Over a year has elapsed since the Meishin Expressway was opened as the first and most well-constructed expressway for automobiles in Japan. However, the utilization of the expressway has been much lower than it was originally expected. Especially noticeable are the two facts : the use of the expressway by trucks has been considerably low ; the number of automobiles using this expressway for long distances is few. In order to clarify the causes for such poor utility, I have made investigations of approximately 800 enterprises, using over 100 employees, and which are located within 10 kilometers of the expressway. The results reveal the following :
a. The rate of toll is too high for many trucks to defray the expense. This is especially true of trucks running long distances.
b. Many enterprises are not so constructed as to be able to make use of the time saved through the utilization of the expressway.
c. The eastern half of this expressway-the distance between Ritto and Ichinomiyashows very little traffic. The reasons for this situation are that National Highways No. 1 and No. 8 are running in parallel with this expressway, and that vehicles cannot derive much benefit from the use of this expressway.
d. Trucks make most use of the portion between Kyoto South and Ritto. This portion is used as a by-path to avoid traffic congestion within Kyoto city.
e. Not many trucks are using the Meishin Expressway. Most of those using the expressway are trucks which must transport freight promptly and trucks loaded with breakable or dangerous freight.
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