blue-collar workers”. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to evaluate the suitability of the reduced Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) as an instrument to measure workplace violence in this type of population and synthesize the results of studies that have used it in different industrial sectors. A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA 2020 statement. Publications describing populations of industrial workers were identified and included in the meta-analysis. For meta-analysis, we extracted data that allowed us to estimate the effect size of the included studies. We used a random-effects model to estimate the overall effect size and assessed heterogeneity between studies using the I2 statistic. The global effect size test showed that the overall effect size was significantly different from zero (3.00, t=22.28, p<0.001), indicating an overall effect in relation to workplace violence measured by the NAQ-R in industrial workers. Our results support the claim that the NAQ-R is an effective tool for assessing workplace violence among industrial workers. These findings have important implications for practitioners and researchers working in the field of industrial psychology and occupational health.
To investigate factors contributing to the mental health of Vietnamese technical intern trainees in the food manufacturing industry, a questionnaire survey was conducted twice with a six-month interval. A total of 111 technical trainees who participated in two surveys were included in the analysis. We used a mixed-effects model, where items with statistically significant associations in the univariate analysis were fixed effects, factories were random effects, and the outcome was defined as the K6 score at follow-up. The mean K6 score increased from 3.13 (SD 3.5) at baseline to 3.86 (SD 4.1) at follow-up, with 26.1% and 34.2% exhibiting poor mental health (K6 ≥5) at baseline and follow-up, respectively. Insomnia and years of training experience were significantly associated with the K6 score at follow-up. Those with insomnia had significantly higher K6 score at follow-up. Compared to the first year of training, K6 score at follow-up increased significantly for training in their third year or more. It is important to understand the sleeping conditions of trainees and support them based on their years of training experience.
Presenteeism, among desk workers with pain can be affected by musculoskeletal disabilities (MSDs), working styles, and gender. In this study, teleworkers were defined as those who teleworked >70% of the time at home, while others were defined as non-full teleworkers. This study aimed to (1) compare the magnitude of presenteeism among four groups: male and female teleworkers with pain and male and female non-full teleworkers with pain, and (2) create a regression model of presenteeism with 66 independent biopsychosocial variables for each group. Data were collected through an anonymous online survey. Presenteeism was evaluated using the work functioning impairment scale. The 66 independent biopsychosocial variables included four disability measures, namely, stiff neck/shoulders, low back pain, and upper or lower limb problems, along with other factors relevant to presenteeism in previous studies, such as age, body mass index, comorbidities, work-related variables, pain catastrophizing, and various psychological distress measures. Data from 1,068 male non-full teleworkers, 1,043 female non-full teleworkers, 282 male teleworkers, and 307 female teleworkers were analyzed. Presenteeism was the highest among female teleworkers with pain. Furthermore, in all models, overall psychological distress, rather than the four MSD measures, was the primary contributing factor for presenteeism.
We aimed to investigate the associations of working hour characteristics based on the international and local definitions with sickness absence (SA) among airport security personnel. The payroll-based registry data of daily working hours for 2016–2019 at one airport was limited to those with ≥30 work shifts in a year (n=377–687 employees). The conditional Poisson model for incidence rate ratios (IRR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was used for analyses. Based on the international definitions, only a few associations were found: each one-unit increase in weekly working hours and the number of consecutive working days were associated with a lower likelihood of SA. The local definitions were more consistently associated with SA: Each one-unit increase in shift length and time between shifts, higher variation in shift length, and the number of consecutive evening and night shifts were associated with a higher likelihood of SA. To conclude, especially the local definitions of working hour characteristics seem to be important limits for short SA. Thus, high variability of shift lengths and prolonged shifts could be avoided to reduce the risk of SA. Overall, keeping the working hours within any of the recommendations among airport security personnel could support well-being and health.
This article aims to provide a historical overview of how workplace safety and health legislations in Singapore and Japan have evolved, and perform a comparative analysis of the occupational health systems where work-related medical examinations and health screening are concerned. The discourse is centered on three key themes—coverage, comprehensiveness, and continuity of care. The comparative analysis was performed based on secondary data obtained from open-source platforms. Singapore and Japan have robust workplace safety and health legislative frameworks and laws. However, their approaches diverge because of differing socioeconomic and political contexts. Japan’s regulations are generally more comprehensive, require more frequent monitoring of workers’ health status, and encompass both physical and mental health components. Singaporean companies focus primarily on the physical component of health, and statutory examinations are required only for exposure to specific occupational hazards. With increasing prominence of mental health issues and shift towards preventive care in Singapore, there will be greater emphasis on a holistic approach to each employee’s overall health in future. For Japan, the challenge would be to strike a balance between long-term sustainability of current policies against the need for state and corporations to still retain an adequate stake in ensuring workers’ overall health.