Online ISSN : 1884-0884
Print ISSN : 0022-135X
ISSN-L : 0022-135X
88 巻, 3 号
  • 層序小説
    澤田 秀穂
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 133-143
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    この国の先寒武界 (Precambrian) は層序・岩相などからの推定によるもので, 絶対年代の決定によるものはまだない。角閃岩相の片麻岩類がこの時代のものであろうとされ, この国西縁の山岳部の中軸帯にみられる他, シャム湾北縁東側にみられる。
    下部古生界 (Lower Palaeozoic) のものは西縁山岳地帯, シャム湾北縁東側, および南の半島部にしられる。寒武紀 (Cambrian) のものは三葉虫を伴う砂岩よりなり, また珪岩, 石英千枚岩, 石英片岩, 若干の泥質岩よりなる地域もある。奥陶紀 (Ordovician) のものは, よく成層する石灰岩よりなるものが典型的で, 頭足類の化石を伴うことがあり, また頁岩, 砂質岩類を若干挾在する。
    中部古生界は変化にとみ, 西部では三葉虫, 筆石, 触角石 (tentaculites) を含む頁岩があり, 中部では触角石頁岩, 砂岩, 石灰岩, チャート, 東部では火山岩を伴う優地向斜相 (eugeosynclinal facies) を示す。
    中部古生界の上部のものは処により石炭系 (Carboniferous) または二畳系 (Permian) にひきつづくが, 中央部ではこの時期のものは化石をみない赤色岩層により代表される。
    上部古生界のものはこれより古いものをおおうかこれに伴って存し, 石炭紀のものは化石にとむ頁岩や砂岩で二畳紀層の下にくる。所により石炭紀の化石のみられぬ赤色岩層が二畳紀層下に整合または不整合に存する。上部古生層の上位のものは主として石灰岩であるが, この石灰岩は所によりちがった時期から始まる。化石をふくむ三畳紀層 (Triassic) は, 国の西部にみられ, 所により二畳-三畳紀の境は整合または不整合となる。
    三畳紀後期-白亜紀 (Cretaceous) の非海成層は主として北東部にみられ, Norian または Carnian 後期からも始まったとされる。この地層は志留-泥盆紀 (Silurian-Devonian) から三畳紀におよぶ時代の古期岩層の上にのり, 時には後期三畳紀の火山岩類をおおうこともある。
    第三紀層 (Tertiary) は山間盆地, チャオフラヤ河の中央平原, シャム湾底にしられ, 褐炭や含油頁岩 (oil shale) を含むことが多い。その時代決定は未だ十分でない。
    この国の層序がここ十数年来の日本人古生物専門家他の多大の貢献によって急激に明らかとなってきたことは著しく, また新旧各種の地層にはいろいろの地層名がっけられてきているものの, この国の層序分類はまだ確立するには程遠く, 既に混乱が生じてきている。基礎的な精細にして確実な成果をあげる正直な現地調査が更につみ重ねられていかねばならず, そのためにはこの国の国民ひいては世界の全人類が自然との調和において幸せに暮してゆける為に献身するこの国の地質専門家が, 多数近い将来に現れることこそ望ましい。
  • 松本 達郎
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 144-154
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relationship of transgression-regression with eustasy is examined in this paper on examples of the stable areas in the Cretaceous period. The factual data can be summarized in a diagram (Fig. 1). The scale of major transgression seems to have been enlarged from the Neocomian, through the Aptian-Albian, to the Late Cretaceous ones and the post-Cretaceous (i.e. Palaeocene) regression was of a global scale.
    Minor cycles of transgression-regression were not necessarily synchronous between separated areas. Some of them were, however, synchronous or nearly so especially between the areas facing the same oceanic basin.
    Eustasy alone was not the cause of the phenomena of transgressions and regressions. Certain kinds of tectonic movements which affected even the stable areas were also responsible for the phenomena. The combined effects of both causes may have been remarkable in the Cretaceous examples.
    It is tentatively suggested that the sea-level gradually uprised during the Cretaceous period by the combined effects of active upheaval of oceanic rises, volcanic effusion, appearance and development of orogenic mountains from geosynclinal belts, increasing sedimentary deposition due to intense erosion of uprising mountains, etc. In short, global activity may have been responsible for the Cretaceous major transgressions. The pause of this activity, followed by isostatic adjustment in certain parts of continents and that of oceanic areas may have been the cause for the Palaeocene global regression.
  • 鳥居 栄一郎
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 155-171
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Considering that hydrogeology essentially comes under Quaternary research, the author emphasizes that aquifers should be arranged in time scale series by means of compiling geomorphic history of the concerned area, taking a serious view of the relations between geomorphic surfaces and geologies (aquifers).
    Based on this principle, the author compiled the hydrogeology of the Kushiro Plain.
    I. Summaries of the Hydrogeology of the Kushiro Plain
    1) The Kushiro Plain is a down-warped depositional basin which consists of the Kushiro formation (diluvium) and alluvial deposits.
    2) The Kushiro formation (composed of gravel, sand, mud and volcanic ash) is divided into 7 minor members, and the center of deposition in the plain was located in and around Lake Toro in the early Pleistocene Epoch.
    3) In the alluvial age, however, the center of deposition in the plain has been located in the area 45 km from the present coast line.
    4) The author found 2 marine terraces and 3 river terraces around the plain, and also found 3 buried terraces lying at a depth of 2070 meters and a buried valley with a maximum depth of 80 meters under the plain.
    5) The deep artesian groundwater in the plain originates from the aquifers of the Kushiro formation and the buried terrace gravels.
    6) Alluvial deposits consist of sand facies (coastal sand dunes and buried coastal sand dunes) and mud facies (most of the post-gracial deposits). The former has nice aquifers and the latter has only poor aquifers.
    7) The deep artesian groundwater in the plain derives from the terrace area northwest of the plain. The flow of the ground water is almost at a standstill under the central part of the plain.
    II. Special Features of the Hydrogeology of the Kushiro Plain
    1) Particle Size Distribution
    The author fully investigated considerable boring data located at the Kushiro Plain. He found that considerable sand facies and very little mud facies compared with standard alluvial plains of Japan are existing in the Kushiro Plain.
    2) Thickness of Unit Stratum
    The author found that the maximum thickness of the unit stratum of the whole facies does not exceed the limit of 20 m he found that the thickness of most of the unit stratum is below 6 m. He also found that the average thickness of the unit stratum does not have any relation to the particle size of each stratum.
    3) Number of Strata
    The ratio of the number of gravel-strata, sand-strata and mud-strata resembles the ratio of the particle size of each stratum.
    4) Regional Difference of Specific Capacity
    The author studied the regional difference of Specific Capacity using various boring data throughout the investigated area and he compiled “Specific Capacity Distribution Map” of the Kushiro Plain.
  • 坪井誠太郎先生を囲む座談会
    湊 秀雄
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 172-182
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小林 貞一
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 183-190
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 神戸 信和
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. 191
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 式 正英
    1979 年 88 巻 3 号 p. Plate1-Plate2
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー