This is a review of the current status of R&D for coated conductors in the Materials & Power Applications of Coated Conductors (M-PACC) project. In the previous project, the production of tapes with high
L in excess of 250 kAm was achieved, leading to the development of electric power applications being started. However, future application requirements are much higher than those at present. In this project, coated conductors for future applications have been developed to realize the specific performance requirements for each application according to five different sub-themes; degradation, higher in-field
Ic, lower AC losses, higher mechanical strength, and higher
Je and lower cost. During the three-year development, the interim targets were almost satisfied and the activities performed were at the top technical level in the world. We are now in the final stages of development, aiming to achieve the final targets, which are based on the specifications for marketing the cables, transformers and SMES.