Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)
Online ISSN : 1884-0884
Print ISSN : 0022-135X
ISSN-L : 0022-135X
Volume 110, Issue 5
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Masaaki KUREHA
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 631-649
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    Diese Arbeit beschaftigt sich damit, wie der Tourismus und die Landwirtschaft im Alpenraum symbiotisch zusammenhängen. Diese Problemstellung wird anhand des Beispiels Osttirol in Österreich analysiert. Die Symbiose zwischen Tourismus und Landwirtschaft lässt sich in den Ostalpen gut erkennen. In den österreichischen Alpen ist Osttirol ein sogenanntes strukturschwaches Gebiet. Deswegen wird in dieser Forschung herausgearbeitet, wie diese Symbiose in einem Problemgebiet entstehen kann. Zuerst wird der Trend des Tourismus und der Landwirtschaft in Osttirol untersucht. Dann werden die Symbioseformen dieser zwei Elemente analysiert. Zuletzt wird diskutiert, unter welchen Bedingungen diese Symbiose existieren kann
    Die Entwicklung des Tourismus in Osttirol fing später an als in vielen Gemeinden in Nordtirol. Erst nach der Fertigstellung des Felbertauerntunnels nahm die Zahl der Touristen nach Osttirol zu. Aufgrund der schiinen Natur-und Kulturlandschaft im Gebiet des Nationalparks Hohe Tauern besuchen viele Touristen aus Deutschland und Ostösterreich Osttirol. Trotzdem bleiben die Touristenzahl und das Niveau der Tourismusindustrie viel niedriger als in Nordtirol. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich eine Dominanz des Sommertourismus aufgrund der geringen Erschließungstendenz für den Wintersport.
    Während es viele relativ große Bauernbetriebe im Flachgebiet in Osttirol gibt, dominieren die kleinen Bergbauernbetriebe unter relativ großer Erschwernis in den Seitentälern. Diese Bergbauernbetriebe betreiben Milchwirtschaft mit im Schnitt lediglich sechs Kühen. Die Zimmervermietung dieser Bergbauern spielt innerhalb des Bettenangebots in Osttirol eine große Rolle. Vor allem konzentriert sich die Urlaubsform am Bauernhof auf das Nationalparkgebiet Hohe Tauern. Einige landwirtschaftliche Betriebe sind Mitglieder in der Organisation des Verbandes “Urlaub am Bauernhof”. Diese Betriebe führen die Modernisierung der Beherbergungsanlagen durch, insbesondere im Bereich der Ferienwohnungen. Die Betreiber bieten auch viele landwirtschaftliche Produkte nicht nur zum Frühstück an, sondern verkaufen sie auch direkt auf dem Hof und auf den Bauernmärkten.
    Wichtig sind viele verschiedene Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für die Existenz der Landwirtschaft in Osttirol. Diese Maßnahmen werden von der EU, dem Bund und dem Land getragen. Damit kann die Kulturlandschaft in Osttirol relativ gut erhalten werden. Um sich in dieser Osttiroler Natur-und Kulturlandschaft erholen, kommen viele Touristen, die sich sehr für eine solche Umwelt interessieren. Durch den Besuch der Gäste wird das regionale Bewusstsein der Osttiroler Einwohner immer stärker. Osttirol ist ein typisches strukturschwaches Gebiet in Österreich, wo sich die touristische Erschließung auf relativ niedrigerem Niveau befindet. Deshalb sind die Preisbedingungen relativ günstig für Touristen aus mittleren und unteren Einkommensschichten. Da die Landwirtschaft nach wie vor eine groBe Rolle in der Osttiroler Wirtschaft spielt, kann man heute in Osttirol ein symbiotisches System zwischen Tourismus und Landwirtschaft erkennen.
