Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
51 巻, 1 号
  • 鯨 幸夫, 神田 巳季男
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 1-7
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    前報では, 地下部生理活性の指標の一つとして, 根のα-NA酸化力を定量し, かつ, 乾物生産の分配率をも考慮した形で, 個体の生長を解析するという考え方を提起し, Root Growth Analysisと呼んだ. この中で, Root Activity/RwをURA (Unit Root Activity), Rw/PwをRWR (Root Weight Ratio), (1/Root activlty)・(dPw/dt)をRAR (Root assimilation Rate)と定義した. (ここで, Root activity とは, α-NA酸化量・hr-1・個体-1のことである.) 今回は, これらの各要素と, 生長解析法の要素であるLAR, NARとの相関関係を調べ, かつ, 栽培上の施肥技術との関係についても, 若干の検討を加えた. (UFA)^^^-と(LAR)^^^-(Fig. 1)との間には, 正の相関関係が認められ, (URA)^^^-と(NAR)^^^-との間にも同様の関係が認められた. 根の生理活性(URA)は, 地上部の光合成器官の生長と密接な関係があることが考察された. (RWR)^^^-と(LAR)^^^-(Fig. 2), (RWR)^^^-と(NAR)^^^-(Fig. 3)の関係は, 培地NO3-N 50ppm区では正の相関関係が, 培地10ppm区では, 負の相関関係が認められた. 培地養分条件の違いによる, この相関関係の違いは, 作物栽培上の施肥量, 施肥時期などの問題とも関係があるものと考えられる. しかし, Root Growth Analysis と Growth Analysisとの関連性, それに, 栽培技術との関係を明確にするためには, 未だ資料が不足しており, 今後, 種々の材料, 多くの培地条件での実験によって検討を加えていきたい.
  • 星野 次江
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 8-13
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    混植における品種間相互作用を抵抗力, 侵略力, 競争効果, 協同効果としてとらえ, さらに, 密度効果および混植と密度の交互作用を推定し, 栽植密度が混植された稲の品種間相互作用に及ぼす影響を検討した. また, 混植が生長様式に及ぼす影響を2次のロジステイク生長曲線を用いて検討した. 混植区は Hungは単植区より乾物を増加し, 混植区のIR667は単植区より減少したが, 混植によるIR667の形質変動は Hungのそれよりも大きかった. HungはIR667より密度効果が大きく, Hungは密度の増減に対して形質を変化させやすい品種といえる. IR667の混植密度相互作用(y)は穂重, わら重, 1穂重, 稈長で大きな負の値を示した. このことはIR667の抵抗力は疎植下よりも密植下でさらに弱くなることを意味している. IR667の競争効果は穂長, 稈長を除く4形質で負の値を示し, その程度は疎植区より密植区で大きかった. 協同効果は大部分の形質において負の値を示したが, その程度は形質により, また密度によって異なった. 単植区においてIR667とHungはともに密植区で播種後80日まで, 疎植区で70日まで同様な乾物増加の推移を辿った. その後, 密植区ではIR667が, 疎植区ではHungが大きな乾物増加を示した. 混植区におけるIR667の乾物増加は密植区で播種後60日以降, 疎植区で70日以降に単植区より著しく抑制された. 単植区に比べ混植区のIR667の乾物重が減少した時点で, Hungの乾物増加は認められず, その約20日後にほじめてHungの乾物増加が認められた. 密植混植区において, IR667の最大生長率および高い生長率持続日数は密植単植区の値より低下した. 一方, Hungの最大生長率は単植区とほとんど変らなかったが, 高い生長率持続日数は1.5倍になった. 疎植混植区では, IR667の最大生長率は低下したが, 高い生長率持続日数は単植区とほとんど変らなかった. 一方, Hungの最大生長率は単植区に比べ1.5倍に, そして, 高い生長率持続日数は2.5倍になった. この結果から, 混植によって影響される生長パラメーターは品種および密度によって異なり, 混植による増加や減少は単純な損得関係に支配されているものではないことが推察された.
