Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)
Online ISSN : 1884-0884
Print ISSN : 0022-135X
ISSN-L : 0022-135X
Volume 66, Issue 2
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • Fuyuhiko KISHINOUYE
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 59-65
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    In recent years study of microseisms has been advancing because of their application to meteorology and earthquake engineering. An outline of it is shown here.
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  • Tanji HAYAKAWA
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 66-81
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    In 1942 the writer had the opportunity to travel the southern part of the Malay peninsula, and observed many beauxite deposits, and the following articles were noted.
    1. Beauxites belongs to alluminous lateritic bauxite, and are found generally in the area of 25-50 m heigh above the sea level, but were never found over 70 m.
    2. The parental rocks of beauxite are the various kind of rocks, such as shales hornfels of Triassic formation, granite peudo-granitic of dioritic rocks, their marginal rock faces, and so called Pahan Volcanic Series and its agglomerates.
    3. The deposits are usually 1-2 m thick, and overlied by laterite beds are about 0-2 m of thick, and covered by the surface soils, about 0-1 m of thick.
    4. A indistinct clino-unconformity is found between beauxite and laterite, and in some area they are covered unconformably by surface soils.
    5. The are is of high quality : Al2O3 55.0-58.0 %, SiO2 3.0-5.0% Fe2O3 7.0-10.0 %, TiO2 0.2-0.5 %, Ig. Loss 25-30 %.
    The are reserve is huge, among which about 16 million tons of are are in the Southern Coast Region, which is about 80 percent of the total reserve of Malay peninsula, and would meet the great expectation in the future.
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  • Hideo SUZUKI
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 82-90
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    In vorliegender Arbeit ist die Struktur der Klimagrenze Zentraljapans offenbar gemacht worden. Die Ränder der Niederschläge wurden hierbei als Merkmal gewählt. Es wurden 24 Verteilungskarten dieser Ränder von der ersten Hälfte Januars bis zur letzten Hälfte Dezembers aus 365 täglichen Niederschlagsverteilungskarten (Abb. 1 u. 2) des Jahres 1955 gebildet. Abb. 3 u. 4 sind deren zwei Beispiele. Die Zahlen dieser Linien in einem Quadrat mit der Fläche von 1.5 × 1.5 km2 wurden auf den Abb. 5 u. 6 erwiesen. Die Zonen mit Zahlen mehr als 2 auf diesen Karten zeigen die Uebergangszonen zwischen der Klimate und die Kammlinien dieser Zonen sind die Witterungsscheiden einzelner Halbmonate. Abb. 7 stellt den jährlichen Gesamtüberblick dieser Witterungsscheiden dar. In gleicher Weise sind die Uebergangszonen und die Kammlinien festgestellt worden. (Abb. 8)
    Die ungebrochenen Linien in der Abb. 3 u. 4 zeigen, dass es den Niederschlag nordseits bzw. westseits dieser Linien gibt. Die gebrochenen Linien sind die Ränder der Süd-bzw. Ostniederschläge. Die Linien in der Abb. 5, 6, 7 u. 8 folgen dementsprechend.
    Das Bild einzelner Karten ändert sich sehr je nach dem Jahresverlauf der Witterung. Aber aus dem Vergleich der jährlichen Karten (Abb. 8) mit denen der monatlichen Karten (Abb. 5, 6 u. a.) kann man schliessen, dass der Hauptunterschied japanischer Klimate zwischen Hinter-nnd Vorderjapan liegt, und dieser Unterschied hauptsächlich nur in Winter, wo die dünne Kaltluft aus Sibirien herkommt, existieren kann. Im Sommer wird die Einheit der Witterung kleiner wegen der Erhitzung und der dicken Warmluft aus dem Stillen Ozean und es ergibt keinen wesentlichen Unterschied zwischen Hinter-and Vorderjapan. (Abb. 2, 4 u. 6)
    Es ist auch festgestellt worden, bis zum welchen Grade der Unterschied zwischen den zwei hauptjapanischen. Klimaten besteht. Die grösste Zahl 12 in der Abb. 8 in der Ecke links beweist, dass es nur während eines Halbjahres diesen Unterschied gibt, wenn halbmonatlich, wie hier, gesehen wird.
    Die Feststellung der Klimaprovinzen ist durch oben gewonnenen Erkenntnisse noch unmöglich, da die Kammlinien, d. h. Klimagrenzen, nebeneirander laufen. Dafür sind noch weitere Studien über Unterprovinzen durch die anderen Merkmalen erforderlich.
    Aufnahme zeigt den Rand des Niederschlags Wetterlage.
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 91-97
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 98-124
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
    Briefly speaking, the distortions of map projection are presented in their scale alteration, area alteration, and angle alteration. The alterations of the orthodrome and loxodrome are derived from them. If we are going to study something on a large scale map, we are able to have a pretty exact concept of its pattern of arrengement and distribution. But if the scale is not a large one we may have an incorrect concept of them.
    Partaining to this aspect of cartography, not mach has been published so far. Therefore, I should like to introduce briefly the distortion theory. Since Tissot's indicatrix is the most fundamental one concerning the map distortion theory, I am going to explain it in more detail, and will treat some of the recent status of its practical application. For instance, Robinson's diagrams, Russian authors' monograms, etc.
    There are, I believe, many unsolved problems related to the map projections which will be eventually solved in near future. From the standpoint of the distortion theory, they mry be summarized as follows :
    1. If the earth is taken asha sphere by the common method, some distortions is innevitable. But these distortions are very small. So, we may negect those distortions either on the very small scale maps of large area, or on the very large scale maps of small area. Therefore the probrem in question is most important for maps of intermedium scales which a certain degree of distortion is unavoidable.
    2. We are able to study precisely the distortions of large sc ale maps, except the conformal projections which have been studied more closely.
    3. We need to establish and study the concrete and useful method of map projections, and selection of a certain map projections of a certain purpose.
    4. It is necessary to establish a more concrete theory and systems of map projection from the scientifc point of view. So far, Goussinsky's classification of map projection is seemed to be the most appropriate one that has hither been used.
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 125-132
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 133a-134
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 133
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 134-135
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 135b
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • S. K
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 135a
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1957 Volume 66 Issue 2 Pages 135
    Published: June 30, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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