久保 登士子, 柴田 昌三
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
A quantitative survey focusing on the geographical distribution of botanical gardens in Japan was conducted to clarify the changes and factors evident between the Meiji to the Heisei era(1868-2019). 216 botanical garden-related facilities were surveyed, these were members of the Japan Association of Botanical Gardens, which is the only botanical garden organization in Japan. The distribution range of botanical gardens in Japan more than doubled after World War II and about 90% of the prefectures had botanical gardens in 2005. A comparison of the transition of the geographical distribution of three types of establishers, school, public, and private, indicated a difference in each category. The number of school gardens and public gardens was strongly correlated with population. The change in the distribution area of private gardens was thought to be due to the impact of tourism demand. Botanical gardens in Japan were established mainly in the Kanto and Kinki regions until the end of World War II and established in all regions after the war. Differences in changes in the number of botanical gardens by region were thought to be due to urban development, population growth and urban greening in urban areas, and tourism promotion and transportation development in rural areas.
林 倫子, 濱田 美知瑠
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study focuses on the "Jingu Forest Management Plan" of Ise Jingu Shrine formulated in 1923, and clarifies the zoning method of shrine forests in the plan and the origin of the landscape conservation philosophy on which the plan was based, especially the values that emphasize the view of the shrine forest from the outside of the shrine area. As a result, it was found that the shrine forest zoning method of the plan was very similar to the management method of Shintairin (sacred shrine forest), which was discussed in the "Shaji Fuchirin Ron (Management Theory of Shrine and Temple Forest)" by Honda Seiroku, and was considered to be the origin of the zoning method. The landscape conservation philosophy as the basis for shrine forest zoning of the plan was different from the forest management concept of the 1912 shrine forest survey report. Rather, it is thought to have been created under the influence of the shrine city planning that was underway at the same time, and it is possible that the zoning of the Jingu Shrine forest was a milestone in protection of the view from the city area to the Jingu Shrine, with a view toward the future designation of the adjacent mountainous area as scenic districts.
平岡 直樹
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study catalogs all the gardens Le Nôtre worked on throughout his lifetime, and aims to reveal a complete picture of Le Nôtre’s works by identifying the characteristics of the 70 gardens included in this study, as well as their relevance to Le Nôtre, the characteristics of their benefactors, and their subsequent status. As a result, the study found that Le Nôtre’s workload peaked in his later years during his 60s, right as Louis XIV, who was 25 years his junior, was at the peak of his reign, because many imitation gardens were being built as the fame of the gardens of Versailles and French-style gardens rose along with the glory of the king. The study also discovered that benefactors of the gardens almost always had some sort of connection to Louis XIV, and that the 18 gardens still in existence today have all been repurposed as public facilities such as museums, art museums, or parks, a lesson learned from the Palace of Versailles, which avoided destruction by being repurposed as an art museum. Finally, the study found that the segmentation and sale of gardens during nationalization efforts during the French revolution, as well as the reinventing of gardens as landscape gardens after the 18th century, were common factors that contributed to the loss of the 52 other gardens.
小椋 菜美, 柴田 昌三
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The “Niwaki chōhōki” is a technical book on garden plant nursing written by the Kyoto uekiya (gardener/plant dealer) Heisuke in the mid-Edo period. This study aims to reveal the knowledge described in this book and identify planting trends from the plant species it refers to. The “Niwaki chōhōki” is thought to have been published in the first half of the 18th century. Since the book contains several work songs meant to be shared with others, it is likely that the knowledge contained in the book belongs not to an individual, but rather to a group of uekiya. The descriptions of grafting techniques show that some techniques later were discontinued and remain forgotten today. Comparison with a horticultural book published in Edo at the end of the 17th century, “Kadan jikinshō,” revealed that there was a difference in plant nursing techniques between Edo and Kyoto. The “Niwaki chōhōki” mentions pine candling, one of the most important aspects of garden fostering in Kyoto today, which is not mentioned in the “Kadan jikinshō.” Thus, it was revealed that “Niwaki chōhōki” is a highly valuable historical document that demonstrates the knowledge and technique of Kyoto uekiya in the 18th century and the plant species they handled.
小林 昭裕
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study examines the historical significance of the Takaoka Old Castle Park in Toyama prefecture, Japan, from a sociocultural perspective by analyzing related historical materials. This study began by understanding the structure of an old castle town, the military and economic responses after the abandonment of Takaoka castle, and the managerial situation during the conservation and occupation of the ruined castle in the early modern period. Next, This study focused on the response to its disposal notice after the Meiji era, the sentiments from its disposition in 1872 to the petition for restoring and transforming it into the Takaoka Old Castle Park in 1874, and its contribution to Kajuro Hattori. The process leading to the park’s opening originated from the accumulated significance and meaning of the abandoned castle based on the residents’ attachment to it in response to the institutional changes (the abolition of old castles, the opening of modern parks) introduced by the Meiji government. The attachment was nurtured by the castle conservation policy of the feudal lords and its utilization and maintenance by the residents during the early modern era.
