Online ISSN : 1881-2368
Print ISSN : 1346-9770
ISSN-L : 1346-9770
23 巻, 2 号
  • 井上 栄
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 59-64
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      In the Japanese Islands, there is much rainfall in the rainy season, and the temperature is high in the summertime, which promotes the growth of rice. In the wintertime, there is much snowfall on the mountains in the areas facing the Sea of Japan, which results in bringing the meltwater in summer to the rice fields in those areas. Two thirds of the land is covered with mountain forests, in a big portion of which Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica) are growing particularly after plantation following the World War Two. There are 110 volcanoes (about 10% of all of the volcanoes in the world) ; eruption, earthquake and tsunami are associated with the presence of volcanoes. The massive precipitation on the lands may every year deplete water-soluble minerals from the soil surface, thereby constantly diminishing the content in the soil of potassium and phosphorus which are indispensable for plant growth. The author thinks that the volcanic ash from infrequently-but-regularly occurring eruptions are replenishing the soil with these minerals for the annual harvest of rice as well as for the growth of the cedar trees. Masao Otsuki, an agricultural economist, once called Japan as “The Country of Rice and Cedar.” Accumulation of rice grains helped to establish Yamato Imperial Court. Armada ships made of the cedar tree were sent to the Korean Peninsula in 663. Architectural techniques used for building the large ships were applied for constructing large palatial buildings in the Fujiwara Metropolis in 694. The natural environment with volcanoes and earthquakes may have made the residents make up cultures with polytheistic character.
  • 野嶽 勇一
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 65-69
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      PS-B1 is fermented products cultivated from soybean milk using indigenous lactic acid bacteria which are of human intestinal-bacteria origin. We have studied the bioactivities of PS-B1 in order to understand its ability as a “biogenic food”. In this study, we found: (1) that PS-B1 inhibited the growth of several cancer cells; (2) that PS-B1 protected liver from the damage induced by alcohol, virus, and drugs; and (3) that PS-B1 improved the lipid metabolism.
  • 水野 時子, 善方 美千子, 山田 幸二
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 70-76
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      Cultivated and wild Aralia elata SEEM. Shoots were analyzed for general composition, mineral constituents, and free amino acids composition for a taste and functional constituents.
      The protein content in the cultivated and wild shoots (per 100 g) was 2. 55 g and 5. 48 g, respectively. The potassium content in the cultivated and wild A. elata SEEM (per 100 g) was 315. 1 mg and 543. 7 mg, respectively. The zinc content in the cultivated and wild A. elata SEEM (per 100 g) was 1. 09 mg and 1. 46 mg, respectively. The main free amino acids were asparagine, glutamine, aspartic acid, serine, phenylalanine, arginine, proline and gamma-amino butyric acid. Compared with cultivated A. elata SEEM , the wild plant had a higher content of the total free amino acids, arginine, glutamine, proline, gamma-amino butyric acid and branched chain amino acids. Boiling increased the glutamic acid content approximately 8. 4 times, but it reduced the γ-amino butyric acid content about 75%. The tree bark and roots contained a high level of arginine, while the leaves showed a high content of gamma-amino butyric acid and branched chain amino acids.
  • 細山田 康恵, 山田 正子
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 77-83
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      We studied the effects of the docosahexsaenoic acid concentrate (DHA) along with a high cholesterol (HC) diet given to rats on the epididymal fat pad weight, the serum and liver iron concentrations, and the apparent iron absorption rate. Young male rats were fed a diet containing 10% Butter, 10% DHA, 10% Butter+HC or 10% DHA+HC for 3 weeks. The epididymal fat pad weight decreased in the DHA group compared to the Butter group. The concentration of serum total cholesterol decreased in the DHA group compared to the Butter group, similar to the DHA+HC group when compared to the Butter+HC group. The concentration of serum iron increased in the DHA group compared to the Butter group and the concentration of liver iron decreased in the Butter+HC group and DHA+HC group compared to the Butter group and DHA group. It was clarified that the apparent absorption rates in the observed Butter+HC group and DHA+HC group were higher than the Butter group and DHA group fed the experimental diet for the 1-14 days. However the DHA group was lower than the Butter group fed the experimental diets for the 14-21 days. These results suggest that the concentration of total cholesterol decreased in the DHA+HC group compared to the Butter+HC group, and the accumulation of adipose tissue appeared to decrease in the DHA diet compared to the Butter group. From the apparent absorption rate for each week, it was clarified that the accumulation of iron was changed by the fatty acid composition of the sample lipids used in the experiment and different feeding periods. Furthermore, we are considering the iron intake by the body.
