Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
15 巻, 3 号
  • 猪 初男, 水越 鉄理, 長場 雅男
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 169-189
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮原 敏行, 周防屋 洋, 中島 恒彦, 末田 卓也, 河田 政一
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 190-200
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    By means of measuring the pressure changes in the middle ear cavity caused by the spontaneous contraction of the middle ear muscles of the anesthetized guinea pig, the genesis of the spontaneous contraction was studied. The results obtained in this work were summarized as follows:
    1) The spontaneous contraction of the middle ear muscles was observed in almost all of the animals tested. The amplitude of the pressure changes in the middle ear cavity during spontaneous contraction was on the average 1.2mmH2O and its duration averaged 1 second.
    2) As concerns the frequency of the spontaneous contractions, there had been never observed a regularity or periodicity and the frequency decreased with time. There were also found great individual differences.
    3) By means of the simultaneous recording of electromyogram, it became clear that the spontaneous contraction had no relation with the activity of the striated muscles in the body.
    4) The spontaneous contractions were inhibited during sound stimuli of high intensities, pain stimulus and contact stimulation. On the other hand, light anesthesia and asphyxia promoted the occurrence of the spontaneous contractions.
    5) These results indicate that the spontaneous contractions are not related to the movements of the striated muscles in the body, but have great relation with the situation of autonomic nervous systems.
  • 綿貫 幸三, 河本 和友, 片桐 主一
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 201-204
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Silver nitrate staining was successfully used for observing the surface structure of the inner ear tissues. Under pentobarbital anaesthesia (30mg/kg), the experimental animals were decapitated and the temporal bones were removed. The round and oval window was opened. The inner ears were perfused with a 0.2% AgNO3 solution by using a small syringe with low hydrostatic pressure for about 2minutes. For staining the vestibular organs, the bony walls around the stapes were carefully chopped out exposing the saccule, utriculus and the three ampullae of the semicircular canals and the walls of the saccule and utriculus were partly ruptured facilitating the irrigation of the solution. Afterwards the inner ears were washed with distilled water for a few seconds and fixed with 10% formalin. They were reserved at room temperature under fluorescent light (about 20 Lux) for 24 hours. Another reduction method of the silver ions was as follows. After perfusion with a 0.2% AgNO3 solution in the same way, the inner ear, 3 were washed with distilled water and then they were also perf used with a 0.2% NaOH or KOH solution for about 30 seconds and fixed with 10% formalin in a cold and dark chamber.
  • 綿貫 幸三, 柏崎 均, 河本 和友, 片桐 主一
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 205-207
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    For autoradiography, tritium labelled nucleic acid precursors were directly injected into the labyrinthine fluids of the inner ear. Dissected specimens of the inner ear were used for the autoradiographic preparations after treatment with photo emulsions by dipping method.
    1. The labyrinthine fluids are very convenient incubating media for the cells or the tissues which are in direct contact with the fluids.
    2. The dosis of the intralabyrinthine administration of the isotope is much smaller than that of the intraperitoneal or intravenous one.
    3. The isotope solution is able to be injected separately into either endolymph or perilymph or both.
    4. Dissected Reissner's membranes of the cochlea are very good objects for autoradiography, because the membrane consists of only two cell layers of quite different morphological characteristics from each other.
  • 小倉 義郎, 妹尾 一信, 松原 浄, 黒田 泰生
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 208-211
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    An acatalasemic case was discovered at the screening test on 1,271 students of Okayama University in April, 968.
    The twenty-year-old male student with anamnesis of severe teeth disease was the first acatalasemia found among 70,000 individuals screened in Japan.
    Another acatalasemic woman was found out by follow-up study of his family.
  • 久保 隆一, 松村 益美, 曲田 公光, 鹿島 直子, 大野 政一
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 212-217
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Es wird über Fälle von Fremdkörpern der Speiseröhre und der unteren Luftwege in der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenklinik der Universitat Kagoshima im Zeitraum vom März 1956 bis zum Februar 1966 statistisch berichtet.
    Die Fälle der Speiseröhrenfremdkörper belaufen sich im ganzen auf 124. Diese ergeben Anteil von 15.7% der ganzen ösophagoskopierten Fälle. Über die Hälfte der Fälle waren Kinder unter 10 Jahren. Die Fälle der Kinder bis zum 6. Lebensjahr machten 42.7% aus. Betreffs der Arten des Fremdkörpers der Speiseröhre waren Münzen (53) am häufigsten, danach folgten Fischgräten (24), Zahnprothese (11) usw.