  • 市川 正, 太田 保夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 14-17
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reports the effect of pyroligneous acid, which is produced by the pyrolysis of wood, on the growth of rice seedlings. 1. The growth of rice seedlings was promoted by the soil treatment with pyroligneous acid (Table 1 and Table 2). 2. The rooting activity of rice seedlings was accelerated by the treatment with pyroligneous acid prior to transplanting (Table 3 and Table 4). 3. The erectness of rice seedlings was increased by the application of pyroligneous acid (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
  • 笹原 健夫, 高橋 征徳, 上林 美保子
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 18-25
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Varietal characteristics of the rice car at filling period were examined (Table 1). The increasing process of ear weight after ear emergence, which draws a sigmoid curve (Fig. 1), is consisted of three phases differing in increasing rate of ear weight. Increasing rate of ear weight at the maximum increasing period (LIP in Fig. 1), when dry weight of straw decreased rapidly, tended to be larger in large grain and indica varieties than in japonica varieties. The period itself however, was longer in large grain and Japonica varieties than in indica varieties. Contribution ratio of dry weight increased during LIP to final ear weight was 50 to 80% in most of materials used, although some indica varieties showed small contribution ratio below 50%. Increasing rate of ear weight at LIP correlated positively with final ear weight (Fig. 2 and Table 2). Both final ear weight and increasing rate of ear weight at LIP tended to be smaller in japonica varieties than in others. Therefore, it would be indicated that the large sink size of large grain and indica varieties originating from the potential capacity (grain size×grain number) developed before heading may have caused the rapid translocation of assimilates and resulted in the heavy final ear weight. Decrease of straw weight at LIP would be due to translocation of assimilates stored in the straw before heading time. Decreasing rate of straw weight at LIP correlated positively with increasing rate of ear weight at the same period (Fig. 3 and Table 2). Ear weight of large grain varieties, however, tended to increase more rapid than that of japonica varieties at the same levels of decreasing rate of straw weight, indicating that in large grain varieties translocation of assimilates produced newly may have occurred during LIP in addition to the assimilates stored in straw before heading.
  • 笹原 健夫, 児玉 憲一, 上林 美保子
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 26-34
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Varietal Variations in the structure of ear and the size of grain were examined on thirty-two varieties, belonging to the different ecotypes. Five types of ear were classified principally based on the differences in number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch with the nodal position of the primary rachis-branch on a rachis (Fig. 1). Ear type I: The number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was numerous in basal position of the car and became less towards the top of car. Ear type III: The number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was also numerous in the middle position of car. And car type V: the number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was numerous in the upper position of ear and became less towards the basal position. Two intermediate types, i.e., ear type II and IV were set in betwen type I and III, and type III and V, respectively. Indica varieties, which had larger total number of grains per ear than others, belonged to ear type III-V. Large grain varietics, which were larger in grain size than others, belonged to ear type I-II, and japonica cultivars belongcd to ear type I-III (Table 1, Fig. 2 and 3). The primary rachis-branch was numbered acropetally. The ratio of a nodal number of the primary rachis-branch having the maximum number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch to total number of the primary rachis-branch per ear was in the range of 4.3-3.8 in type I, 3.8-2.8 in type II, 2.6-1.9 in type III, 1.9-1.6 in type IV and below 1.6 in type V (Fig. 1). In a previous paper (SASAHARA, et al., 1982), it was reported that increasing rate of car weight at the maximum increasing period was higher in indica and large grain varieties than in japonica ones. Therefore, it may be concluded that indica varieties in which the grains on the secondary rachis-branch would have recieved the effect of apical dominance due to their abundant existence in the upper position of ear, and may result in increased rate of ear dry weight. On the other hand, in large grain varieties the less grain number in the upper position of ear could be compensated by the large grain size, resulting in high increasing rate of ear dry weight similar to indica varieties.
