Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
71 巻, 8 号
  • 中西 和仁, 桧 学, 伊藤 信輔, 泉川 不二子, 加納 直行, 渡辺 秀男, 加藤 実, 太田 和夫
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1045-1057
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In scoliotic patients, there are no complaints related to vertigo regardless of whether the patients are at rest or are active. However, there is a tendency for them to complain of various autonomic syndromes relating to motion sickness when they are stimulated by passive movement such as vehicles, buses, cars etc. These syndromes are particularly aggravated when these patients are on a car or a bus, and gaze at rapidly moving objects around them.
    There is often significant improvement in such syndromes when these patients are treated by various orthopedic technics, such as wearing a corset and surgery, and there is an amelioration of both the deteriorated optokinetic nystagmus and the scoliotic spine in the lumbar region.
    Thus, the mechanism of motion sickness in scoliotic patients is not attributed to disturbances of the proprio-vestibular coordination, but rather to those related to proprio-optic coordination.
  • 森 弘, 堀内 政子, 北原 一明, 北 真行, 中井 義尚, 田中 富子, 錦織 悠美子
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1059-1067
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The function of the stapedius muscle in patients with Bell's palsy and Ramsay-Hunt syndrome was analysed by the test of changes in otoadmittance of the ear caused by reflex contraction of the stapedius muscle. Twenty-one (53%) among 40 patients with Bell's palsy showed a positive stapedius muscle function 3 weeks after the onset. This percentage was almost the same in the test of stapedius muscle function in the 7th, 14th and 21st days after the palsy onset. On the other hand, the positive stapedius function was increased in 4 weeks after the onset. Bell's palsy patients with a positive stapedius muscle function showed a slight degree of the facial paralysis compared to the higher degree of the paralysis in patients with a negative stapedius function within 3 weeks of the onset. A positive stapedius muscle function was also observed in some cases of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. We conclude that the stapedius muscle function in Bell's palsy patients should be tested within 3 weeks after the onset for the etiological diagnosis, in order to determine prognosis and the treatment.
  • 松岡 寿子, 渡辺 敬, 北尾 友幸
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1069-1075
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1966年より1976年までの過去11年間は, 当教室で手術された術後性上顎嚢腫83症例について, 臨床統計的観察を行うとともに文献的考察を行い, つぎの結果をえた.
    1. 性差, 患側の左右差は認められなかった.
    2. 発病年令は30才代に最も多く (36.2%), 約半数が初回手術後10~19年後に発病していた術後経年の平均は (18.29±10.03).
    3. 初回手術時年令が若い程, 術後経年が短くなる傾向はみられたが, 有意の関係はなかった.
    4. 鼻腔内に所見を有するものが比較的多く (47.0%), 鼻腔内正常なものよりも術後経年が有意に短かった.
    5. 初回手術は全例 Caldwell-Luc 法で行われており, 全例対孔が閉鎖していた. 自然孔も記載のある62例については全例閉鎖および狭窄が認められた. また再発の2症例においても対孔, 自然孔の閉鎖を認めた.
    6. 篩骨洞にはX線上陰影を認めないものが多かった (72.3%).
    7. 骨欠損を39.7%に認めた.
    8. 成因には多くの要因が関与しているが, 鼻腔内に所見を有するものは術後経年が比較的短く再生上顎洞の孤立によって生じた可能性が強いと考えた.
    9. 初回手術においても, 術後性上顎嚢腫に対する手術においても, 粘膜の完全な剥離よりも, 十分な排泄路の作製とその保存に重点を置くべきである.
  • 毛利 学, 西尾 正寿, 島津 薫, 毛利 純, 堀田 雄一, 矢谷 憲一郎
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1077-1084
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    歯根嚢腫を取扱うにあたり, 臨床上注意すべきことは次の諸点である.
    1. 本嚢腫の診断は, 原因歯の確認と総合的なX線検査が主体となるが, 犬歯窩における羊皮紙様捻髪音の触知も診断の補助として重要である.
