Gold mining industry began in 7 th century with a considerable result from the technical point of view. After flourishing times of 200 years, it gradually declined in prosperity on account of domestic warfares until Muromachi era. Gold mines were again. worked in 16th-17 th century, because foreign methods of newer mining technic were imported.
Excavation of gold are in Japan is so old that mines which are easy to discover and work are nearly exhausted in bonanza. Therefore ores remained are in general unknown ores without outcrops or low grade ores in depth or are bodies which are difficult to smelt.
At present there is very small quantity of pure gold in Japan, some 100 tons or so. But there are 3, 000 pits which are recorded in outputs of gold since the discovery of gold are in Japan and there are 800 mines which have had actual production of gold in these 20-30 years. The writer assumes the gold are reserves about 500 tons, but their, grade is very low.
Gold ores in quartz vein had the leading position in the Meiji era (1905±). But gold. ores by hydrothermal process through volcanic activity in and after Tertiary were discovered in Konomai, Takatama, Kawazu, Takeno and Tainohu Mines in Taisho-Showa era (since 1912). Gold resources in sulphide are have recently been collected and unknown ores in depth are being discovered with hopeful prospect of success.
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