  • 喜多村 愛, 爲房 恭子
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 84-92
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    高齢者における主観的な日常生活および食事に関する意識調査と身体測定・食事との関連を調査した。対象は46名の高齢者 (82. 0±5. 12歳) であった。測定項目は体組成, 骨密度, 歩数, 血圧, エネルギー摂取量と日常生活および食事に関する質問紙調査を行った。今回の結果より,
    (1) 対象者は主観的な生活および食事に関する質問に高い得点を示した (p<0. 05)。
    (2) 健康に関して自己評価の高い群はむくみが低い者の割合が高かった (p<0. 05)。
    (3) 食べたい物を食べる群と食生活満足度が高い群は内臓脂肪量の高い者の割合が高かった (p<0. 05)。
    (4) 健康度, 生活満足度, 食事を楽しんでいるかの項目は年代と関連を示す傾向にあり (p<0. 1), いずれの項目についても良好群のうち80歳以上の割合が高くなっていた。
      食事意識調査の結果は内臓脂肪量と関連する可能性が示され, 意識調査項目の良否はその他, 身体測定項目とは関連しなかった。
  • 多山 賢二, 岡本 洋子
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 93-102
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      食酢製造企業にとって, 夏場に長期間, 無色透明ビンに入った食酢製品の透明度を維持することは重要であるため, 小売店で陳列されるまでに凝集物の発生をより正確に速やかに予測する必要がある。これまでの伝統的な手法は, 高温で高分子凝集を促進させることを意図した60°Cでの加速試験であり, 凝集物の発生を肉眼で観察するものだが, 1~2日以内での判定は難しかった。そこで, 加速試験で60°Cよりも高温化する手法, 加熱による各分子量領域の高分子濃度の変化を解析する手法, 色素結合性高分子の濃度を解析する手法を試みたが, 信頼性は不十分であった。一方, 膜濃縮後の濁度を測定する手法では, かなり好ましい結果が得られた。すなわち, 各食酢製品や凝集物を発生しやすくする物質を添加した食酢などを用いて調べた結果, 食酢原料の種類や製法にかかわらず, 37°Cでの凝集物発生速度は, 食酢の膜濃縮液の濁度によって比較的高い確率で予測できることがわかった。食酢の60°C加速試験の問題点も最後に指摘した。
  • 三神 彩子, 長尾 慶子
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 103-110
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    エコ・クッキング教育を実際の家庭科教育の現場に導入することを目指し, 中学校家庭科調理実習献立を用いて教科書に指示された方法とエコ・クッキングに留意した方法とで比較を行った。また官能評価によるおいしさの検証も行った。あわせて調理の習熟度による影響と事前のエコ・クッキング教育による効果を検証した。得られた結果を以下に示す。
    (1) エコ・クッキングの効果として, 2献立の平均でガス使用量約41%, 水使用量約77%, 生ごみ量約28%, 使用料金約62%, CO2排出量約44%といずれも高い削減効果が得られた。あわせて出来上がった両調理法の料理の, 総合的なおいしさについて官能評価を実施したところ, 有意差はみられず同等の評価を得ていることが確認できた。
    (2) 現場教員対象の教育研修に本献立でのエコ・クッキング実習を取り入れアンケートをとったところ, エコ・クッキング教育を授業へ活用することへの積極的な意見が多くみられた。
    (3) 同じ調理を2度行うことで得られる習熟度効果とエコ・クッキング教育を行うことの教育効果を比較検証したところ, 習熟による環境に配慮した削減効果は得られず, エコ・クッキングの顕著な教育効果とその重要性が確認された。
  • —ダルエスサラーム地区の食事摂取状況と健康意識および食品摂取頻度について—
    山崎 敬子, 小柳 津周
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 111-116
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      In order to examine the eating habits of Tanzanians living in Dar es Salaam, we investigated their breakfast, lunch and dinner intake situation, and the frequency of food intake, between February and May, 2009.
      The results obtained were as follows :
      First, the percentage of people in Dar es Salaam who did not eat breakfast was lower. Among all age groups, the percentage of people who did not eat breakfast, lunch or dinner was highest among people under 20 years of age.Second, a relationship between the frequency of breakfast intake and health consciousness was observed. Third, intake frequency of ugari and oil was high,while intake frequency of pork was low.
  • 木下 明美, 山本 公平
    2012 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 117-120
    発行日: 2012/09/30
    公開日: 2012/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
      At present, the carbohydrate source in a staple Japanese diet is mostly polished rice. Brown rice polishing mainly enhances its appearance and gives it a soft texture. Unfortunately, brown rice polishing causes the loss of valuable nutrients. In recent years, the Japanese are concerned with healthy foods as a precaution against life-style related diseases and metabolic syndrome. Unpolishing rice could be a healthy option. What is improved for the ease of consuming tasteless brown rice is germinated brown rice. Thus, germinated brown rice has recently appeared in the commercial market. In addition, rice cookers with a setting for germinated brown rice are now available.
      Rice bran oil is commonly consumed as vegetable oil. In this study, the fatty acids composition of brown rice was analyzed.
      It was expected that the fatty acids in the lipids of germinated and ungerminated brown rice were changed by the germination or the boiling. However, there were no effects on the fatty acid contents, and the germinated brown rice is a safe food to eat, and its high consumption will improve dietary quality, and the useful dietary education of young children.