  • 長尾 照義
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 35-42
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nicotiana tabacumのBright Yellow-Aurea (2n=48)の葉肉細胞のプロトプラストを素材に用い, これとN. repanda(2n=48)の葉肉細胞のプロトプラストおよびSalpiglossis sinuata(2n=44)の培養細胞のプロトプラストとをそれぞれ融合させて培養した. 融合後約90日目に, 雑種カルスを選抜した. 選抜は両親カルスのコンパクトな形状と白色性およびソフトな形状と緑色性を同時発現した, いわゆる, コンパクトな形状を有する帯緑白色のカルスに注目して行った. N. tabacumとN. repandaとの組合わせでは9個の雑種カルスを選抜したが, そのうち3個が異数体の植物を再生して開花期まで生長した. 再生植物中, 1個のカルスより再生した植物が正常な生長習性を示した. その植物は葉形, 花形, 花色などで両親の中間特性を示し, また, N. tabacum由来のニコチンを含有し. N. repanda由来のタバコモザイク抵抗性を発現した(第1~3図, 第1表). N. tabacumとS. sinuataとの組合わせでは42個の雑種カルスを選抜した. これらはいずれも茎葉を再生したが, そのうち, わずか3個からの植物が発現した. これらの雑種植物は異数体で, 葉形と葉の大きさにおいて, いずれか一方の親の性質に煩似したが, そのうち1個のカルスからの再生植物がN. tabacum由来のニコチンを含有した. また, これらの植物は多くの異常な生長習性を示し, 6か月以上経過した現在に至っても, 未開花で多数の腋芽を伸長させて生長中であるが, 枯死するものも観察された(第4図, 第2表).
  • 陳 日斗, 井之上 準
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 43-50
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In general, Japonica-Indica hybrid rices in Korea exhibit easy shedding compared with the Japonica type. To obtain detailed information on the grain shedding of Japonica-Indica hybrid rices, thc tensile breaking strength required to detach rice grain from its pedicel was examined by using unbonded gauge type transducer and automatic null balancing recorder. The abscission layer between pedicel and spikelet was investigated anatomically. Varieties Yushin and Milyang 21 of Japonica-Indica hybrid, and Jojeongjo and Akibare of Japonica type rices were used. Yushin and Jojeongjo belong to easily shedding group and other two varieties belong to medium or persistent one. The results obtained are as follows: 1. In both Yushin and Milyang 21 of Japonica-Indica hybrid, tensile breaking strength decreased with time from 1 week after heading, reached the minimum after 3 weeks, and then did not vary until the harvest time. In Japonica type rices, on the other hand, the strength of Jojeongjo decreased slightly with time after heading, while that of Akibare increased gradually with time after heading (Fig. 1). 2. Grain ripening of Japonica-Indica hybrid rice was earlier than that of Japonica type rices. In the former, grain on the upper portion of the ear became to bc almost fully ripe at 3 weeks after heading (Fig. 2). From this result and Fig. 1, it appears that in the Japonica-Indica hybrid rice the decrease in tensile breaking strength is related with its ripening. 3. In the varieties Yushin, Milyang 21 and Jojeongjo, number of grains detached from the abscission region of the pedicel gradually increased with time after heading, while in variety Akibare, number of grains detached from the bent portion of the pedicel increased (Fig. 3 and Table 1). 4. The abscission layers of Yushin and Milyang 21, Japonica-Indica hybrid rice, appear to have one to two layers of large parenchymatous cells, while that of Jojeongjo, Japonica type rice, consists of one layer of somewhat smaller parenchymatous cells with some sclerenchymatous cells. In the former, the splitting in the abscission layer was observed at three weeks after heading, but no such splitting in the abscission layer was observed in Jojeongjo even at harvest time. Furthermore, no abscission layer was observed in the Japanese cultivar, Akibare (Fig. 4). 5. From the above results, it appears that the tensile breaking strength is closely related to the width of supporting zone which is composed of central vascular tissue and sclerenchyma tissue. The occurrence of splitting in the abscission layer probably has no relationship to tensile breaking strength. 6. Based on the abscission layer characteristics, the rice varieties used in this experiment could be classified into three types; i) abscission layer exists and splitting occurs at maturity (Yushin and Milyang 21), ii) abscission layer exists but no splitting occurs until harvest time (Jojeongjo), and iii) abscission layer is absent (Akibare).