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  • Fujio MASUDA, Osamu FUJIWARA, Tetsuya SAKAI, Tadashi ARAYA
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 650-664
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    Relative sea-level changes and variations in shoreline progradation rate over the past 6000 years are elucidated from the elevations of the beach deposits, their 14C ages, and the geographic position of each locality on the Kujukuri strand plain, Pacific coast of the Boso Peninsula, central Japan. These past sea-levels were +4 to +6 m above the modern sea-level (high-stand stage) at 6000 to 5300 calendar years B.P., +3 to + 4.5 m (stable stage) at 5000 to 3500 years B.P., declined from +1.2-+ 3.4 m to + 0.5-+ 2.1 m (falling stage) at 3300 to 2250 years B.P., and were-1.5--1 m to + 1 m (stable stage) from 1650 to 250 years B.P. ; sea level is 0 m at present. The detailed changes revealed by this new method strongly imply the existence of several rapid uplifts (0.4 to 1.2 m per event) at 5100 to 5500 years B.P., 3400 years B.P., 2400 years B.P., 1650 years B.P., and 0-250 years B.P. The uplifts were co-seismic, because the speed of occurrence seems to have been high, and the events are generally associated with so-called “tsunami deposits.” Co-seismic uplift in this region has not been reported previously from historical records or geological evidence.
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  • A Case Study of Shimokoinaba Area in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    Longwen CUI
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 665-688
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    The purpose of this paper is to explain the mechanism of farmland diversion in the urbanization control zone by analyzing the case of the Shimokoinaba area in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Farmland diversion is a measure for increasing the incomes of farmers who engage in intensive farming in peripheral areas of the metropolis.
    In land use, paddy rice and open-air vegetable growing were main farming forms before 1967 in this area. However, the revision of the 'Urban Planning Law' in 1968 caused some diversions of farmland to other usages, from farming land usage to urban land usage since then.
    From 1969 to the late 1970s the diversion was a reflection of farm management and condition of the location as well as the implementation of new urban plans, which resulted in land sales on reflection for self-use. The aggressive farmers were inclined to divert land around their houses to domiciles, family housing or farm facilities. However, passive farmers were apt to divert land along main roads to other businesses, with some land not along main roads diverted to their own domiciles, family housing or apartments. A location a main road is also a vital element is the decision to sell or keep farmland. Usually, land far away from farm's house and fronting a main road was sold to other businesses, otherwise it remained farmland.
    Since the 1980s, the diversion has been influenced not only by a farmer's motivation and the condition of the location, but also by farming type, farming conditions, farming labor's aging and lower prices for farm products. The active farmers managing different farms show diverse attitudes to diversion. Land near their houses and along main roads was usually diverted to non-agricultural businesses including self-use, and land far away from the houses, but along main roads was generally sold to other businesses. If some land around farmland took on urban uses, others would be geared to urban use, or mostly to non-agricultural uses.Passive farmers were inclined to divert all of their farmland to other businesses without considering the transportation conditions.
    Some internal or external factors interacted in diversion of Shimokoinaba; such as, farmers' motivation, condition of location and changes of farm management (internal), regulations on land diversion, adjustment of rice production and urbanization (external). In the urbanization control zone, in fact, farmer's house, family housing and agricultural facility are changing to urban usage indirectly, because the new “Urban Planning Law” constrains further development. Furthermore, there are two practicable conditions for diversion, that is, differences in land price in urbanization zone and in urbanization control zone, and differences in land price for agricultural or urban land use.
    Therefore, it can be said that these conditions caused a reduction of farmland area within the both periods. Now, farmland diversion is sprawling. On the other hand, efforts to maintain the structures of traditional communities continue because farmland diversion mostly occurred around existing villages along main roads.
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  • An Example at Attari Coast, Iwate Prefecture
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 689-697
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    Gravel beds presumably formed by the Meiji-Sanriku-Tsunami (1896) Occur immediately below a large tsunami stone at Attari Coast, Ohfunato-City, northeast Japan. The stone weights approximately 10 tons and was transported by the tsunami from a nearby sea-floor. Gravel (mostly coarse-grained slate) beneath the tsunami stone consists of either rounded beach gravel or angular breccias that pre-existed on the beach or on the sea floor (probably deeper than the upper shoreface). Granulometric analyses of the breccias show a consistent decreae of size and number toward inland, whereas there is an increasing size and number of rounded beach gravel toward the foot-hill. The facts suggest that the tsunami (flood) was transported beach gravel inland during the deposition of angular clasts from the sea-floor.