陸 丹, 山本 清龍, 中村 和彦
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Ikenobo is considered the origin of Japanese Ikebana. Ikenobo Ikebana has three major styles: Rikka, Shoka, and Freestyle Ikebana. Rikka first appeared in the 16th century (late Muromachi period) and underwent major developments during the 17th century, illustrating and reflecting the landscape views. Shoka appeared in the early Edo period, and later developed into three major areas that represented, heaven, earth, and human beings. Freestyle Ikebana is the latest Ikebana style developed in modern times. The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of Ikenobo Rikka landscape traditional architecture expression in present times through the study of modern Ikenobo Ikebana expressions. This research attempts to analyze the descriptions of the Ikebana works collected in the “Ikebana work Collections of Ikenobo Tanabata Exhibition” published between 2009 and 2018. The Ikenobo Tanabata Exhibition, dates back to the Edo period, and is the oldest Ikebana exhibition in Japan. Results show that descriptions can be classified into four categories: landscape architecture expressions, legacy of the Ikebana techniques, expressions of human spirits, and finally, expressions of human emotions. In addition, this research examines the effects of landscape architectural expressions of Rikka in modern Shoka and Freestyle Ikebana using KHCoder - a text data mining software.
浦﨑 真一
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study focused on the design of Ouchidani Park. The factors in this case, in which Nagaoka's design for the planned park did not come to fruition, are presented and elucidated. This research clarified the background and process leading up to the design and its contents and subsequent progress using assembly minutes and local newspaper articles. It also verified the relationship between the design content and subsequent progress. Moreover, factors hindering its realization and the circumstances leading to Ouchidani Park’s current state are considered. First, this paper details the failure to achieve Nagaoka's design. Primarily, cost and the relationship with the shrine hindered its realization. Multiple problems arose because it was a shrine site, which hindered the plan’s realization. Furthermore, the initially desired park site at the end of the Meiji era was an ancient castle. If this site had been used, the problems could have been avoided. Therefore, site selection was the primary reason the park could not be created.
塚田 伸也, 森田 哲夫
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study was to clarify the level of residents' awareness of parks, usage patterns and frequency of use during the COVID-19 pandemic. As case study was Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture. The method of this study was a questionnaire survey to determine residents' satisfaction with their quality of life and their expectations for new green policies about Green Infrastructure (GI) and Park-Private Finance Initiative (Park-PFI). The five factors extracted by the factor analysis (facility convenience, disaster and crime prevention, community activities, access, and open space) were found to have a significant relationship with quality of life. The results of the covariance structure analysis revealed a structural relationship between the actual use of parks, frequency of park use, satisfaction with quality of life, and expectations for green policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Expectations for green policies were found to be more strongly related to GI than to PFI. In addition, high use of parks was found to be more expectations for the green policies. Furthermore, satisfaction with quality of life was found to be strongly related to expectations for green policies.
大江 万梨, 山本 聡, 藤原 道郎, 大藪 崇司
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
VR (head-mounted display) is a tool that allows you to experience a three-dimensional space. By using VR to evaluate green spaces, it is possible to evaluate them as if they were real spaces. In this study, we aimed to understand the spatial recognition characteristics of VR images of green spaces, and focused on the understanding of spatiality, the reproducibility of reality, and the effectiveness of the montage method. The method was to evaluate green spaces using VR, photography, and field evaluation, respectively, and compare the results. First, we compared the VR evaluation with the photography evaluation in terms of spatial understanding. As a result, we found that VR is superior to photography in expressing three-dimensionality. Also, regarding the reproducibility of the scene, we found that VR is superior in recognizing close view and middle distance view, and that there is a tendency for the difference in evaluation to be greater in sunny weather than in cloudy weather. In addition, when we showed the montaged images in VR and photos, both showed similar reactions regarding variability. Therefore, it can be said that the use of VR in the evaluation of green spaces is suitable for the evaluation of close to middle distance view and evaluation in fine weather.
山島 有喜, 山本 清龍
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study aims to clarify the relationship between the buildings and the attached rooftop green space from the viewpoint of degree of openness, and the chronological characteristics. Some 1,304 rooftop green spaces developed by 2020 were collected from monthly magazine "Shin-Kenchiku (New Architecture)" and specialized books and classified into three categories of openness such as full open, limited open and closed to the public, and cross tabulation of the indicators including the location, the establisher, the presence or absence of staying and attracting facilities, the shape and components of the rooftop green space in each category was performed. As a results, the rooftop green spaces developed by public institution and those for attracting visitors were more open, staying facilities were more limited open. Besides, the number of plant species and its combination has increased since the 1990s and the spaces became as of a garden in the rooftop green spaces fully opened while lawn plantings have increased in the closed rooftop green spaces. On the other hand, limited rooftop green space has increased since 2000s with installation on the highest floors and a combination between plantings.