  • 国分 牧衛, 渡辺 和之
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 51-57
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    主茎あるいは分枝の有無による対照的な2つの草型-主茎型と分枝型-における子実生産特性を, 異なる栽植様式および密度条件下で検討した. 主茎型は分枝を切除することによって, 分枝型は摘心することによって人為的に作出し, 標準型(無処理)と比較した. 主茎型は分枝や標準型に比べ, 密植条件でも葉面積指数(LAI)が増大しやすく(第1図), しかもLAIの増加に伴う純同化率(NAR)の低下程度が小さかった(第2図). その結果, LAIの増大に伴う個体群生長速度(CGR)の増加は主茎型において顕著であった(第2図). 開花期間におけるCGRの増大は主茎型では単位面積当たりの英数を顕著に増大させた. 単位面積当たりの莢数は草型にかかわらずLAIが約5.5まではLAIの増大に伴って増加したが, それ以上のLAIでは主茎型においてのみ増加した(第3図). 疎植では草型にかかわらず狭畦ほど多収であったが, 密植では草型によって栽植様式に対する反応が異なり, 草型に応じた栽培管理の方向性が示された(第2表). 密植に伴う栄養生長量の増大は主茎型では効率良く子実収量を増大させたが, 分枝型では粒茎比の低下が大きく増収効果は小さかった(第4図). このように, 主茎型の特性ほ密植, 狭畦栽培のような栄養生長量の増大しやすい条件で安定多収を示すものと思われた.
  • 奥村 俊勝, 竹内 史郎, 長谷川 浩
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 58-64
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many researchers have demonstrated the effects of deep placement of top dressing in paddy field. However, few reports were published about the mechanism which gives these effects. This experiment was conducted to clarify the mechanism involving the effects of top dressing to deeper layer for rice plant. Experimental plots were consisted of two plots differing in placement of top dressing; soil surface layer (S plot) and deep layer (D plot), and the growth pattern of tops and yield in D plot was investigated in contrast with those in S plot. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The number of spikelets per square meter and yield in D plot were 35% and 6% greater than those in S plot, respectively. And the former in D plot was secured by increase of number of spikelets per panicle (Table 2). 2. The dry matter growth of leaves and stems in D plot continued to increase until heading time, but until 10 days before heading time in S plot (Fig. 2), and the maximum LAI was 6.0 in D plot and 5.8 in S plot (Fig. 1). 3. In D plot, the tops size was larger and the productive structure was better than those in S plot (Fig. 5), respectively. In addition, the higher nitrogen content of leaves was maintained throughout the ripening period, and the duration of bottom leaves was longer (Fig. 3) and the percentage of fruitful stems was higher than those in S plot. 4. Therefore, the effects of the deeper layer application of additional nitrogen fertilizer seem to be brought by the autumn-vigor of growth resulted by less root-rotting, and which leads into increasing yields.
  • 今木 正
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 65-69
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relationships between light intensity and the photosynthetic rate of an individual plant and a population of mat rush, the productive structure and the light-intercepting characteristics in mat rush stand were investigated to elucidate the crop photosynthetic system. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The apparent photosynthetic rate of the individual plant having the total stem surface area below about 30 dm2 was light-saturated at about 0.4 ly/min., while that of the individual plant with larger surface area of stems was not light-saturated even at 1.0 ly/min, and the highest photosynthetic rate observed in this experiment was 8.5 mgCO2/dm2/hr (Fig. 1, Table l). 2. The crop photosynthetic rate of the population with stem surface area index (SAI) of 8 was almost light-saturated at 0.8 ly/min (Fig. 2), and at this time the relative light intensity at the ground level was 50%. 3. Light extinction coefficient (K) based on SAI was nearly constant and comparatively small, while SAI was markedly increasing at the later stage of the growing period (Fig. 3, 4). 4. The ratio of the stem surface area exposed to a light intensity of 0.4 ly/min. to the total stem surface area gradually decreased as SAI became higher, and at the harvest time reached about 30% in terms of percentage (Fig. 5, 6).
  • 頼 光隆, 劉 麗飛
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 70-74
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    イネ未熟穎果より分離した幼胚を培養して, 増殖が早く茎葉の分化が著しいカルスを得ることができた. 開花後10日目の穎果から分離した幼胚を用い, 胚盤側を上向きとし, 幼芽・幼根側を下向きにして寒天培地に接触して培養を行った場合, カルスの誘導ならびにその後の器官分化が良好であることがわかった. 幼胚からのカルス誘導は培地に加えた生長物質の種類及び濃度レベルによる影響が著しかったが, 2, 4-Dの10-6-10-4M, 又はNAA 10-4Mでともにカルスの形成が顕著であった. NAAの低濃度あるいは培地に生長物質を加えない処理では, 幼芽の伸長が著しかったがカルスの形成は見られなかった.
