Online ISSN : 2434-1916
Print ISSN : 0287-119X
29 巻, 3-4 号
  • 松香 光夫
    1989 年 29 巻 3-4 号 p. 66-74
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2024/12/12
    ジャーナル フリー

    Descriptions on biologists and their works were surveyed for 10 biology and 11 natural sciences I at senior high school level as well as 5 natural sciences (2nd part) textbooks in junior high.

    Among 130 biologists appeared, 29 (22.3%) were not found in Iwanami’s Biology Dictionary. Biology and natural sciences I textbooks nominated 117 and 33 biologists, respectively, and only 9 appeared in junior high school texts. The importance of these biologists was quantified by counting rows describing their works. The best ten were: Mendel, Darwin, Spemann, Beadle, Hook, Crick, Watson, Lamarck, de Vries, and Aristotle, in order. Geneticists were most abundant and ecologists nomination was less among these textbooks.

    More biologists in early centuries tended to be nominated than recent scientists, though absolute number of quotation was the highest in the biologists who were born in the latter halfof the 19th centuries. The youngest biologist was Crick.

    Significance of the nomination of biologists in textbooks was discussed.