    Die Fälle der Fremdkörper der unteren Luftwege machen insgesamt 42 Fälle aus. Sie ergeben Anteil von 14.7% der bronchoskopierten Fälle. Die meisten Fälle waren Kinder bis zum 10. Lebensjahr (88%). Bei 16 Fällen klemmten sich die Fremdkörper in den rechten Bronchus, bei 12 Fällen in den linken, bei 9 Fällen in die Luftröhre, bei 3 Fällen in den subglottischen Raum und bei 2 Fällen in die Bifurkationsstelle der Luftröhre ein. Das Verhältnis der eingeklemmten Seite der Bronchien ist also 4 rechts zu 3 links. Betreffend die Arten des Fremdkörpers waren die Fälle von Erdnuß am häufigsten (19 Fälle).
  • 久保 隆一, 勝田 兼司, 高木 茂
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 218-223
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Es fehlt bei Fällen des Schilddrüsenkarzinomes oft an subjektiven sowie objektiven Symptomen. Es ist nicht selten, daß die Diagnose des Primärtumors erst durch die histologische Untersuchung der angeschwollenen Halslymphknoten festgestellt wird. Die Verfasser haben neulich solche zwei Fälle erfahren.
    Der 1. Fall handelt es sich um einen 55jährigen Seemann, der mit Tumorbildung am linken Seitenhalse und Schluckbeschwerde unser Ambulatorium besucht hat. Es gab palpatorisch sowie inspektorisch keinen Tumor im Bereich der Schilddrüse. Durch die histologische Untersuchung eines Halslymphknotens wurde die Diagnose des Karzinomes (papilläres Adenokarzinom) festgestellt. Der linke Schilddrüsenlappen wurde bei der radikalen Neck-Dissektion samt der anderen metastatischen Knoten en bloc exstirpiert.
    Der 2. Fall ist ein 59jähriger Bauer, der wegen der ulzerierenden rechten Gaumentonsille uns besucht hat. Da das Probestück der rechten Tonsille an Malignom erinnerte, wurden die radikale Neck-Dissektion und die Exstirpation der rechten Tonsille durchgeführt. Dabei sah man denHalslymphknoten und den rechten Schilddrüsenlappen derb anschwellen. Durch die histologische Untersuchung des Schilddrüsenlappens und der en bloc entfernten Lymphknoten ergab sich, daß die angeschwollenen Lymphknoten keineMetastasen des Tonsillenmalignomes, sondern die des Schilddrüsenkarzinomes (papilläres Adenokarzinom) waren.
    Die beiden Fälle nahmen bisher glatten Verlanf.
  • 正常値とTheraptiqueの影響
    調 重昭
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 224-232
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bei der Prüfung der Labyrinthreaktion am Meerschweinchen wurde bis jetzt nur der experimentelle Nystagmus bei der direkten Methode beobachtet. Ich habe den optokinetischen Nystagmus (OKN) und den rotatorischen Nystagmus bei Meerschweinchen elektronystagmographisch registriert, um die normalen vestibulären Erregbarkeitsverhältnisse zu bestimmen. Zusätzlich habe ich die Wirkung von Théraptique auf den experimentell ausgelösten Nystagmus geprüft.
    Die meisten Tiere fixierten die halbrunde Streifenprojektionswand gut und hatten einen deutlichen Nystagmus. Am regelmäßigsten war der OKN bei einer Reizgeschwindigkeit von 10°/sec (Frequenz: 1/2.5 sec). Bei jeden Reizgeshwindigkeiten von 10°/sec, 30°/sec und 60°/sec war die Amplitude des Nystagmus nicht verändert. Bei schnellerer Bewegung des Reizstreifens war die Frequenz des Nystagmus vermindert.
    Die durchschnittliche vestibuläre Schwellenwert des Meerschweinchens bei Drehprüfung lag unterhalb einer Beschleunigung von 0.5°. Der postrotatorische Nystagmus hatte bestandig 9 sec. Dauer und 20 Schläge nach plötzlichem Stop von 60°/sec gezeigt.
    Nach der Anwendung von Théraptique (bei intraperitonealer Inj. von 1.5 bis 4.5 mg) wird bei dem experimentellen Nystagmus eine abfallende Reaktion gezeigt; d. h. die Frequenz und die Winkelgeschwindigkeit der langsamen Phasen im OKN, auch die Frequenz, die Amplitude und die Dauer im rotatorischen Nystagmus nahmen ab.
    Die tiefste abfallende Reaktion wurde durchschnittlich nach 60 Min. erreicht. Dabei wurde beobachtet, daß ein spontaner Pendelnystagmus zeitweise auftrat.
    Théraptique, ein respirationsförderndes Mittel, wird klinisch bei Schwindel verabreicht. Es bewirkt zunächst die Dilatation der A. vertebralis und dann beeinflußt es den Hirnkreislauf. Dadurch wird nicht nur das Atemzentrum gereizt, sondern es werden auch die Augenreflexe gedämpft. Aufgrund der elektronystagmographischen Befunde muß man als Angriff sort den Colliculus superior, die Formatio reticularis des Hirnstamms und die Kerne des Augenmuskels ansehen.