  • 佐藤 庚, 櫻谷 哲夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 75-81
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To make clear the water consumption at the different levels of the soybean canopy, the water fluxes in the stem were measured at three different parts of the stem (4th internode, z1; 8th internode z2; 13th internode, z3) using a newly developed apparatus (Fig. 1) at flowering stage in the field. Two plant spacings (wide spacing, 30×30cm; close spacing, 20×20 cm) were prepared. The differences of water fluxes between z1 and z2, between z2 and z3, and the water flux at z3 provided the water consumption of the lower-, the middle- and the upper-foliage, respectively (Fig. 2). 1. The diurnal courses of the water flux in gH2O per 30 min at the three different parts of the stem were in phase with one another (Fig. 4a). 2. In those three foliages, the water consumption in gH2O per dm2 leaf per 30 min was greatest at the upper foliage which was distributed in the upper layer of the canopy directly exposed to the sun. The water consumption of lower foliage of the plant with wide spacing, the branches of which elongated to the upper layer of the canopy, was almost similar to that of the upper foliage. The water consumptions of the middle foliage of the plants at both spacings and of lower foliage at close spacing were 1/3-1/2 of the upper foliages (Fig. 4b). 3. The water consumption ratio (the ratio of the water consumption of a foliage to water flux of the basal part of the stem) of the upper foliage gradually decreased during daytime. This may be attributed to increase of water stress of the upper foliage with increase of solar radiation (Fig. 4c). 4. The vertical profile of water consumption of the canopy at the wide spacing showed a peak at the layer just below the uppermost layer, while at the close spacing canopy, the peak was at the uppermost layer (Fig. 5). 5. The water amount consumed by the soybean plants per unit ground area was greater at close spacing than at wide spacing.
  • 椛木 信幸, 米山 忠克, 田嶋 公一
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 82-88
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    イネの冷害発生の限界温度は19-17℃と報告されており, 熱帯原産植物が chilling injuryを受ける温度より高い温度域にある. そこでこの温度域におけるイネ幼植物の生長について検討した. シャーレ内〓紙上におけるイネ発芽幼植物の幼芽, 幼根の生長速度と温度との関係をアレニウス曲線で表示すると, 18-17℃と13-12℃の2点で生長速度が不連続的に変化することが認められた. しかし, 酸素吸収速度は温度の低下に伴って直線的に低下し, チトクロームCオキシダーゼ活性も同様に直線的に変化した. また, ATP含量は6℃まで温度による差異は認められず, 5℃以下になると急減した. 一方, 14C-ロイシンのたんぱく質への取り込みは, 27℃から18℃までは温度による差異が認められず, 18℃以下になると取り込み量が急減した. 6葉期の幼植物の第6葉以上の若い組織におけるたんぱく質分画への重窒素の取込みも, 18℃以上では温度による差が認められず, 18℃以下では急減した. したがって, 18℃以下ではたんぱく質の合成が阻害されることが推定された. 熱帯原産植物がchilling injuryを受ける温度の限界は12-10℃と報告されており, 本実験で認められたl8℃~12℃での生長停滞は chilling injuryの限界温度よりも高い温度域にある. したがって, その生理機構は, chilling injuryのそれとは必ずしも同一ではないと推測される. 本実験の結果では, 呼吸エネルギー代謝が阻害されて生長速度が低下するとは考え難く, 生長の阻害に先立ってたんぱく質の合成が阻害されると推定された.