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  • Yoko OTA, C.Y. HUANG, P.B. YUAN, Yuichi SUGIYAMA, Y. H. LEE, Mitsuhisa ...
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 698-707
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    This paper describes the results of a trenching study at the Tsautun area across the Chelungpu Fault that reptured during the 1999 Chichi earthquake. The deformation by the 1999 earthquake is recorded on both north and south walls of the trench as an eastern-side-up flexural scarp, which is 1.5 m in vertical slip, associated with an overriding of hanging wall on foot wall, 1-1.5 m. Complex folding is appeared on the south wall, where fine overbank deposit is thicker than the north wall. Faulting prior to the 1999 event is not found at this site, but is estimated to be older than 300 to 500 yr BP, judging from the 14C ages of the oldest age of deformed sediment.
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  • Its Distribution, Stratigraphy, Lithofacies and Depositional History
    Takeyuki UEKI
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 708-724
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    The Plio-Pleistocene Mitoyo Group along the northern flank of Asan Mountains, central Kagawa Prefecture, mainly comprises the Saita and Yakeo Formations, unconformably underlain by Cretaceous basemant rocks of the Ryoke Granitoids and Izumi Group. The Saita Formation contains clasts of sedimentary rocks from the Izumi Group, and granitoids, as well as schist from the Sambagawa Metamorphic Rocks underlying the Shikoku Range. The formation crops out in the southern Ayakami area with a narrow longitudinal distribution. Clast fabric in the Saita Formation generally indicates a northward to westward paleocurrent direction. The Paleo-Doki River northerly flowing across the Asan Mountains formed the Saita Formation in the Early to Middle Pliocene.
    The Yakeo Formation unconformably underlain by the Saita Formation is composed of clasts from the Izumi Group and Ryoke Granitoids. The formation crops out over the Kagawa, Ayakami, and Konan areas, and underlies the gently tilted hills with dissected flat summits. Clast fabric in the Yakeo Formation generally indicates northward to westward paleocurrent direction. The Paleo-Goto River northerly flowing within the Asan Mountains formed the Yakeo Formation as an alluvial fan deposit in the Early Pleistocene, adjacent to the northern flank of the mountains. The Median Tectonic Line and Northern Flank fault group of the Asan Mountains had been active since Middle Pliocene. The uplift of the mountains resulted in a relative height of a few hundred meters and the disappearance of the northward flowing river.
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  • M.E.K. CHOWDHURY, Naoko KITADA, Toshiro NARUSE, Shin'ichi YATAGAI, Hir ...
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 725-733
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: April 23, 2010
    We studied two drilling cores from the Naka-ikemi basin which was deposited during the past 110, 000 years in Fukui Prefecture and the Kuroi basin, which was deposited during the last glacial period in Hyogo Prefecture in central Japan, to reconstruct paleoenvironmental changes from eolian dust deposition. We suggest that two the cores show records of the East Asian monsoon variability correlated to the cool Younger Dryas and Heinrich events H1-H6, and to interglacial/interstadial periods, such as the Dansgaard-Oescheger IS1-IS24 climate intervals, respectively, as seen in the Greenland temperature record. Eolian dust in the two areas was transported from the North Asian continent by the NW winter monsoon judging from the high electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensity. Periods of strong NW winter monsoon, indicated by eolian dust spikes, were associated with atmospheric cooling and the development of the Siberian high pressure systems. Following every eolian dust spike, the mean diameter of inorganic material increased abruptly. It seems that the increases of grain size reflect fluvial activity induced by the summer monsoon, which correlated with interstadial and interglacial climatic events.
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  • Shunichi SUZUKI
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 734-743
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese], [in Japanese]
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 744-745
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • Tetsuo IRIFUNE
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 746-749
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • The Society's Fourth Overseas Field Trip
    [in Japanese]
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages 750-753
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • Motomaro SHIRAO
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages Plate1-Plate2
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • The Society's Fourth Overseas Field Trip
    [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japanese], [in Japane ...
    2001 Volume 110 Issue 5 Pages Plate3
    Published: October 25, 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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