Online ISSN : 2189-7379
Print ISSN : 0023-2831
ISSN-L : 0023-2831
16 巻, 2 号
  • とくに歯槽膿漏患者唾液について
    三宅 淳
    1966 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 53-63
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is already known that in the case of dental caries or periodontal diseases (alveolar pyorrhea, in particular), the two most popular dental diseases, a change is brought about in the environmental factors in the oral cavity, or reversely, in case of a change taking place in the environmental factors in the oral cavity, these diseases are very apt to be contracted.
    Many studies are now being conducted concerning the acti vity of these diseases. Several methods of testing the activity of dental caries have been devised and they are now being widely employed clinically. However, no similar progress has so far been witnessed in the field of alveolar pyorrhea.
    Thus, for the purpose of investigating clinically the difference in the immunochemical factors in the whole saliva (hereinafter referred to merely as the saliva), in connection with the above-mentioned dental diseases, the present writer has undertaken an investigative experiment by means of the method of plate agar diffusion.
    Namely, the supernatants and deposits of the centrifuged salivas from pyorrhea, caries-free (DMF above 5) and normal subjects, respectively, were injected into rabbits as antigen to immunise the animals, and their serum and their reaction to each collected saliva were examined by the method of plate agar diffusion.
    The conclusions obtained were as follows:
    1. The serum vaccinated with each supernatant of saliva as antigen collected from subjects reacted against each saliva. The reaction indicated a precipitated zone and was positive. In no case, the supernatant or the deposit alone was seen to be positive.
    2. The behaviors of the saliva from subjects in case of a positive precipitation and the serum obtained from the deposits as antigen were as shown in the table below.
    As indicated by the table, the rate of positive precipitation with the saliva of the same kind with the antigen from which the vaccinated serum was obtained was seen to be higher as compared with others. Especially, in the case of alveolar pyorrhea, this feature was strongly indicated.
    3. In particular, the factors of precipitated reaction of saliva collected from alveolar pyorrhea were sought. As a result, it was found that these factors were in the supernatant of saliva but not in the deposit. Besides, these factors were not dialyzable.
    4. The precipitated reaction between the condensed synthetic medium, in which the micro-organisms having the gelatin liquefaction ability isolated from the saliva of alveolar pyorrhea were cultured, and each of the serum obtained from the supernatant and deposit of the saliva of alveolar pyorrhea, as antigen, was examined, and, as a result, the following was known:
    No positive precipitation was indicated with every strain only. However, a slight precipitation was seen to be indicated with the mixed several strains. From the groups of positive precipitation, rodform bacteria of genus pseudomonas and coccus-form bacteria of genus micrococcus were invariably found.
    In view of the above results achieved, the present writer is strongly confident that the method of plate agar diffusion is highly effective in diagnosing alveolar pyorrhea and also that the saliva may effectively be used for the examination of its prognosis.
  • 大西 正男, 大谷 広明
    1966 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 64-75
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    歯石沈着の予防は多くの可能性因子によって試めされた。しかし予防効果の判定法を明確に定義したものが少かった。歯石沈着の除去作用のあった歯石副子による予防効果を実験するに先だって, 判定法が試験された。
    同一群の人々について同一期間内に貯まる沈着物中のCa量を2回測定したところ, 2回の平均値は等しかったことから, 歯肉縁上歯石沈着には歯石形成活動度 (ACF) のあることを知った。これを測定するには, 一度歯石除去をした後. 1ヵ月後に下顎中切歯冠上の沈着物をシックル型スケーラーで出血をさせないように採取し, この中のCa量で行った。また, 多人数のACFは対数値をとるとき正規分布をすることも判ったので, 集団を代表するものは幾何平均であることを知った。
    即充レジン製の副子, 即充レジン製副子にアルジネートゲルを加えて歯面との隙間を愼めたもの, サモプラスチック製副子の三種を夜間だけ使用し, 使用前のACFに対して, 使用によるACFの減少率を測定した。いずれの副子も有意水準1%以下でACFを減少していたが, 最も有効であったのは, サモプラスチック製副子で. 次はレジン副子にアルジネートを併用したものであった。
    使用期間中の昼食前のVeillonella菌数と含漱液中の沈渣量を測定したが, どちらにも副子使用による影響がみられなかった。
