China accelerates banking system reforming as it features amongst the fastest-growing emerging economies in the world. This paper helps to detect the effects of reform by analyzing the cost efficiency of Chinese banks through using an unbalanced panel data of this growth taken from the years 2002 to 2009. We assess the bank cost efficiency of both absolute values and relative values by SFA. The results of SFA show that the cost efficiency ranks of both the bank individuals and the bank categories. The bank individuals with the highest relative cost efficiency are the China Development Bank(CDB), a policy bank, and the Industrial Bank(IB), a jointstock bank. The least cost efficient banks are the Agricultural Bank of China(ABC), the China Bohai Bank (CBB), and the Bank of China(BOC), two of which are large state-owned commercial banks. Coinciding with previous research, the category of the state-owned commercial banks has the least cost efficiency across three sample groups. The most efficient category, however, is the policy bank group, which is a result that runs contrary to the bulk of literatures. Factor analysis panel regression results illustrate that total assets expansion, non-performing loans (NPLs)dispatching, and state ownership have significant effects on bank cost efficiency.