    2. X線検査において最も注意すべき所見は多房性の陰影である. 多房性の陰影を認める場合には, 癌腫 (腺様嚢胞癌) との鑑別が必要である.
    3. 本嚢腫の治療上の問題点は, 嚢腫摘出と同時に上顎洞根本手術を施行する必要があるか否かの判定である. その適応の決定には, 排泄機能検査によって洞粘膜病変の程度を調べることも1つの指針であるが, 嚢腫が大きい場合には洞粘膜を保存できると考えられる症例に対しても, 上顎洞根本手術を行って嚢腔と上顎洞を1つの腔洞にして2次的治癒を計る方法が良いと考える.
  • (第3報) 血中好塩基球と鼻汁中好塩基性顆粒細胞との関係について
    大塚 博邦, 奥田 稔
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1085-1090
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    There have been several reports on the appearence of basophilic granular cells in respiratory secretion of atopic patients but these cells have not yet been identified. We studied ten nasal allergy patients and seven nonatopic subjects by comparing basophilic granular cell counts in nasal secretion from circulating basophil counts five times a day, 7-8 a. m., at noon, 3 p. m., 6 p. m., and 9-10 p. m.
    Results indicated that circulating basophil counts were significantly increased at night but decreased in the morning and basophilic granular cell counts in nasal secretion of atopic subjects reversely decreased at night and increased in the morning. In seven nonatopic subjects, the basophil counts were not significantly changed throughout the day and basophilic granular cells in nasal secretion were negative.
    The present study suggests that basophilic granular cells or part of these cells in nasal allergic patients can be identified as basophils from the peripheral blood.
  • 大井 益一, 三吉 康郎, 大山 勝, 坂倉 康夫, 鵜飼 幸太郎, 由井 誠一郎, 山本 真平
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1091-1100
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Warthin's tumor (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum) is a rare benign tumor of the salivary glands. This tumor consists of histologic components, one epithelial, the other lymphoid.
    This report concerns two cases of Warthin's tumor. The first case was an 18 year old female who first noted a small lump near the left angle of the mandible. The lump was removed and was histologically demonstrated to be Warthin's tumor. The second case concerned a 67 year old male who first noted a lump near the left angle of the mandible and a swelling in the nasopharyngeal region. The tumor was diagnosed as an epipharynx malignancy with left neck metastasis and radiation therapy of 1200 rads was given, when this tumor proved to be benign, the neck tumor and epipharynx tumor were removed and were histologically demonstrated to be Warthin's tumor for the former and the oncocytoid tumor for the latter.
    Reports of papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum in Japan were reviewed and histogenesis of this tumor was discussed.
  • 小池 聰之, 小河原 利彰, 森脇 昭介, 青木 輝行, 渡辺 周一
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1101-1107
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 我々は, 喉頭腺癌3例を報告した. その組織像は, adenoid cystic carcinoma 1例 (70才女性) と mucoepidermoid carcinoma 2例 (64才, 男性, 45才, 男性) である.
    2) adenoid cystic carcinoma と mucoepidermoid carcinoma は, 組織発生学的に同じ管系より発生し, 両者の移行型もみられる. 我々は, 腫瘍が主導管由来の場合 mucoepidermoid carcinoma の像を呈し, 腺房近くの末梢導管に発生すると adenoid cystic carcinoma の像を呈する傾向が強いと考えられる.
    3) 治療は, 本腫瘍の増殖形態が扁平上皮癌と異なり, 粘膜下に広く浸潤し, また放射線抵抗性を有するため手術療法が優先される. 切除範囲を肉眼的に決定するのは難しく, 術中断端の迅速病理組織検査を行って切除範囲を決定することが, 局所再発予防の上からも大切である.
  • 佐藤 文彦, 斎藤 等, 水越 治, 西村 武重, 伊達 敬一, 中村 文雄
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1109-1116
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Patients who undergo laryngectomy lose the facility of phonation. In these patients, compensatory voice may be produced by the use of body structures (ex. esophageal speech or laryngoplasty) or with the help of special aids such as an artificial larynx or an electro-larynx. The majority of patients who go through with voice training after the operation learn to speak with an esophageal type voice. However, it is difficult for these laryngectomized patients to master the esophageal speech which requires extensive training. Those patients who failed to learn this type of substitutive voice may be helped by the use of artificial instruments.
    We did a statistical study of the compensatory voices and of a few factors in the development of the esophageal speech in the members of KYOTO KOYUKAI (the Society of laryngectomized).
    The items of the compensatory voice utilized by these alaryngeal members were demonstrated. The esophageal speech was 51% (90 patients) out of 177 patients. A study of factors in the development of the esophageal speech revealed that in those over 70 years of age and in those with a personality such as introversion and neuroticism, it was difficult to master the esophageal speech. However, the surgical procedure of total laryngectomy and whether or not the suture of cricopharyngeal muscle should be done is not directly concerned with the development of esophageal speech.
    Esophageal speech 79 cases (44.7%)
    Esophageal speech with artificial larynx 11 (6.3%) 90 cases (51%)
    Artificial larynx 62 (35.1%)
    Electrical larynx 2 (1.1%)
    Writing or sign 18 (9.9%)
    Unknown 2 (1.1%)
    Laryngoplasty 3 (1.8%)
  • 山口 宗彦, 矢島 寿夫
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1117-1123
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Clinical observations of 57 patients with thyroid cancer encountered from October 1972 to April 1977 in the ENT Department of Chiba National Hospital are reported.
    Histological types were classified by Meissner's method into papillary (40 cases), follicular (10 cases) and undifferentiated carcinoma (7 cases).
    The early signs of thyroid cancer are a solitary nodule in the thyroid gland, enlarged cervical nodes, an extensive swelling of the thyroid, hoarseness, discomfort in the neck, etc.
    Pain, recent growth, dyspnea and fixation of the mass are all late symptoms.
    Evaluation of the routine test which consists of employment of palpation, 131I scintigram and roentgenogram are also discussed.
    For most patients, the primary treatment of thyroid cancer is surgery. When a malignant solitary nodule is revealed, a total lobectomy is performed on the side of the tumor and all lymph nodes and neighboring tissue along the trachea and oesophagus are excised.
    When the tumor is infiltrated near the isthmus, a radical subtotal resection of the opposite lobe is carried out, leaving only a mass of normal thyroid tissue with its blood supply.
    The incidence of nerve injury or permanent hypothyroidism occurs to a lesser extent than after simple lobectomy.
    When nodes containing metastatic carcinoma are found to be located adjacent to the cervical region, a modified neck dissection is performed, often with the result that the sub-maxillary region is preserved.
  • 長谷川 誠, 斎藤 洋三
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1125-1131
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    ハウスダストによる通年性アレルギー性鼻炎者15名を対象にして, Beclomethasone dipropionate を左右鼻腔内に50μgずつ, 1日4回合計400μgを2週間にわたり連日噴霧させ, 鼻腔抵抗の頭位変化と「鼻アレルギー日記」からの鼻症状スコアー, (nasal symptom score) によりその有効性を検討した.
    Beclomethasone dipropionate は自覚症状及び他覚的所見からもアレルギー性鼻炎患者に有効であることを示した.
  • 村田 清高
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1133-1139
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    According to the polarographic principle, perilymphatic oxygen tension was measured by placing a microelectrode in the vestibule through a fenestrated foot plate. Even a minimum change of arterial CO2 following apnea, hypo- and hyperventilation, as well as inhalation of pure oxygen or hypoxia mixed with CO2 altered the perilymphatic oxygen tension significantly. Under these conditions, arterial CO2, compared with arterial O2 gas, has a dominant effect on the perilymphatic oxygen tension.
  • 田辺 正博, 一色 信彦, 北嶋 和智
    1978 年 71 巻 8 号 p. 1141-1148
    発行日: 1978/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A reflectionless tube described by Sondhi is utilized to obtain the glottal waveform.
    The rationale of this method is that the effect of vocal-tract resonances on glottal waveform is considerably reduced by phonating into a reflectionless uniform tube.
    Measurement of the transmission characteristic (frequency response) of the tube proved minimal attenuation caused by the tube.
    The obtained glottal waveform in four normal subjects and in nine patients with laryngeal pathologies are reported herein and methods presently available for estimating the glottal waveform are also discussed. The glottal waveform with reflectionless tube proved to be simpler and more practical for clinical use.