浅田 航太朗, 山本 清龍
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Public open space is a space that can be freely used by anyone and is becoming increasingly popular in Japan. This study categorized the spatial characteristics of public open space based on an analysis of its spatial composition elements. We also investigated how the land use of public open space has changed from the time of planning to the present. As a result, the spatial characteristics of public open space were classified into three categories: 1)the first is public open space for rest, 2)the second is public open space for long periods of rest, and 3)the third is public open space for interaction with nature. The change and the existing land use status of public open space up to the present was identified based on aerial photographs after the public open space plan were established. Furthermore, a comparison of the planned area of existing and non-existing public open space revealed that there are differences in the existing ratio depending on the location and the planning period, but not significant change in the size.
山田 宏之, 田﨑 壮馬
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of summertime water temperature and water quality surveys at the Osaka Prefectural Oizumi Ryokuchi Park Kakitsubata Garden, and to compare the results with the Ota-no-sawa iris habitat, which is the natural habitat of the iris. As a result of the survey from July 29th to October 1st, 2021, the water temperature in Oizumi Ryokuchi Park Kakitsubata Garden was significantly higher than that in Ota-no-sawa, with an average water temperature 5.9°C higher and over 40°C depending on the location. This is thought to be due to the difference in water source environment between the two sites. In order to investigate the relationship between water temperature and growth of iris, regression analysis was performed on the relationship between the average daily exposure time to water temperatures above 28°C and the height of the plant, and a significant relationship was observed. As a result, the shorter the exposure time to high water temperature, the longer the plant height. As a result of the water quality survey, the pH value of the iris garden was alkaline, and was outside the optimum pH value range for general plants. It was concluded that these two factors could be the cause of poor growth.
上田 萌子, 義本 琢磨
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
In this study, we investigated the distribution, growth, and management of the pollard forests of Quercus acutissima (Daiba-kunugi) in Nose town, Osaka prefecture, one of the main distribution areas of Daiba-kunugi forests. 41 sites were surveyed in the field, and the results showed that most Daiba-kunugi forests were located on slopes. In addition, the damage caused by deer browsing was significant, and currently nearly half of the forests were left unattended. A growth condition survey was conducted in the Daiba-kunugi forests at seven sites, which revealed that many individuals in the managed forests had more than one pedestal, and that logging was managed with the pedestal positioned higher up. In the managed forests, felling tended to occur at heights greater than 170cm, which was higher than in the neglected forests. It was suggested that these were the result of setting the pedestals higher to avoid feeding damage by deer. The forest, consisting of a large perimeter length of Daiba-kunugi, is considered to have more historical and cultural value. Support for tree management and promotion of the cultural value of the Daiba-kunugi through designation as a natural monument are future issues.
宮内 泰之, 岩本 陽児, 丸山 美夏, 君塚 亜紀
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this research is to clarify the actual usage of perennial and native plants in streetside flower beds. We surveyed in 43 places community flower beds in the summer-autumn of 2018 and 44 places community flower beds in the spring of 2019 in Tama city. The results of survey showed that a total of 162 kinds of plants (annual plants: 54sp. / perennial plants: 108sp.) were confirmed. The flower beds were divided into three types, ①Annual plant type, ②Mixed type, ③perennial plant type. Moreover ① and ② were divided into sub-units, a.High-constancy species type, b.Differential species type earch other. All in all, it was revealed that overall half or more were annual plant-based flower beds, but a multi-kind perennial plants were put on a certain flower bed behind trees or buildings. In addition, the use of the perennial plant increased as the area of the flower bed became big. It is thought that this aimed at low maintenance. At the street flower bed with much pedestrian traffic to be located in the business district, it will raise admiration value to utilize various kinds of perennial plants.
西 康貴, 大野 暁彦
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
In recent years, the city parks have diversified and it’s a problem how we balance various activities in city parks. In this research, I focused on dynamic actions and static actions seen in city parks and open spaces. I studied field survey to clarify the human behaviors in the three parks, and analyzed the relationships between actions and spaces elements, user density. As a result, it appears that trees and furniture in grass square influence on activities. And installing them in grass or connecting with it directly, it could create places with dynamic action and static action. User density increase and exceed a certain density, static actions tend to occupy static actions in grass areas. It depends on their sizes and forms. Also, about user density, it is thought static actions tend to be over dynamic action in grass areas when it is over a certain density, and it depends on the areas of each park.
福田 一葉, 下嶋 聖, 町田 怜子, 土屋 薫, 竹内 将俊
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
In Japan, visitor centers (VCs) have been established as facilities to promote the attractions of national parks. In the earlier study, 200 national park VCs were categorized into six types and three issues based on location. The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of the use of each national park based on data on the number of users, area, and population staying in each park, to organize the status of VCs in each national park, to examine their roles among existing VCs, and to obtain knowledge that will contribute to the promotion of the use of VCs.The results were obtained from the following three perspectives (1) On average, there are about 6 VCs in each national park. (2) VCs are located in places where the population of visitors is relatively high throughout the year. (3) There were 49 VCs with a distance of more than 30 km from the maximum staying population and less than 500 m from the park boundary. The results of the reclassification of the 49 VCs showed that there were 34 VCs near the core and 15 VCs near the entrances.
