Ringed by the militant Islam, Christian Ethiopia isolated herself from the outside world for last ten centuries. Now His Majesty Haile Selassie I leads his ancient land and people to modernity. The pace is slow but steady.
The government of this country is nominally constitutional monarchy ; in fact, a benevolent autocracy. The area of this country is about 1, 184, 000 square kilometers, and the accurate survey is now in progress. In the country 22, 000, 000 dusk-skinned, mostly non-Negroid peoples populate, but has never had a national census. Their languages officially Amharic, plus English, Italian and some others. Their religion is Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, with many Moslems and pagans.
The capital is Addis Ababa or Addis Abeba. Climate is equatorially hot in the lowlands, but temperate on the highlands.
An ever-growing flood of travelers is discovering Ethiopia, home of primitive peoples and unparalleled wild game only short air hops from modern hotels.
Generally speaking, this African empire is the country of future.
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