3. The Relation of Dry Condition and Wet Condition
The writer tested the variation of bearing-power of rocks, under dry condition and wet condition.
The experimental rocks are sandstone, slate, limestone and quartz-diorite. And the writer made the test-piece of 5 cm cube from them.
The half of them was in dry condition and the rest was in wet condition which is steeped in water during 18 days. In these condition, the bearing-power of the test-pieces is tested and compared
Consequently, the variation of bearing-power in wet condition and in dry condition was found.
The result are as following :
limestone decrease about 4%
sandstone & quartz-diorite decrease about 10%
slate decrease about 30%
4. The Relation of Artificial Crack-surface of Test-piece and its Load-direction
The writer made the three kinds of test-piece with quartz-diorite, and made several artificial cracks for them.
And he studied the variation of the bearing power of test-pieces whose crack-surface is parallel or vertical to the load-direction.
Consequently, the bearing power of test-piece have a little difference according to the case of parallel or of right-angle.
And the case of right-angle was larger than the parallel case, about 8.8 %.
5. The Relation between Artificial Cracks and these Bearing-power
The writer made several test-pieces of 5 cm. cube, by slate, sandstone, limestone and quartz-diorite.
And made the artificial cracks of 14 stripes, with parallel and same interval on a surface of test-piece.
By means of them, he tested the bearing-power under the variations of crack direction and. road direction.
As the result, in the case of which the crack surface is parallel to road-direction, the bearing-power decreases, as the cracks increase.
In the case of right cross, the bearing-power increases as the cracks increase.
And on the reverse, the bearing-power is decreased by more increasing cracks.
6. The Relation of Bedding Plane and Load-direction
The writer made the 78 pieces of test-piece from three kinds of slate-rocks, and divide them into two parts.
And the bearing-power is tested in the two cases which the load-direction is vertical or parallel to the bedding plain.
As the results, the bearing-power was stronger about 3% in the parallel load-direction to the bedding plain than in the vertical direction.
Accordingly, the case of a bedding plain test-piece, it needs to decide either the load-direction is vertical or parallel to the bedding plain.
The writer, on this case, uses the test-piece which the load-direction is vertical to the bedding plain.
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