This paper addresses questions regarding the new role of the university in the knowledge society, the kinds of transformations we can observe in the university, and how the university can change to cope with an emerging knowledge society.
Innovation led by an exchange of knowledge is essential in the evolution of a knowledge society. The university is a principal producer of knowledge in Japanese innovation. Therefore, the university is a driving force behind the knowledge society. Such a society demands that the university proactively produce, transmit, and transfer knowledge. The university must also increasingly interact with society. These new social demands force a reconfiguration of university activities and organization.
As for university research, this paper points out that Mode 2 knowledge production is going to prevail over the traditional Mode 1. For example, university-based spin-off firms now exist and words like academic entrepreneur and entrepreneurial university are not metaphorical expressions, but expressions simply describing the actual current state of university affairs.
Certificate programs offered by both private firms and universities provide an example of educational reconfiguration. The existence of these programs implies that there is an overlay in the training provided by higher education and provite industry needed for the knowledge society . Furthermore, the paper points out that certificate programs are now typical in university education. While traditional modes of higher education have been systematically organized based upon academic disciplines, new modes are organized around specific skills provided in modules.
As for organizational issues, boundaries between the university and society, and within the university itself, have been transformed. University and industry relationships have brought about various types of new organizations such as spin-offs, TLOs, science parks, and so on, which blur the lines between the university and industry. At the same time, internal university structures are going to be altered. Such changes in university settings demand a re-articulation of the relationship between the university and society in order to move forward.