Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)
Online ISSN : 1884-0884
Print ISSN : 0022-135X
ISSN-L : 0022-135X
Volume 68, Issue 2
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • 2. Hotsprings other than those of Quaternary volcanic areas
    Hisayoshi NAKAMURA
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 47-67
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    There are another kinds of hotsprings in Japan besides those of Quaternary volcanic areas which are accompanied with fumaroles. Most of them are distrbuted in Tertiary volcanic rock areas, Tertiary plutonic and hyperbyssal rock areas, pre-Tertiary granite areas, Teatiary oil-fields and non-igneous rock areas. Judging from the relation that Quaternary volcanic zones are parallel to those of Tertiary in Japan, hotsprings distributed in above-mentioned areas seem. to be related to Tertiary igneous activities, except a few related to pre-tertiary granite.
    Chemical characters of hotsprings emitted from altered rock areas are as follows :
    (1) hotsprings of younger altered rock areas central areas (A) acidic SO4--type (B) acidic Cl--SO4--type outerside areas Cl- type, Cl--SO4-- type and HCO3- type
    (2) hotsprings of older altered rock areas central area type and Cl--HCO3- type outerside area HCO3- type
    Among them, Cl- type and Cl--HCO3- type of group (2) are charcterized by high content of Cl- 1.5g/1 above and HCO3- 1g/1 above. Through group (1) and (2), hotsproings of outside areas are diluted by ground water and characterized by HCO3- in general.
    Refering to the genesis of igneous saline waters, hotsprings of Cl' type and Cr-HCO3- type seem to be related to hydrothermal solutions corresponding to hgihly concentrated magmatic waters which were formed below critical temperature under high pressure.
    The ratio of Na+ to K+ and Br- to Cl-- is characteristic to reveal the regional properties of hotsprings. The ratio of Na + to K+ relates to pH, but there are some hot springs which indicate a wide range of ratio in spite of having constant pH value. The ratio of Br- to Cl- seems avairable to distinguish thermal waters of igneous origin from those of sea water or fossil water origin. Hot springs of volcanic origin are generally characterized by low value. However, some hot springs in igneous rock areas have so high value that it corresponds to that in those of Tertiary oil-fields. The ratio of halogens and alkali-metals in thermal waters may serve as the valuable key to study the regional properties of hotsprings.
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  • Wataru MUROI, Toru ANZAI
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 68-88
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    Because of the continuous pumping, the declining phenomena of the water-level of hot springs had been -occured in several places. So the writers had, for long years tried how to prevent the springs from the exhaustion.
    But it had much difficulty to resolve this problem completely on geological, hydrological point of an underground thermal water.
    In this paper, they describe chiefly the method and theory of pouring water to the underground thermal zone by deep bore-hole. At first, they show the method how to resolve geologically and hydrologically the circle of influence on boreholes drilled at many places of the hot spring region. And at second, they describe mainly the practical test of the method which pour water into the underground thermal zone by two wells at Akayu-machi.
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  • Igenous Activity in China and Metallugeny in South China.
    Ching-Huang HU
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 89-96
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
    In 1945 Dr. Huang supplemented the eleventh chapter to his Geotectonics of China, 1944, in which the following subjects are discussed :
    The igenous activity in the Variscan cycle.
    The igenous activity in the Yenshan cycle.
    The igenous activity in the Himalayan cycle.
    The geotectonics and metallogeny.
    The metallogenetic provinces in South China.
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  • [in Japanese], [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 97-98
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 98-100
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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  • [in Japanese]
    1959 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 101
    Published: June 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: November 12, 2009
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