宮川 央輝, 熊野 稔
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Japan garden tourism registration system is an intents to create attractive experiences and exchanges by managing diverse gardens, parks, and other facilities that link the public and private sectors. This study aimed to gain insights into future public-private and diverse gardens collaboration in park management by understanding the effectiveness and characteristics of practical activities included in the registered garden tourism plans. The study organized the results of 3-year activities of the 8 councils that manage the garden tourism program according to the quantification theory type Ⅲ. In addition, by analyzing the data collected from the councils using the questionnaires, we quantitatively grasped the effect of the ratio of public-private partnership management entities and the number of constituent gardens on the management and administration. The results of this study revealed that the target plans were categorized into 3 types that enhanced the registration's effectiveness in attracting visitors, profitability, and operational knowledge. The composition of gardens and management entities also influenced management effects. A larger proportion of privately managed gardens and a smaller group of fewer than 10 gardens exert stronger management effects.
北村 夏基, 松本 邦彦, 澤木 昌典
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study is to ascertain impact of food trucks on park uses by analyzing whether the number of visitors who stay to eat and drink in urban parks increases and whether other park users change park use, because of the locating of food trucks. The results of an observational survey conducted in an urban park showed that the number of visitors who stayed increased from 30 to 100 on days when food trucks were present. Conversely, the number of visitors who stayed to eat and drink decreased from 12 to 55. In addition, no change in the average park-wide dwelling time occurred, regardless of whether food trucks were located or not. A questionnaire survey involving all park users revealed that 99.1% of respondents had never opted to change the location of their park visitations based on food trucks’ queues or noise. The above results indicate that locating food trucks in urban parks located in commercial districts, metropolitan areas has little effect on the number of park visitors, duration of their stay, and impact on other park uses.
安藤 友希, 高田 紘知, 鈴木 香穂, 市村 恒士
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study is to clarify the consciousness of local residents regarding the maintenance, management and reorganization of urban park in Muroran, a local city where the population is declining, and to examine the direction of reorganization of urban parks in the future. In fact, we conducted a questionnaire survey of local residents in Muroran City, which has a declining population and a large park area per person (valid responses: 924). Then, the survey data was aggregated and analyzed. As a result, the following things were grasped. 1) Local residents are willing to raise maintenance and management costs to a certain extent, but do not want to lower the quality of maintenance and management. 2) Expectations for “reduction of park lights” are relatively high in terms of awareness of functional changes due to reduction of facilities. 3) Expectations for “introduction of disaster prevention spaces” are relatively high in terms of awareness of how to utilize parks after reorganization. 4) As conditions for parks that give priority to reorganization of parks, relatively high priority is given to “does not meet needs”, “deterioration of playground equipment”, and “relationship with the community”. In the future, it will be necessary to consider the reorganization of urban parks in a local city where the population is declining, taking into account the above findings.
大澤 啓志, 木下 紗帆
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This report investigates the location characteristics, layout structure, and problems for the succession of shrines, which are the center of the local community in the Nishiizu area. Through a comprehensive study, we identified 167 sites, but could not find approximately 30 of the past lists of shrines. Shrines located at the foot of mountains were the most frequent (51.5%), and a tendency was observed for the shrines situated at the boundaries between inhabited areas and mountains, considering their location with settlements. Only 18.0% shrines were outside the tsunami and landslide risk areas, according to overlapping hazard maps, which did not necessarily imply that the location was safe in this district. We realized that the shrine layout structure combining the areas of subsistence and livelihood is peculiar to the Nishiizu area, with several shrines located in response to the cove and core shrine. However, interviews with Shinto chief priests showed that shrine activities, which once had the function of integrating the community, are shrinking. The significance of the succession of indigenous Shinto chief priests was proposed for the maintenance and revitalization of local cultural events. In village units where loss and enshrinement occurred at small shrines, it was assumed that in the future, they would be racking one after another from the marginal shrines in this shrine layout structure.
森崎 有香, 雨宮 護
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/14
The purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of virtual systematic social observation (SSO) using Google Street View (GSV) in a walkability assessment. Recently, the importance of measuring not only the diversity and accessibility of destinations, but also landscapes and human-scale indicators perceived by pedestrians in terms of walkability, have been recognized. Therefore, in order to utilize virtual SSO using GSV as a method for evaluating the perceived built environment, we examined the relationship between the built environment measured with this method and walking data from a person trip survey. The survey was conducted via a crowdsourced web-based questionnaire on 10,217 streets in 196 districts that were randomly selected from the small zones in Tokyo’s metropolitan area. As a result, three characteristics of the walking environment were identified: “maintained environment” (e.g., sidewalk, street bench), “natural environment,” and “commercial environment.” These characteristics were extracted via a principal component analysis, and the scores were related to the incidence rate of walking (percentage of trips taken by walking). The results indicate the usefulness of this method in assessing the human-scale walking environment. Therefore, properly measuring and improving the walking environment is recommended in the effort to support the formation of cities that promote walking.
蘇 圓圓, 沈 悦
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study takes flood-prone low-lying catchment areas in the urban areas as the research object, with the purpose of clarifying the site of the research object that has a higher demand for the introduction of green infrastructure and investigating the possibility of introducing green infrastructure in this area and to quantitatively verify its effectiveness, in order to develop green infrastructure in conjunction with future urban flood control measures and solve problems in social implementation. First, using GIS, we visualized low-lying catchment areas formed by five levels of rainfall and extracted them as priority areas for the introduction of green infrastructure. Next, we summarized the characteristics of the catchment area by distinguishing the influence range, distribution characteristics, and land use status of the low-lying catchment area formed by the five level of rainfall levels, and clarified the key import objects and import degree of green infrastructure at each level. Finally, based on the above analysis, we propose a plan that phased introduction of green infrastructure in priority areas, and quantitatively calculate the effects of each phase. The results show that this method is effective in eliminating Inland floods with rainfall intensity of 40-100mm/hr.
佐々木 啓, 山本 清龍, 宇野 翔太郎
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study deals the Oze National Park as a case study and aims 1) to grasp the attributes, awareness, and behavior of visitors and to clarify the characteristics of young people and non-lodging visitors to national parks, and 2) to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on park use and to consider the promotion of longer stay use and younger use of national parks. As a result, from the responses to the 2,261 questionnaires, it was found that the purpose of their visit was mainly landscape viewing and trekking/hiking, but with a variety of purposes. In addition to this, the lodging visitors tended to visit Ozegahara and Ozenuma. The younger group tended to visit the park to free themselves from stress and to socialize with family and friends. The results also indicated that the corona disaster may have reduced the attraction area and the proportion of elderly users. In order to promote longer stay use and younger use, guided tours in the Oze area with less strenuous exercise, day-use use of mountain lodges, and the use of Instagram and other media to communicate the benefits of lodge facilities, how to spend time, and the advantages of staying at a mountain lodge are considered to be effective.
安原 有紗, 水内 佑輔
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Natural Park (including National park, Quasi-national park and Prefectural natural park) in Japan have been based on a zoning system which designated private land, agriculture, forestry and fishery land. Thus, park plan is important to know the vision of each natural park. This study aims to examine how each prefecture open its park plan to the public on its website, and to discuss its characteristics and issues from the perspective of the use of natural parks. In this study, web pages related to natural parks of each prefecture were surveyed, and tabulated for each of the following five categories: "information on park plans", " information on area maps", "information on zoning maps", "information on park use" and "information on permission and notification related to protection regulations". As a result, it was cleared that 1) only a few prefectures publish their park plans; 2) it is impossible to check the zoning of all natural parks on the website; 3) information on how to enjoy natural parks are limited in quantity and quality, as the main information is about permission.
陳 許斗南, 國井 洋一
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Yoyogi Park, which provides public leisure space for Tokyo residents, has a large number of visitors. Entering through Shibuya Gate, visitors can see that the forward landscape space is constantly changing as the walking distance changes. To understand the relevance of visitors' visual preferences and landscape spatial characteristics in continuously changing landscape scenes, the scene landscape space of the Yoyogi Park needs to be evaluated. As the photographer, the researcher took the scene landscape space at a fixed point, and then screened the total impression score of the subjective questionnaire to obtain nine hotspot location. Through the calculation of three landscape quantitative indicators of fractal dimension, diversity, and contagion, it's to grasp the characteristics of landscape components of hotspot locations. To make the association of the three quantitative indicators with the subjective consciousness explored, the subjective evaluation of the nine scenarios was performed with seven groups of adjectives. It's showed based on the result that there is a close correlation and regularity between fractal dimension, diversity, and subjective evaluation, while the correlation between contagion and subjective evaluation is not significant in this study.
辛 承憲, 小野 良平
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
A comprehensive survey was conducted to discuss landscape characteristics of “Hiyori-yama (HY)” in coastal area of Japan, where historically served as a hilltop observation space for weather and sea traffic. Defining “landscape settings” as prospect feature from a viewpoint and public accessibility to its vicinity, 73 cases across Japan were analyzed by visibility frequency and visible area analysis using GIS(ArcMap) and old topographic maps. The results are as follows: (1) While there is a wide range of absolute values of visibility, the setting of a HY tends to be a place with relatively high visibility to both of sea and land, compared to its surrounding area. Especially, major port town tend to have HY with higher simultaneous visibility to both of sea and land. (2) In above 85% cases, central historic area of the port town can be seen from the top of HY. (3) HYs with higher visibility to both of sea and land tend to be publicly accessible places, for instance, shrines, temples, or public parks. These results suggest some perspectives for evaluation and revitalization of HY as local resources for future port towns.
