In this part of the article the Cambro-Ordovician stratigraphy is successively described of the 3 N Arc comprizing New Guinea, New Caledonia and New Zealand (1), Australian continent (2), Tasmania (3) and Antarctica (4). In summary it is noted that (1) in the Cambrian period the Adelaide geosyncline extended into the Transantarctic mountains along the Pacific margin,
(2) in the Tasman geosyncline to the east volcanism took place in the older Palaeozoic periods,
(3) the excellent graptolite zonation is seen in Victoria, while the Ordovician shelly facies is wide spread on Central and Northwest Australia,
(4) in Tasmania the Cambrian system is allied to that of Victoria in facies, but the non-graptolite facies is well developed in the Ordovician system,
(5) the Tasman geosyncline was strongly deformed by the Devonian Tabberabberan and later orogenies till at length it turned out the folded mountains by the end of the Permo-Triassic age, while the so-called Hokonui or Rangitata orogeny which corresponds to the late Mesozoic Sakawa orogeny in Japan has taken place in New Zealand, and
(6) the Cambro-Ordovician faunas of these Southwestern Pacific areas are intimately related to those of Eastern Asia.
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