  • 堀井 欣一
    1966 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 76-84
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    多くの物理的, あるいは化学的因子により発生異常が生ずることが知られており, 形態形成途上にある胎仔は奇形発生の感受性が高く, また, この期間内にあって, 奇形の種類により臨界時を異にすることが判っている。けれども, 各奇形出現の様相は, 与える催奇形因子により, 少なからぬ相異を示すものである。
    著者は, 妊娠1日目, および4日目から8日目までの6群のハツカネズミにアロキサン60mg/kg体重 (第1日目群), あるいは80mg/kg体重 (第4~8日目群) をそれぞれ1回静脈内に注射し, 妊娠19日目に開腹してえた胎仔の奇形を観察した。
    1仔以上の奇形仔をもつ母親は, 各群とも成功妊娠の30%前後であった。奇形仔は, 第1日目群で全生存胎仔の8.2%, 他の5群では約5%であった。観察した奇形は頭蓋・脊柱破裂, 脳・髄膜瘤, 口蓋裂, 小・無顎症, 内臓脱出, 骨奇形などであった。このうち, アロキサン投与量の異る第1日目群を除いて, 中枢神経系奇形は, 妊娠4日目から8日目の間, アロキサン投与日が早いほどその出現率が高かった。この関係から, 妊娠10日目以後のハツカネズミヘアロキサンを投与しても, もはや中枢神経系奇形の発現はないことを推定した。しかし, 他の部位の奇形にはこのような傾向をみなかった。
    以上の結果は, アロキサンの催奇形効果が持続的, かつ蓄積的であることを示すものである。
  • III. う蝕源性食餌 (6PMV) に含まれているカゼイン量のPb-marked Ratにおけるう窩数に及ぼす影響
    大西 正男, 尾崎 文子, 浜田 みよ子
    1966 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 85-90
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    市販純系Wister系鼠44匹をPb-marked Ratとし, 離乳後24匹に15%カゼインを, 20匹に10%カゼインを含む等カロリーのう蝕源性食餌を与え, 90日間飼育した。
    10%カゼイン群には平均9.00個所にう窩が生じ, 15%カゼイン群には平均0.972個所にう蝕が生じ, 5%のカゼイン減量がう蝕発生に有意に作用した。 また実験終了時の体重および実験中の体重増加量に反比例してう蝕個所が増加すると述べても差支えなかったので, う蝕発生は必須アミノ酸の不足と何等かの関係があるように推察された。
    象牙質に表われた組織変化と鉛線の関係は, 第一報同様で特別な変化をみなかった。う窩の認められた個所に相当する象牙質には細菌感染像がみられるのに鉛線の消失はなかった。これがう蝕性象牙質感染の特徴を示すものと思われた。また鉛線の消失像は少くともう蝕性変化の前段階であり得ないと考察された。
  • 第2報第二大臼歯の齲蝕罹患推移について
    成沢 敦子, 高階 皓三, 兼松 隆徳, 榎本 岩司, 佐々 良
    1966 年 16 巻 2 号 p. 91-96
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Authors observed DMF transition of second molars for 10 years on the particular 119 female package wrappers from their ages 15 to 25. These subjects were born during 1932 and 1938, entered a firm at the age 15 after finishing their compulsory education and served in the firm for more than 16 years.
    The comparison of the results of the recent observation with that of DMF transition of first malars observed some years is as follows.
    1. Percentage of DMF
    At the time when the subjects just entered to the firm, the percentage of DMF was 67% for those who were born in 1932, 30% to 40% for those who were born in 1933 to 1937 and 9% for those who were born in 1938. Nearly all groups, however, showed remarkable changes during the two year period when the subjects grew up from 16 to 18 years of age, the percentage ranging between 35% to 87%.
    2. Percentage of D teeth
    Each group, without exception, showed conspicuous fluctuations. On an average, the rate rose in a steady curve, showing 12.5% at 15 years of age, 30%, as a peak, at 22 years of age, and thereafter the rate fell down.
    3. Percentage of M teeth
    The percentage of M teeth naught in 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1937 groups, but it was 1% at 23 years of age and 3% at 24 years of: age 1932 group, 2% at 17 years of age and 3.5% at 22 years of age in 1936 group and 2% at 22 years of age in 1938 group, which showed a general fall in percentage.
    4. Percentage of F teeth
    With slight fluctuations among the groups, all assumed an upward curve, especially in 1936 group the rate of M teeth rose from 4% to 46.5%.
    5. Percentage of DMF teeth
    A remarkable upward trend was seen in each group. The average rate of DMF teeth rose from 16% to 58%. The percentage of D teeth rose in a gentle curve: 12.5% at 15 years of age and 30%, as a peak, at 22 years of age, then a low rate followed. While the percentage of F teeth increased gradually for some years, the rate of M teeth was low.
    6. Comparison of first molar and second molar with average DMF
    In the percentage of D teeth, first and second molars showed the same or nearly the same rate. But in the percentage of M teeth first molar showed a higher rate than second molar, the former showing a lower rate than the latter in F teeth. In these graphs both the rates of DMF and DMF teeth of second molar were higher than those of first molar.
    From above mentioned reasons authors concluded that dental health management in this firm is higher than the average level. And if a more positive work of this health management is made, the rates of D and M teeth may be lowered and thereby the rate of F teeth may be raised.