  • 鳥越 洋一, 進士 宏, 栗原 浩
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 89-96
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This experiment was conducted to clarify the developmental process of flower clusters produced on the leaf axils. The phytomer concept was introduced to classify both axillary racemes and a terminal raceme on each shoot of a plant. Soybean cultivar, Tachisuzunari was planted on June 25, 1979. The treatments were three levels of plant population (D1: 3, 333 plants/a, D2:1, 667 plants/a, D3:833 plants/a) and two levels of nitrogen application (N1: 0 kgN/a, N2: 0.3 kgN/a). The experimental design was 3×2factorial experiment with two replications. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Flower clusters are classified into a terminal raceme, primary racemes, secondary racemes and tertiary racemes according to developmental order on each shoot. There is a regularity of the developmental pattern of these racemes from bottom to top on the shoot. This pattern is related to the co-growing relationship which can be observed in the branching of the soybean (Fig. 1). 2. The number of terminal and primary racemes per plant is closely related to the development of branches, while the number of secondary and tertiary racemes depends upon the amount of vegetative growth (Fig. 2 and Table l). 3. First flower of primary racemes on the shoot appears at around the lowest nodes which do not produce the vegetative branch. Flowers of primary racemes appear acropetally and up to the terminal raceme. Flowering pattern of secondary racemes is the same as the primary racemes. Plant population and nitrogen application do not affect this flowering pattern in a plant (Fig. 3). 4. The number of flowers per primary raceme is not affected by plant population, while the number of flowers per secondary and tertiary racemes is affected by these treatments (Table 2). 5. There may be two critical stages in yield determining process of the soybean cultivar Tachisuzunari. One is the period during phytomer 5 to 8 visible stages, which is the transitional stage from the vegetative growth to the reproductive growth. The other is the bloom period of secondary racemes, which is the transitional stage for physiological adjustment toward the grain filling.
  • 徐 錫元, 太田 保夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 97-104
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes and differences in the content in mineral elements of the hull were compared during the process of ripening in fertile and sterile grains located in the same position on the panicle. The results are as follows: 1. After heading, there was a clear difference in the pattern of increase of the dry weight between hull and kernel, and the increase in dry weight of hull proceeded faster than that of kernel. 2. The dry weight of hull at heading was 2.7 mg. But after heading there was a large difference in the increase in the dry weight of hull between fertile and sterile grains. As a result the dry weight of fertile grain was 3.9 mg and that of sterile grain was 3.0 mg, 40 days after heading. 3. Mineral elements in hull were grouped as follows according to the changes in their contents in the hull during ripening. Group 1……As ripening proceeded, mineral elements accumulated into the hull, but they flowed out of the hull with the development of kernel. However, in sterile grain, they hardly flowed out.-N, P and Mg. Group 2……They accumulated slowly into the hull after heading, and quickly from the middle stage to the late stage of ripening. However in sterile grain, they leached out.-K. Group 3……During ripening, they accumulated into the hull without flowing out. However, the content of SiO2 was always much higher in fertile than in sterile grain, while that of Ca and Mn showed a reverse pattern.-SiO2, Ca and Mg. From these results, it was demonstrated that the changes in the mineral elements of the hull are closely related to thc development of the kernel. Especially, K and SiO2 whose contents were much higher in fertile than in sterile grain, and which are known to promote translocation of carbohydrates are thought to play an important role in the ripening of grain.
  • 徐 錫元, 太田 保夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 105-109
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to elucidate the physiological characteristics of the hull during ripening, photosynthesis and respiration of hulls of fertile and sterile grains were compared. The results are as follows: 1. Photosynthetic activity and water content of hull were much higher in sterile than in fertile grain. 2. Respiratory activity of hull was higher in fertile than sterile hull. 3. Ratio of photosynthetic to respiratory activity of hull was much smaller in fertile than in sterile grain. There results indicate that the hull plays an important role in the process of kernel development as a pool for the translocation of nutrients including carbohydrates.
  • 中世古 公男, 後藤 寛治
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 110-116
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, differences in the early vegetative growth for the three crops were analyzed in relation to their seed size (weight). Seeds of five varieties (strains) with different seed weight for each crop (Table 1) were sown under field conditions (40×20 cm, singling), and dry matter decreases in seeds (cotyledon) and increases of dry weight and leaf area in seedlings were measured during the month after emergence. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Although kidney bean and azuki bean consumed reserve food about 95% on the average within 10 days after emergence, soybean consumed it only about 70% and dry weight of the cotyledons changed little during thc 10-20 days after emergence (Fig. 1 and Table 2). 2. The efficiency of conversion of reserve food to active plant body (economic ratio) was 1.5, 1.4 and 0.9 on the average in kidney bean, soybean and azuki bean, respectively. In soybean it was lower in varieties with larger seed (Table 2). 3. Dry weight and leaf area in seedling at each sampling date showed highly positive correlations with the initial seed dry weight. However, the r values with consumed dry weight were higher than those with the initial seed dry weight. A highly positive correlation coefficient was also obtained between dry weight and leaf area in seedling over crop, variety and sampling date (Fig. 4). 4. Growth rate was related with mean leaf area, but not with net assimilation rate during the month after emergence (Fig. 3). 5. Relative growth rate and relative leaf growth rate differed little among varieties and crops. These parameters including net assimilation rate, specific leaf area and distribution ratio of dry matter to leaf were not correlated with the initial seed dry weight (Table 3). 6. In soybean, the cotyledons of two varieties with smaller seed were maintained for longer period and their dry weight increased slightly during the 10-30 days after emergence (Fig. 1). In addition, specific cotyledon area (cm2/g) and net assimilation rate were higher in these varieties than in other larger seed ones (Table 4). 7. The compound interest law existed in the seed-seedling weight relationship during the month after emergence (Fig. 2). However, the differences in the early vegetative growth for each crop were, partially, due to the differences in consuming and economic ratio of reserve food.
