In this study, we measured the eye movements of 35 Grade 6 students, 21 elementary school teachers, and 16 art education professionals as they viewed the images drawn by elementary school students. By using data analysis methods used in the field of ergonomics, we combined the perspectives of art pedagogy and ergonomics in our study. Specifically, we analyzed the gaze fixation, variance of the distance from the center of gravity of the viewpoint coordinate group to each viewpoint coordinate group, and the amount of gaze movement. Results showed differences mainly in the eye movements between students and teachers and between students and experts. This result is assumed to derive from the knowledge that teachers have about education in general and that experts have about art education. However, there were many more cases of differences between students and teachers or between students and experts than between teachers and experts. Therefore, we need to reconsider the viewpoint of students as creators when thinking about the kind of teaching and evaluation that closely reflects the situation of students in arts and crafts classes.
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