坂村 圭, 江口 健斗, 上野 裕介
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Participation of city residents in irrigation water management is required for its sustainable maintenance in urban areas. In order to its promotion, this study aims to examine the irrigation water environment that raises the awareness of urban residents for its maintenance. In this study, a large-scale questionnaire survey has been conducted in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, to investigate the willingness to pay for the nine functions of the irrigation water and the preference for its environment. Then, it has been analyzed that the relationship between the preference for irrigation water environment and the awareness of its management based on binomial logistic regression analysis. As a result, it was found that what urban residents especially appreciate as a multi-functionally of irrigation water are "utilization as a snow dump", "prevention of flooding and fire", and "atmospheric adjustment function". It was also revealed that the improvement of "access to irrigation water" and "walking environment" contribute to the raise of the willingness to pay for the irrigation water management. These results suggest the possibility and the importance of strategic irrigation water development to raise management awareness of city residents.
香嶋 愛美, 雨宮 護
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
In some Japanese New Towns (NTs), which were constructed from the 1960s to the 1970s by the Japan Housing Corporation, housing areas were integrally designed with open spaces such as greenways and parks, in order to provide pleasant corridors and nearby outdoor spaces for residents. However, redevelopment projects have been underway for some areas in NTs, conducted mostly by private developers. The shift in developers has also led to a change in the block design, which now has a closed layout. This weakens the residents’ connections to the unchanged open spaces. This study aimed to reveal the changes in the network centrality of greenways in redeveloped housing areas in Tsukuba Science City. To do so, we compared the network centrality of greenways before and after redevelopment, using three indices (Reach, Betweenness, and Straightness) through Urban Network Analysis in ArcGIS. The results show that the network centrality of greenways generally decreased after redevelopment. Although the network centrality primarily decreased around the former housing sites, it increased in the vicinity of several former housing sites as well. Additionally, changes in the network structure were found in some case studies that were based on the pattern of changes in the types of houses, such as condominiums or single-family homes.
栗原 正博, 篠沢 健太, 入江 彰昭
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study examined the decline of mulberry orchards and subsequent land use in the Tonegawa area of Isesaki City. From the Meiji to the Taisho eras, this area was a land of thriving silkworm breeding and raising. However, the silk industry declined, leading to the disappearance of vast mulberry orchards. We divided the age of the silk industry of this area into five periods based on the social background of apparent changes in a mulberry field, and conducted a literature review and map comparison of mulberry orchard site use for each era.
Five social factors affected land uses - the opening of railways in the Meiji period, river improvement in the Taisho period, an increase in rice paddies due to wartime increased food production, factory construction encouraged by urban planning during the high economic growth period, and the development of residential areas. The results showed that the mulberry orchard sites mainly became farmland, construction sites for factories and houses. Four industrial parks were built on urbanization zones, attracting factories and leading to an increase of residential areas. Conversely, most of the mulberry orchard designated as an urbanization control area is being used as farmland, posing the problem of future farmland use as farmers age.
尾山 真, 金岡 省吾, 小松 亜紀子, 市村 恒士
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study is to clarify changes in students' awareness of regional settlement in the "Regional Life Plan" course at the University of Toyama through quantitative analysis, and to examine the usefulness of the course. Specifically, a structural covariance analysis was conducted on the questionnaires at the beginning and the end of the course conducted in 2022, to construct structural models of regional- settlement-awareness at the beginning and the end of it. These models suggest that students' awareness of settling in the region is correlated with their choice of region and choice of company. It is also suggested that students' understanding of the social contribution and name recognition of a company increases the attractiveness of employment opportunities in Toyama Prefecture. In addition, it is suggested that a decrease in the importance of regions outside of Toyama Prefecture increases the attractiveness of job placement in Toyama Prefecture.
塩見 一三男
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study is to clarify the intention of social welfare corporations to utilize urban parks as places to provide social welfare services, and to clarify the specifics of this intention. The questionnaire survey was conducted on all social welfare corporations in Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fukui prefectures. Questionnaires were distributed to 738 organizations, and valid responses were received from 89 organizations, for a valid response rate of 12.1%. The analysis methods were simple tabulation of each question and correlation analysis among the questions. Text data were also organized. The results of the study revealed that there are a certain number of social welfare corporations that are willing to utilize urban parks as places to provide welfare services. Next, the all of social welfare corporations were divided into four groups based on the magnitude of their intention to utilize urban parks. Finally, two specific directions of utilization were identified: one is to utilize urban parks as places for disabled people to work, and the other is to utilize urban parks as places where various generations can interact with each other.
福岡 孝則, 生田目 和佳
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This research reveals current status of Civic Green Spaces in Tokyo Metropolitan area, and aims to analyze Civic Green Space adoption and renewal process and problems focusing sense of ownership in Setagaya and Nerima-Ward. After analyzing civic green status in nation-wide scale, we conducted literature survey and interviews for 5 Wards (Ota, Suginami, Itabashi, Nerima, Setagaya) . Result of current status of Civic Green Spaces in 5 wards identified general organizational structure, adoption process of Civic Green Open Space. In addition, management structure and problems of current Civic Green Spaces revealed which are lack of good adoption and continuation process. Next, we conducted questionnaire survey to land owners of Civic Green Spaces located both in Setagaya and Nerima ward. As a result, at adoption stage, referral by government offices marked highest, and other public relations tools also functioned effectively. At renewal stage of green spaces, there were highest interests indicated in preferential tax treatment upon making contract, and expectation for sufficient green space management at Civic Green Space adoption stage. There was also highest interests in preferential tax treatment upon civic green space contract renewal. Civic Green Spaces are valuable and further research on various locations needed in order to accelerate adoption of civic green space system.
阿久井 康平, 松井 志帆, 下村 泰彦
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The study focused on pedestrian space consist of lower part of the building and sidewalk space. This study aimed to consider the prospects for the landscape formation of Midosuji avenue by analyzing that visual characteristics and clarifying the differences. First, based on the impression evaluation, principal component analysis and cluster analyses were performed. The first factor was interpreted as the “sophisticatedness” and the second factor as the “static-dynamic”. Second, in classifying landscape photographs, six types were shown. Third, the relationship between the types of landscape photography and landscape components was analyzed. In conclusion, it was found that the pedestrian space consisting of sidewalk and setback spaces has an effect on “sophisticatedness” and “static-dynamic”. Also, if the ratio of glass in the building facade is high, it was shown that it tended to be an element that affects the impression of “sophisticatedness”. If the ratio of green on the private side is high, it was shown that it tended to be an element that affects the impression of “sophisticatedness”. In addition, a correspondence relationship was also shown that tended to be “static” that tree heights were uniform, and “dynamic” that tree heights were uneven.
高橋 憲太郎, 山本 清龍
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study categorizes open-air restaurants along urban streets into two types such as (A)establishments arranging seats outdoors and (B)those arranging seats indoors, and aims 1) to grasp the composition of the spaces created by restaurants and streets, and 2) to clarify the intentionality of the space, and to discuss attractive urban development utilizing open-air restaurants. In Omote-sando area of Tokyo was selected and the field survey on the form of the street facing the restaurants, the distance from the edge of the street to the seats, the visibility of seated visitors, the arrangement and orientation of seats, and boundary objects was employed. The data set was analyzed by simple tabulation, Hayashi's quantification methods typeⅢ, and cluster analysis. The results showed that the spatial composition and space intentionality were, to some extent, defined by the form of the street. In addition, while Type A stores had an intentionality to be involved in the cityscape and an intentionality to be able to construct a "Looking at and Being looked at" relationship between store users and pedestrians, Type B stores had an intentionality to attract customers and to make the eating and drinking space comfortable, and there were differences between the two.
葛西 芳枝, 小松 亜紀子, 金岡 省吾, 尾山 真, 伊藤 大志, 市村 恒士
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the influence of local project based learning on high school students' awareness of the local. In the future, the purpose is to examine the direction of local project based learning that will be a factor in determining the career path of high school students in local cities. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the survey subjects who learned local project based learning. A multivariate analysis was performed to clarify the structure of awareness from learning evaluation to the change in awareness to the local and the factors that determine career paths. The results are as follows:1) As the results of analysis about evaluation of local project based learning, two factors were extracted: community connection and self-actualization, and self-directed learning and discussion. 2) As the results of analysis about awareness in students about locality, three factors were extracted: self-understanding and willingness to act, personal future vision, and interest in the local. 3) As the results of analysis about career path determinants, five factors were extracted: local orientation, external factors, learning orientation, self-orientation, and convenience. 4) It is important to have a dialogue with local people as a direction of local project based learning.
片桐 由希子
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This paper aims to clarify the conservation and management system by multiple local stakeholders to adapt the transition of function and use of the coastal forest. We focused on the coastal forests of Kanazawa City with recreational facilities, to understand the transition of coastal forest based on local community, and the establishment of a management system for conservation and use of forest reserve. The coastal forest development projects have been carried out by coastal villages since the Meiji period, and the current forests were formed through large-scale afforestation projects promoted as a national policy in 1950’s, and many of them are owned by the city or prefecture. The management and use system are characterized by a system of recreation facility management led by the local community association and users, in conjunction with coastal forest conservation activities. The park golf users as the main management community have enabled activities related to the conservation of coastal forest reserve to be carried out as part of the daily management of the golf course and has played an important role in establishing a system of voluntary coastal forest conservation by multiple local stakeholders.
植地 俊輔, 福井 亘, 髙林 裕
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
In 2020, Kyoto City changed the pruning method of street trees from two-step pruning to a new pruning method. This change reduced the number of pruning by removing many branches and leaves with one pruning, resulting in a 30% reduction in pruning costs. The change in pruning method is expected to affect the evaluation of the autumn foliage landscape and leaf fall cleanup to the roadside residents. However, roadside residents' evaluation of the change has not been clarified. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of the new pruning method for street trees and the evaluations of roadside residents on changes in pruning method. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the roadside residents along the Horikawa Street in Kyoto City, where pruning years were different. As a result, it was shown that the residents evaluated the effect of the new pruning method on the landscape improvement. No decrease in landscape evaluation was observed immediately after pruning. The results of the analysis revealed that the new pruning method was valued for its economic advantage of reducing pruning costs. In addition, it was found that the autumn foliage landscape, attitudes toward fallen leaves, and cleaning of fallen leaves were involved in the evaluation of conventional pruning method.
中元 菫, 松尾 薫, 武田 重昭, 加我 宏之
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
This study aimed to understand how different green spaces allocation would moderate higher urban temperatures. Specifically, numerical simulation was performed for understanding air temperature and wind distribution in August 2020, and the Weather Research and Forecasting meso-scale meteorological model was used in Sakai City. Furthermore, we performed climate simulation under three future green spaces allocation scenarios corresponding to population decline. In addition, climate analysis maps were created for each of these scenarios, and a comparison and discussion were conducted on how Sakai City’s green spaces should be arranged to accommodate future population decline. The results showed that conservation of green spaces reduced high temperatures in the city as a whole, but the distribution trends of temperature reduction area differed among the scenarios. These results suggested that while a large area of green spaces was effective in reducing temperatures locally, the green space network can also extend the temperature reduction over a wider area.
奥野 真木保, 深町 加津枝
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Local people living in Kurama, located in the northern part of Kyoto City, collect Japanese pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum) from the surroundings and eat them as preserved food. This relationship is still sustained, even with the decrease of other natural resources use. In this research, we conducted field work and an interview survey to clarify the collecting and utilizing activities, and how the relationship between the locals and Japanese pepper has been sustained. What we found was that residents make use of wild Japanese pepper and keep the area suitable for collection by transplanting the sprouts and cutting the grass. The problems of an aging society and the decreasing presence of wild Japanese pepper has fostered the change of the collection site location from mountain to residential areas. After collecting Japanese pepper, residents usually make Tsukudani, with each family having their own recipe. Through these activities, the locals not only enjoy the seasonal flavors of the area but can also realize several values including communication tools or local food culture. Thus, we can say that within the Kurama area, Japanese pepper is utilized in the form of semi-domestication and that the values which residents prioritize help to maintain this relationship.
田端 敬三
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
For the purpose of obtaining ecological information necessary for vegetation management after clear-cutting, the mortality rates and tree height growths of the pioneer tree species, Mallotus japonicus, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, Clerodendrum trichotomum and Aralia elata were investigated in a suburban secondary forest. In addition, the relationships between growth characteristics of these four species and initial size, surrounding competitive tree density or site environment were examined. As a result, the mortality rate was the highest for A. elata at 16.4%/year, followed by C. trichotomum at 10.1%/year and M. japonicus at 8.3%/year. On the other hand, it was the lowest value of 1.2%/year in Z. ailanthoides. The highest mean value for the relative growth rate of tree height was 0.139 cm/cm/year in Z. ailanthoides. The next highest was 0.089 cm/cm/year for A. elata and 0.056 cm/cm/year for M. japonicus. C. trichotomum had the lowest mean value of 0.035 cm/cm/year. For the four tree species, under the same conditions for tree height class and soil moisture content class at the habitat, the relative growth rate of tree height tended to decrease as the density of competing trees increased. On the other hand, the effects of soil moisture content at the habitat on the mortality rate and the relative growth rate of tree height were not clear for the four species.
立石 源基, 鈴木 貢次郎, 田中 聡
原稿種別: 研究論文
2023 年 86 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2023/03/31
公開日: 2023/05/12
Lack of maintenance of the forest floor have increased abandoned Satoyama areas. Abandonment Satoyama influence not only number of plants but also insects. This study investigated reason of few numbers of C. insulicola at bamboo forest by looking at the condition of soil surface hardness by field surveys and room experiments. Firstly, we checked and classified by cluster analysis the relationships of vegetation types and numbers of C. insulicola populations by field surveys. The vegetation type survey was made in an abandoned forest floor and bamboo forest area by cutting mainly Pleioblastus chino and Phyllostachys edulis. Secondly, the soil surface hardness was measured in each vegetation types for three years. Thirdly, room experiments were done to see whether C. insulicola can or cannot dig under different soil surface hardness in all year round. The results showed that few numbers of C. insulicola at bamboo forest were influenced by soil surface hardness, because the soil surface hardness was higher at the bamboo forest than at the abandoned forest. In the experiments, C. insulicola were not able to dig and hibernate under soil surface hardness, 2kg/cm2 in winter season.