  • 中條 博良, 花岡 隆一
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 117-125
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Propagated plants of a clone from orchardgrass, cv. Frode, were grown outdoors under short-day condition by solution culture method. The temperature of culture solution before or after cutting was maintained at 10°, 17°, 24°and/or 30°C, respectively, under natural air temperature condition (Table 1). The results are summarized as follows. 1. There were differences in growth resulting from variation in the root temperature during 10 days before cutting (Table 2). Dry weight of top and root was highest at 17°C of root temperature, lowest at 30°C except for the case where the weight was lowest at 10°C under the highest air temperature condition. Carbohydrate content in the stubble became higher with decrease of root temperature except for the case where air temperature was highest. 2. Dry weight of regrowth portion (Fig. 1) and basal part of top (Fig. 4), leaf area (Fig. 2), number of tillers (Fig. 3) and dry weight of root (Fig. 5) were highest at 10°C or 17°C of root temperature before cutting except for the case of highest air temperature condition and lowest at 30°C. Carbohydrate content in the basal part of top became higher with increase of the root temperature before cutting when air temperature was low (Fig. 6). 3. Dry weight of regrowth portion 12 days after cutting was highest at 10°C or 17°C of root temperature after cutting except for the case where air temperature was lowest (Fig. 1). The one 25 days after cutting was highest at 17°C, lowest at 30°C. Leaf area (Fig. 2), number of tillers (Fig. 3) and dry weight of basal part of top (Fig. 4) and root (Fig. 5) 25 days after cutting showed the same trend as the one in regrowth. Carbohydrate content in the basal part of top (Fig. 6) was high in plants of heavy dry weight of the part. It is suggested from these results that growth of non-cut plants and of plants elapsed some days after cutting are accelerated at 17°C of root temperature and restricted at 30°C. It is also suggested that the optimum root temperature just before or just after cutting for the regrowth is 10°C to 17°C.
  • 土屋 幹夫, 小合 龍夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 126-131
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The process of growth and production of mat rush was analyzed to elucidate the effect of tip cutting on tillering, stem elongation and dry matter production. This experiment was carried out in the southern part of Okayama prefecture. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The increase of the number of stems per hill depended on the tillering of the 1st and 2nd tillering stem groups, and the tillering rate reached a ceiling in the latter part of April. 2. Relative tillering rate reached a maximum in the middle of March, and then fell off. At the early stage of growing season, one stem sprouted two tillers, but after the stage of the maximum tillering rate, the behavior of tillering changed and one stem sprouted only one tiller. 3. Tip cutting markedly promoted the elongation of stems, while it had little effect on the increase of the number of stems. 4. Stem surface area index (SAI), is synonymous with leaf area index (LAI), gradually increased until the later stage of the growing season and reached 22 in the latter part of June in the non-tip cutting plot and 25 just before the harvest time in the tip cutting plot. Net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased after the beginning of May, and crop growth rate (CGR) also decreased after the middle of May. However, in the tip cutting plot, the decrease of these parameters began about 10 days late, and both NAR and CGR were higher than those in the non-tip cutting plot. And the increase of dry matter production in the tip cutting plot was caused through the improvement of productive structure. 5. On the basis of the effect on stem elongation and dry matter production, it was concluded that tip cutting was effective for the long stem production.
  • 浜村 邦夫
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 132-133
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 刈屋 国男, 松崎 昭夫, 町田 寛康, 角田 公正
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 134-135
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 木村 健治, 藤巻 宏
    1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 136-137
    発行日: 1982/03/20
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー