Many adaptive control schemes have been proposed for the systems whose parameters and time delays are unknown. Especially, from the simplicity of the control structure, self-tuning control (STC) schemes have been widely studied.
In this paper, a STC scheme based on the minimum variance control (MVC) method is proposed for the nonminimum phase and/or unknown time delay systems, considering an augmented system equipped with a feedforward compensator on a parallel to the system. Since the poles of the closed-loop system constructed by the proposed method can be assigned arbitrarily, the good performance can be obtained relatively easily. Moreover, it is shown that the closed-loop system can be interpreted as a system constructed by the generalized minimum variance control (GMVC) method, or as a system equipped with a local feedback compensator like a Smith predictor. Finally, a numerical example and an example applied to an experimental plant are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.