  • 安田 宏一, 宇多村 善則
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 233-239
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fukuda's Stepping Test (1959) for directional deviation has some merits. For one thing, it does not take up so large a space as the Gait Test. For another, the deviation of direction is ascert ained more easily by it than by other methods, e. g., various types of standing test (Romberg's, Mann's, or Flounier's).
    Two more peculiarities of the Stepping Test have been found by the authors. One is its greater sensitivity to deviation phenomenon in comparison with that of the other tests. The other is that the tendency the results of this test have to deviate to the opposite side of CP (canal paresis) is more marked. These two peculiarities were examined.
    Subjects of this study were sixty eight patients who had CP of 10% or more in calorigram. In addition to the Stepping Test, directional deviation was examined by Spontaneous Nystagmus, Standing Test, Vertical Writing Test, Gait Test and Positional Nystagmus with respect to all subjects.
    The results show that the discovery rate of abnormal deviation is the highest (66%) with the Stepping Test and that more than half of the subjects examined by this test have shown deviations to the opposite side of CP. The reason why its discovery rate was the highest can be explained by the fact that in the Stepping Test deviation is repeated f if ty times. Such an accumulation of deviations by repetition occurs only in the Stepping Test.
    The reason why one group of subjects showed the deviation to the CP side while the other group the one to the opposite side may be found in two factors: that is,(1) the difference in the degree of CP, and (2) the course or the length of diseases.
    No interrelation between the degree of CP and the direction of deviation was discovered. As for the course of disease, the cases which showed the deviation to the CP side generally had courses longer than six months, while those showing the deviation to the opposite side had durations less than six months. And these results proved to be statistically significant (p<0.05). The tendency to deviate to the opposite side of CP in the initial stage of diseases may be ascribed to the circumstance that the diseased labyrinth is still irritable within six months from the inception of the disease.
  • 永渕 正昭
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 240-251
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present investigation was designed to observe the reduction of stuttering when the acoustic environment of the speaker was altered.The subjects were 8 male stutterers with range in age from 11 to 22 years, and 4 normal young adults; 2 males and 2 females. As masking noises, song, orchestra, news and white noise were selected. Each masking noise was presented at 90dB binaurally and monaurally during oral reading of a set of word passages to observe the stuttering under masking noise. The results of this experiment indicate that masking noises with song and orchestra bring about a marked reduction in the severity of stuttering and news has a little effect. But the inhibition was less effective with white noise.The binaural masking is more effective than the monaural one for the reduction of stuttering.
  • 安田 宏一
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 252-256
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The following five methods have been used for the diagnosis of adenoid up to the present:
    i) Symptoms characteristic of adenoid (adenoid face, rhinolalia, etc.)
    ii) Rhinoscopia anterior
    iii) Rhinoscopia posterior
    iv) Digital examination
    V) Roentogenological examination
    Already in 1874, WILHELM MEYER described these methods except the roentog enological one;but they are far from satisfactory in reliability. Relying merely on symptoms is a too indirect method for the diagnosis. Rhinoscopia anterior is not applicable to all patients and is not reliable enough. Rhinoscopia posterior, though the most reliable, is not easy to use for children. Digital examination has a disadvantage that it gives discomfort to the patient. A method of roentogenological examination using low voltage has been recently developed, so it will be hereafter extensively used, though the method is not in general use now.
    The author has found a new simple method for the diagnosis of adenoid, of which the procedure is as follows: A coton-wound applicator is put into the nasal cavity along the floor until it touches the back wall of the pharynx. Then its tip is raised by using the thick of the thumb. The applicator will arch, if there is an abnormal growth in the way. The applicator will have to be to a certain extent withdrawn in order to raise its tip farther up. Thus the length of the applicator's regression will indicate the size of the adenoid.
    According to the length of the regression the size of the adenoid can be graded as follows:
    Grade Size of the adenoid
    No regression of the applicator 0 no adenoid
    Less than 5 mm regression 1 small
    Less than 10 mm regression 2 medium
    More than 10 mm regression 3 large
    The foregoing has been supported by examining twenty cases of adenoid with rhinoscopia posterior and roentogenological method as well as by the results of operation.
  • 原田 好雄, 鳥居 浩
    1970 年 15 巻 3 号 p. 257-260
    発行日: 1970/03/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 32 cases (47 ears) of the patients of tinnitus (28 cases of tinnitus, accompanied with sensory neural deafness and 4 cases of without deafness), the authors treated with Juvela nicotinate for several weeks. In 27 cases of these patients, their tinnitus are exermined by the masking methode of tinnitus before and after the administration of this agent. The efficiency of this agent is decided from the subjective complaint of tinnitus and from the objective improvement of tinnitus by the masking method.The efficiency on tinnitus are observed in 18 cases (56.3%) or in 23 ears (48.9%). Especially, in the cases of the combined administration with thiamine, Juvela nicotinate show the more effective results on tinnitus.