Online ISSN : 2185-8888
Print ISSN : 0287-5330
ISSN-L : 0287-5330
9 巻, 1 号
  • 樋口 康子
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 1-10
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the purpose of searching for the alternative and the frameworks possibly given for the creation of nursing science, the history of science from 6th to 19th centuries was briefly reviewed. In the review of the science history, objectives of science was defined: to find out the entire as well as detail existence of the nature; to clarify the principle and function connected with the nature; and to describe and explain phenomena as well as laws connected with the nature. In the review of the special features attached to the modren science, it was pointed out that up to the present the major scientific attepts were limited in the sphere of materialistic phenomena, somewhat physically obserbable and countable, and the methods and procedures used by the modern science were very effective for generralization of the phenomena and finding the general principles and laws related the nature. The weakpoints of the modern science, however, may be found in dealing with a particular individual of human beings, especialy in dealing with quality of his/her health conditions.
    Nursing is a science which deals with health conditions of a particular individual, not only those quantity matters, but also those quality matters. Nursing Science intends to observe and investigate a particular human being at his/her full individuality, and tries to find out a most effective way of caring that particular individual. Nursing Science may be required to take consideration into particular conditions and phenomena emerged in a certain individual, even though they had been ignored by the modern science for its generalization. In that regard, the task of the Nursing Science is to pick up individual phnomenon already abandoned by the traditional as well as the modern sciences.
    In order to pick up everything connected with health conditions of a particular human being, what kind of scientific approaches shall be adapted by Nursing Science? What alternatives other than the modern science does Nursing Science have? What type of science does Nursing Science intends to build? Which direction does Nursing as a newly born science intend to develop?
    These are questions raised, and it was suggested that for a newly born Nursing Science it is necessary to begin its scientific efforts from building the basic foundation of science, that is, to observe every phenomena related with a particular living object and to describe everything observed and noted as it is alive. These simple but steady scientific efforts are taken by J. H. Fabre and G. White, and their works set the basis for the development of the modren biological science. Any science has its own developmental stages and the modern science are the results of the developments achived by step by step efforts. You can not skip the ground works of observation and collecting data. You can not junp into theoretical conclusion of generalization without steady efforts of picking up and describing each of a particular object painfully observed. Science does require a series of methodological procedures and a certain trainings in respect of knowledge and skills. In this regard, Nursing Science is just newly born, and it needs the basic trainings of science. It is too early for Nursing Science to jump into theoretical conclusions. Nursing Science does need the ground works of observation and description, and collections of data and information regarding everything related with health conditions of human beings. Without these basic trainings and works, you can not generalize nursing facts and phenomena.
    To build the ground works of Nursing Science, it was suggested to carry out: 1) the trainings of observation skills to see the nature objectly, in particular, to watch living objects vividly as they are alive; 2) the trainings of description skills in order to be able to describe the nursing phenomena, with the necessary skills required for preciseness, specification, summarization and noting of points;
  • 母親を中心に
    広瀬 たい子, 上田 礼子
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 11-20
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    障害児の母親が, 育児を通して障害児を受容する過程, その過程において受容の節目となる時期 (crisis period), また, 母親の受容と育児を支えた重要な人物, および援助の内容を知ることを目的とした. 対象は, 22~29才の脳性麻痺者の母親28名であり, 家庭訪問よる面接調査を実施し, retrospective methodで回答を得た.
    結果:(1) 多くの母親は乳児期に子どもの障害に気づき, 3才までに脳性麻痺の診断を受けていた. 診断時の反応は, 悲観型, 楽観型, 冷静型に大別された.(2) 障害の受容過程において, 特に乳児期が重要であった. しかし, その後も母親は多くの問題に当面しており, crisis periodは成長, 発達過程を通じて存続していることが示唆された.(3) 母親の受容を支える最も重要な存在は父親であり, ついで同じ障害を持つ母親であることが明らかになった. 父親は, 母親を主に精神的に支え, 育児, 家事, 介護の手伝いなどの援助も行っていた.
  • 経皮的血液ガスモニターを用いた努力呼吸法の検討
    井上 智子, 佐藤 禮子, 雄西 智恵美, 武田 祐子, 石黒 義彦
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 21-30
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    手術患者の個別呼吸練習プログラム作成の基礎資料とするため, 経皮的血液ガスモニターを用い成人女子健常者10名を対象として, 努力呼吸法 (Incentive Spirometry) の呼吸,循環への影響を検討した.
    その結果, 1) tcPO2は, 呼吸練習直後より上昇し, 終了後数秒から1分以内に最高値に達したあと急激に低下し, 安静時に比べ10-20mm Hg 下降した. 2) tcPCO2は, 呼吸練習直後より下降し (10mm Hg以内), 練習後も安静時値よりの上昇はほとんど無かった. 3) 循環への影響は, PRP増加率が練習直後で10%以内で, 終了5分後には安静時値へ戻った. 4) ISは深呼吸に比べ, 循環器系への影響が少なく, 練習意欲の面からも効果的と言える. 5) 経皮的血液ガスモニターは, 手術患者の呼吸練習の評価器具として適している, などが明らかになった.
  • 石井 智香子, 南沢 汎美
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 31-40
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    仰臥位の保持による生体への影響を心拍・呼吸・自覚的苦痛に注目して調べた. 健康な成人女子5名を対象とし畳の上で2時間同一の仰臥位を保持させた. この間連続的に心拍を測定し呼吸曲線を記録すると共に, 仰臥保持に伴う苦痛を一定の基準に則って訴えさせた. 心拍・呼吸の測定にはテレメータ装置を用い, 被験者の仰臥位保持条件を乱さない為に室外で記録した. 呼吸曲線から呼吸数を知る一方, 曲線のリズムが乱れた特異呼吸に注目しその出現頻度を経時的に調べると共に, 心電図R-R間隔から30分毎に2分間ずつその変動係数 (CV) を求めた. 仰臥保持時間の経過と共に苦痛の訴えはいずれの被験者でも次第に増加した. 心拍数は仰臥保持後30分間は次第に減少し以後一定の安定した値となり苦痛の増大とは無関係であった. CVは仰臥保持により増大する傾向であった. 呼吸数の変化は被験者毎に特性があり共通の変化傾向は認められなかった. しかし特異呼吸の出現はいずれの被験者においても時間経過と共に増大しこの様相は苦痛の訴えの数の変化と相関を示した. 特異呼吸の出現即ち安定した呼吸の乱れを観察することは自覚的な苦痛の程度を客観的に知るよい手掛かりになると推測される.
  • 川島 みどり
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 41-44
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー