Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
72 巻, 8 号
  • その神経耳科学的検討
    中西 和仁, 檜 学, 伊藤 信輔, 泉川 不二子, 山崎 万里子, 渡辺 秀男
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 971-977
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 9-year-old female who suffered from a progressive scoliotic spine in the thoracic and lumbar regions showed a convergence nystagmus together with bilateral abducens paresis.
    Oto-neurological examinations revealed that before treatment there were no signs of horizontally induced voluntary and involuntary (optokinetic and caloric) eye movements, whereas no abnormalities were found in vertically induced voluntary and involuntary (optokinetic) eye movements. A Milwaukee brace treatment was prescribed for this patient. After the treatment the degree of scoliosis was significantly reduced and there was an evident disappearance or reduction in the convergence nystagmus and the bodily disequilibrium mentioned above.
    Thus the convergence nystagmus described above was probably due to dysfunction of the pontine reticular formation, as a result of hyperactivity of the lumbar proprioceptors.
  • 山本 松紀
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 979-997
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    内耳への放射線照射によって惹き起される感音性難聴には2つの Type がある. Type I は早期に一過性に出現して, その後回復する型, Type II は晩期になり出現して, 徐々に進行していく型である.
    Type I の成因は, 照射によって生じた中耳炎が内耳に波及した為によって生じた acute toxic labyrinthitis, あるいは照射によって直接惹き起された. acute aseptic labyrinthitis が原因とみなされる. しかし中耳炎にせよ, acute aseptic labyrinthitis にせよ, 照射による血管系の早期反応である血管の透過性の亢進がその本態である.
    Type II の成因としては, 照射による血管系の晩期変化である狭窄性病変がまず生じ, その結果感覚細胞をはじめとする膜迷路内の諸構造が虚血状態に陥り, それらの変性・萎縮, または消失がおこるためであると結論される.
    従来, 照射による感音性難聴を論ずる場合には, 照射による感覚細胞の直接の傷害が問題にされることが多かったが, 著者の動物実験例およびヒトの側頭骨標本は共に, 感音性難聴が感覚細胞に対する放射線照射の直接の障害によって生ずると考えるよりも, 放射線による内耳の血管病変による二次変化として生ずる可能性が大であることを示している.
  • 細井 裕司, 太田 文彦, 森 弘
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 999-1006
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A girl, aged 8, pushed a pair of tweezers into a plug receptacle with her right hand, and received an electric shock. She was treated by general practitioners, and was referred to us on the 22nd day after the injury.
    Examinations showed a central perforation of the right eardrum, a right peripheral facial palsy, a right mixed hearing loss, a recruitment phenomenon etc.
    After conservative treatment, decompression surgery of the facial nerve was performed on the 79th day after the electric shock. The patient recovered from facial palsy about 150 days after the surgery, and her hearing was improved markedly.
    The causal relation between the electric shock and the abnormal findings such as the perforation of the eardrum, the internal ear disorder, and the facial palsy was considered. It was concluded that the eardrum split was caused by a mechanical shock to the temporal bone which did in fact show a minor fracture line, and the hearing loss resulted from an inner ear disturbance due to temporal contusion. The facial palsy was apparently due to either temporal mechanical shock or stress, such as is seen in cases of Bell's palsy.
  • 綿貫 幸三, 小野寺 亮, 沖津 卓二, 神林 潤一, 六郷 正暁
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1007-1012
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    眼窩より篩骨眼窩板を破壊し, 篩骨洞に浸潤した炎症性偽腫瘍の一例を報告した. 29才, 男, 眼球突出, 複視, 眼瞼下垂等で発症し, 急速に左盲となる. 耳鼻科にて経上顎洞的に試験切除したが肉芽組織との診断を得た. これは臨床的所見と合わせて, 眼窩内炎症性偽腫瘍と解釈されるものであったろう. 最終的には眼科での腫瘍の減荷手術の際の摘出標本からの病理組織診により眼窩内炎症性偽腫瘍の診断を得た. ステロイド, 抗生物質, 減荷手術を行って有効であったが, 左盲は改善されなかった.
  • 飯塚 桂司, 戸川 清, 今野 昭義, 東 紘一郎, 藤原 隆行, 井上 周一
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1013-1018
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 47-year-old woman complained of a painless swelling on the right lateral neck, which grew slowly for 5 months after discovery. Weak pain radiating out the arm and the hand was experienced by palpation.
    Examination revealed an about 5×7cm, firm, fixed mass with tumor vessels in the right supraclavicular region. There was also a palpable nodular lesion in the right lobe of the thyroid. Calcification on a plain film and a cold nodule in thyroid scintigram were evident.
    A right hemithyroidectomy with radical neck dissection was performed for malignant struma and cervical metastasis. The nodular lesion in the thyroid proved to be a follicular adenoma, and the lateral neck tumor was a neurilemmoma of Antoni-A type, arising in the brachial plexus.
    A 67-year-old man underwent incomplete resection of the right infraauricular tumor in a certain hospital, and ulcerative change and sialorrhea then appeared.
    After twice sessions of cryosurgery, the tumor became a painful mass and he was introduced to our clinic.
    A fixed mass of about 5×7cm was noted in the right infraauricular and submandibular region and there was an ulcerative lesion of about 3cm in diameter, bulging into the lumen of the pharynx. Examination revealed calcification on a plain film and abnormal accumulation of 67Ga citrate in scintigram.
    Suspected of being a malignant tumor of the parotid gland, the patient underwent a total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation, radical neck dissection and partial pharyngectomy. The pathology revealed a ganglioneuroma.
    After 2 months, a firm, fixed, slightly tender tumor, about the size of the tip of the thumb could be palpated in the left supraclavicular region. Surgery revealed a neurilemmoma of Antoni-A type beneath the anterior scalenus muscle.
  • 学校健康診断と扁摘後のアンケート調査による研究
    三井 洋, 三吉 康郎, 坂倉 康夫, 鵜飼 幸太郎, 由井 誠一郎, 山際 幹和, 間島 雄一, 大井 益一, 野崎 秋一
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1019-1028
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In spite of increasing attention given to the immunological role of the tonsil, it is widely accepted that tonsillectomy produces good results. In our study, we investigated the incidence of recurrent tonsillitis and the effect of tonsillectomy. Otolaryngological examinations were carried out on 36, 485 Japanese school children 7 to 20-years of age, for 6 consecutive years. Prevalent rate of palatine tonsillar hypertrophy was found to be 16.3%, the highest rate being in 7-year-old children and the incidence decreased gradually with age, to 1.6%, the lowest rate, at the 20-year-old persons. Prevalent rate of chronic palatine tonsillitis was 12.7% in 7-year-old children, gradually decreased to 6.7%, the lowest rate being in 15-year-old children, but an increase with age at a rate of 13.5% was seen in the 20-year-old persons. The overall prevalent rate of palatine tonsillar hypertrophy and chronic tonsillitis was 11.6% and 10.6% for primary school children. On the other hand, 167 tonsillectomized patients during the years from 1973 to 1976 were followed up using a questionnaire. The effect of operation on sore throat, recurrent colds, high fever, foreign sensation of the throat and cervical lymphoadenopathy, were considered. Although this was not a controlled study, a noticeable reduction in the frequency of these conditions was evident postoperatively. One hundred and fifth-five patients (94.5%) stated they were satisfied with the tonsillectomy.
  • その鼻X線所見
    日比 孝也, 福田 精
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1029-1031
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 48 yr. old man complained of a stiff esophagus and lower airway, of a ten year duration. Nevertheless he could swallow food and had no difficulty breathing. He had consulted different ENT specialists and x-rays and examination of chest, nose, paranasal sinuses, esophagobronchoscopy were always negative. Various drugs were prescribed and all were without effect. The last three years he had had a continuous insomnia.
    In radiograms of the parasinuses, we noted a slight circumscript clouding in the ‘regio olfactoria’ on the right side and we prescribed Lisozym (Neuzym) 270mg day for 2 weeks. After these 2 weeks he no longer complained of abnormal sensations in the pharyngolaryngeal region or of insomnia and radiograms showed that the clouding of the ethmoid cells had completely disappeared.
  • 三好 豊二, 富沢 貞造, 樋渡 章二, 村田 清高, 石川 保之, 八木 伸也
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1033-1039
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    言語発達遅滞児を, その原因群毎に分け, 発育テストのプロフィルを比較した所,
    1), 知能発達遅滞児は, 発育全般が遅れて居るが, 高DQ群と低DQ群に分かれ, 両者は質的にも異る様に思われる.
    2), 難聴群, 不良言語環境群, 知能発達遅滞高DQ群の3者は, ほぼ同じ発育のパターンを示し, ただ知能発達遅滞群は, 歴年令に比し, 発育全般が遅れて居た.
    3), 知能発達遅滞低DQ群は, 全く異る発育パターンを示し, 質的に前3者と異るものと思われた.
    4), 自閉症又は自閉傾向群は, 発育の型はむしろ, 低DQに属するものと思われた.
  • 肺動脈形成不全症に合併した
    湯本 英二, 丘村 煕, 柳原 尚明, 中村 資朗
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1041-1046
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A seven-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, funnel chest, and scoliosis was admitted for a recurrent left pulmonary atelectasis of unknown etiology. Repeated bronchoscopic examinations confirmed that the atelectasis was caused by bronchial polyps associated with foreign bodies (some kind of vegetable matter) in the bronchus. Gradual improvement of the atelectasis was brought about by removing the foreign bodies and curretting the bronchial polyps. This slow improvement necessitated further examinations including perfusion scanning of the lungs and pulmonary artery angiography. These examinations revealed that there was a congenital hypogenesis of the left pulmonary artery and a patent foramen ovale. After five months, satisfactory aeration of the left lung was evident on the radiographic examination. We wish to emphasize that when treating uncontrollable chronic pulmonary dysfunction, physicians should always keep in mind the possibility of a foreign body in the bronchus.
  • 細川 智, 大野 吉昭, 北條 和博, 相馬 博志, 鳥居 智子, 猪 初男
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1047-1057
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 耳鳴を訴えた92例115耳に, Oxazolam (1錠10mg) 1日3錠と Hydergine (1錠1mg) 1日3錠を投与し, 耳鳴の自覚的 score より著効18耳, 有効18耳, 軽快44耳, 不変 (無効) 35耳で, 有効率60.5%の成績を得た.
    2. 耳鳴遮蔽検査からの効果判定では, 著しい改善20耳, より改善5耳, 改善10耳, 不変76耳, 悪化5耳で本検査による有効率は30.4%であった.
    3. 自覚的 score の判定と遮蔽検査の判定との相関をみると, 両判定とも一致したのは115耳中66耳, 57.4%であった.
    4. 遮蔽検査で不変と判定された76耳中, 自覚的に耳鳴か軽減したのが44耳あり, 他覚的には余り変化を認めにくい耳鳴症にあっても, Oxazolam と Hydergine の投与により半数以上のものが自覚的に耳鳴が軽減していた.
  • 二木 隆, 森本 正紀, 与座 朝義, 吉信 敏子
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1059-1067
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Clinical study of Azulen® “mini-troche” was carried out in 40 patients, with tongue, oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal inflammations in the mucosa of gingivobuccal sulcus, ten of which were lost to follow up.
    The effects of Azulen® “mini-troche” was as follows: for 30 cases excellent 5 (17%), good 10 (33%), poor 10 (33%), and none 5 (17%); for tongue and oral inflammation in 6 cases, excellent 1 (16%), good 0, poor 4 (67%), and none 1 (16%); for pharyngeal inflammation in 11 cases, excellent 1 (9%), good 4 (36%), poor 3 (27%), and none 3 (27%), including radiation injuries 1 excellent and another good; for laryngeal inflammation in 9 cases, excellent 2 (22%), good 4 (44%), poor 2 (22%), and none 1 (11%); for pharyngolaryngeal inflammation in 4 cases, excellent 1 (25%), good 2 (50%), poor 1 (25%), and none 0. For acute inflammation in 12 cases, excellent 3 (25%), good 7 (58%), poor 2 (16%), and none 0, for chronic inflammation in 18 cases, excellent 2 (11%), good 3 (16%), poor 8 (44%), and none 5 (27%). Subjective side effects were not complained of.
    Azulen® “mini-troche” appears safe and useful in upper respiratory inflammations, especially in pharyngeal and laryngeal inflammations, and radiation inflammations.
  • 井元 俊夫, 田中 耕一, 中井 義明
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1069-1079
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 末梢性疾患と中枢性疾患を平衡機能検査を中心に頭度の比較を行なったがX2検定で統計的有意差を認めたものは, 聴力障害の有無, ETT, OKP温度眼振テストのCPの有無, 頭位眼振の有無, 頭位変換眼振の有無, CMI, ENGによる眼振の有無, 廻転後眼振検査の9項目の検査であった.
