Online ISSN : 2433-765X
Print ISSN : 0915-4752
特集 公開シンポジウム
  • 音山 裕宣
    2024 年 43 巻 p. 37-49
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2025/01/23
    ジャーナル フリー

      The purpose of this paper is to clarify the change in perception of biological parents who have come to collaborate with foster parents, and to present what effective biological parents support is in foster care. In the research, 10 foster parents registered in X City with practical experience in supporting biological parents were asked to introduce 1 biological parent with whom they had collaborated, and the 7 biological parents who agreed to participate in the study were surveyed. A semi-structured interview survey was conducted, and the data was analyzed through qualitative coding. The results showed that although the biological parents had complicated feelings towards the foster parents, through the process of raising the child through joint decision-making with the foster parents, they experienced successes such as regaining their confidence as parents and gained perception of their role as parents, and as a result they repeatedly went back and forth in their transformation in attitude to the point of collaborating with the foster parents. It was suggested that support for biological parents is effective in enabling them to regain confidence as parents and become aware of their role as parents by experiencing the healthy growth of their children while working with foster parents and overcoming feelings of helplessness and loss of confidence as parents.

  • 柳田 愛美
    2024 年 43 巻 p. 51-63
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2025/01/23
    ジャーナル フリー

      Previous studies have often depicted the desire of single women to marry within the context of gendered division of labor as problematic, advocating for shifts in attitudes toward embracing earning responsibilities. However, in recent years, a rising trend has been observed among single men and women, with a growing preference for women to continue working after marriage. Concurrently, the number of single men seeking partners with earning capacity is increasing.

      Nevertheless, household responsibilities often remain unequally shared in dual-earner households, leaving women to shoulder the burden of paid employment and domestic duties. The pace of change toward gender-equitable division of labor tends to be slower for married men compared to married women. Hence, examining the attitudes toward household responsibility among single men envisioning dual-earner households is imperative. Previous studies on dual-earner households have highlighted the interrelationship between the sense of earning and household responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of capturing attitudes toward both aspects.

      This study examines the relationship between the sense of earning and household responsibilities among single men aspiring for full-time dual-earner households. The analysis reveals that the survey participants generally expressed a desire to share earning responsibilities, driven by reluctance to bear the burden alone and a preference for egalitarian relationships. Conversely, they tended to anticipate that their future spouse would primarily assume household responsibilities. Thus, this study reveals one facet of the attitudes among single men who aim to share earning responsibilities but display reluctance toward sharing household responsibilities.

  • 平松 紀代子
    2024 年 43 巻 p. 65-77
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2025/01/23
    ジャーナル フリー

      A questionnaire survey was conducted among parents of 0-year-old children, focusing on child-rearing information sources and information acquisition status. While “WEB-SNS” was shown to be a highly versatile source of child-rearing information, the main sources of information were still those close to the parents, such as “grandparents” and “child-rearing companions”. “Partners” were cited as the primary source of information, indicating a trend toward parenting by both parents. The results also indicated that “public health nurses” are relied upon by older respondents who do not rely on “grandparents” and by those who have fewer children.

      Those who had experience interacting with children before becoming parents had “child-rearing companions,” rather than “public health nurses.” Furthermore, those who had experience taking care of children showed better acquisition of information on “how to raise children (putting them to sleep).”

      Only “baby food” and “how to raise children (putting them to sleep)” showed improvement in the acquisition of information as the number of children increased. Physical information sources were used for keyword-searchable information and information on child-rearing support services. There are high expectations that the acquisition of child-rearing information will be improved through the establishment of a system that facilitates parents’ access to appropriate information.