    2) 19項目による数量化二類の比較では, 末梢性疾患と中枢性疾患の判別に重要な検査は, 第一に温度眼振検査のCPの有無で以下OKP, 聴力障害の有無, ETT, 廻転後眼振検査, CMI, シェロンテスト, 立ち直り反射検査と続いており, 従来の方法とは違った結果がでた.
    3) 数量化二類による19項目の分析で73%をこえる正診率を得た.
    4) 数量化二類による判別で, 検査項目を11項目にへらしてもその正診率は70%をこえ11項目の検査によるスクリーニングテストの実用性を認識した.
  • 西谷 小枝, 山下 敏夫, 天野 一, 友田 幸一, 熊沢 忠躬
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1081-1089
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    種々の大きさの病状の陳旧性鼓膜穿孔に対し, 穿孔の大きさ, 穿孔縁の性状に対応した新しい保存的鼓膜閉鎖法を工夫した. この方法を, 従来の適応外とみなされた大穿孔や, 完全には乾燥していない慢性中耳炎症例を含む90例に施行し, その結果として90例中66例に完全閉鎖を見, 残り24例も全例穿孔の縮少を見た. 完全閉鎖に要した期間は平均9.7週であり, 完全閉鎖後の中耳炎症の再発や鼓膜再穿孔は現在のところみられていない.
  • 津村 滋, 高橋 宏明, 吉田 政雄, 坂本 好治, 山崎 隆
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1091-1096
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    To investigate the prosodic feature of artificial voice in cases of laryngectomy, the sound pressures and variances of five Japanese vowels in esophageal speech and an artificial larynx were measured and compared with same during normal speech. We found that the average pressure of the five vowels uttered by light phonation was the largest in normal speech. The pressure was smaller in cases of an artificial larynx, and smallest in esophageal speech. When uttered by subjectively rated equal loudness, the pressure variances of the same vowel in the artificial larynx were as small as in normal speech, while the variances were large in esophageal speech. The average pressure difference among the five vowels in artificial larynx was similar to that of normal speech, and was in order of /a/, /o/, /e/, /u/, and /i/. In esophageal speech, however, almost no pressure difference was observed among the five vowels. These results show that from the standpoint of sound pressure, the artificial larynx is more favorable than esophageal speech.
  • 田辺 正博, 一色 信彦, 張 田裕
    1979 年 72 巻 8 号 p. 1097-1103
    発行日: 1979/08/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The vibration of the vocal cords is usually observed by taking a high speed motion picture of the larynx. Although, this method can give an accurate evaluation of vocal cord vibration, it involves a complicated and time consuming technique.
    The electronic laryngo-synchron-stroboscope is now being used for clinical evaluations. The principle of stroboscope is that synchronization of the illumination with the frequency of vibration results in an apparent standstill of the vocal cords in any desired position. A slow-motion effect of the vibratory cycle can also be obtained by varying the rate of the illumination slightly in relation to the frequency of vibration.
    In comparison with a high speed motion picture, in which vocal cord vibration is actually slowed, stroboscopy produces an optical illusion, in which a vibratory cycle is synthesized by “glottal” pictures gathered from successive vibratory cycles.
    Theoretically, stroboscopy can provide an illusive vocal cords vibration only when the vocal cords vibrate regularly and periodically, in the strict sense. The illusive slow-motion of the vocal cord vibration is similar enough to the actual vibration in normal phonation in which amplitude and frequency modulation is relatively slow and slight. However, most of our subjects have a hoarse voice in which the vocal cord vibration is irregular and aperiodic.
    Synchronization of the strobo-flash with voice signal and with vibratory pattern of the vocal cords obtained by high speed motion picture technique was tested under various “glottal” conditions.
    When vocal cord vibration was regular and periodic in the case of a slightly breathy voice, synchronization of the stroboscopic light and vocal cord vibration was obtained, thus standstill or slow-motion of the vibration was observed. In cases of a highly breathy voice, even when the vibration of vocal cords was relatively regular and periodic, the stroboscope did not synchronize with the vibration. A standstill or a slow-motion of the vocal cord vibration could not be obtained. Although the stroboscope was synchronized with the vocal cord vibration in some with rough voices in which the vibration was relatively periodic, a standstill or a slow-motion of the vocal cords vibration was not observed because of an abrupt change in amplitude.
    It should be noted that a detailed discussion of findings using the stroboscope is meaningless unless the stroboscope is synchronized with the vocal cord vibration.