Online ISSN : 1880-5787
Print ISSN : 0021-504X
ISSN-L : 0021-504X
36 巻, 7-8 号
  • Masao KANEDA
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 223-234
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The fine structure of the macronucleus of the gymnostome ciliate Chlamydodon pedarius at young stage and interphase approaching the division has been investigated by means of the electron microscopy.
    The macronucleus comprises two different structures: the anterior half is less dense structure which consists of the diffuse filamentous matrix material, and contains one endosome composed of much dense filamentous material in its center; on the contrary the posterior half is a very dense structure, and consists of a reticulum made of very dense strands or cords, very dense nucleolar materials and little less dense matrix material. However, the fine structure changes in the stages of the young macronucleus and of the interphase approaching the division.
    The nucleoli are distributed beneath the envelope with a short distance. The structure is composed of filamentous material, dense particles of various size, and less dense matrix in the young macronucleus, but in the interphase macronucleus approaching the division it shows very loose and vanishing structure of aggregate of granular texture. They do not have any retaining membrane always.
    The longitudinal stripes of about 100mμ to 200mμ in width are found in the macronucleus approaching the division. They run parallel to the long axis of the macronucleus, seeming to contribute the elongation of the macronucleus, and are inferred to be preliminary form of the chromonemata in the very early prophase macronucleus.
    The highly electron-scattering threads of the order of 25mμ to 30mμ in thickness and the electron-dense helices of about 15mμ to 20mμ thick are found in the corresponding places to the DNA containing elements of the macronucleus, and the filament making up them seems to correspond to a nucleoprotein complex. It is possible, consequently, to draw the following conclusions: The individual thread appears as a result of duplication of the filament; the strands in the young macronucleus are fragment of the chromonemata; the cords constituting the network of the posterior half represent the chromonemata in the interphase or very early prophase macronucleus.
    The structure of an envelope enclosing the macronucleus is composed of double membranes of about 50Å thick respectively, separated by a space of about 200Å wide, and numerous penetrating pores of about 400Å diameter in normal area.
  • Mitsuo TSUJITA
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 235-243
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    A number of larvae showing the Nl phenotype were obtained by irradiation of EHEKp/EHEKp individuals. The three Nl types, Nl, Nl1 and Nl2, were investigated. From crossing experiments, it is assumed that Nl mutants are caused by deficiencies in the part of the 14th chromosome which includes the oa locus and that the order of their relative lengths for the three types is Nl>Nl1>Nl2.
    It was observed that embryos homozygous for Nl1 die at a far more advanced stage than embryos homozygous for Nl and that the development of the embryos homozygous for Nl2 advances still a little further. Thus, the difference in the extent of the deficiency in each of the three Nl mutants relates to the stage at which the respective homozygous embryos die.
    Spontaneous Nl type mutation occurs very rarely. However, it may be said from the present experiment that the frequency of the mutation increases strikingly as a result of irradiation with X-rays and that the extent of the deficiency in each of the Nl type mutants is not always the same.
  • Toshifumi TAIRA
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 244-256
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The conversion of sepiapterin by pterine reductase obtained from Drosophila melanogaster was investigated biochemically. Molar ratio of reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide as a cofactor to sepiapterin as a substrate on this enzymatic reaction, was 1.0. The spectra of the reaction product were very similar to those of tetrahydropteridine. These facts suggest that the reaction product is tetrahydrosepiapterin.
    The products further converted from the tetrahydrosepiapterin by non-enzymatic oxidation were analyzed biochemically. In the absence of oxygen, the main product, compound A, was indistinguishable from biopterin in the chemical natures examined. In the presence of oxygen, the products of 2-amino-4-hydroxypteridine and 2-amino-4-hydroxypteridine.6-carboxylic acid were confirmed.
    From these experimental results, the metabolic relationships among pteridine derivatives found in Drosophila were clarified. A plausible scheme of pteridine metabolism is as follows:
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 257-267
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ten different antigenic factors were found by isoimmunization in the erythrocytes of the chicken. Genetic analyses showed that these antigenic factors were controlled by genes belonging to three non-linked loci, which were designated F, G and H. One of these, namely G, consisted of nine alleles GA, GBM, GC, GG, GI, GK, GL, GM and Gg, and the other two loci consisted of two alleles each-FF and Ff, and HH and Hk, respectively.
  • Tetsuo IINO
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 268-275
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    H1 inactive mutants from diphasic strain of S. typimurium perform O-H variation in place of phase variation. Phase-1 is O type and phase-2 is H type in such mutants. The functions of H1 and H2 are duplicate in flagellar production.
    The activity of H1 is controlled by Ah1, which is closely linked to H1 but separable from it by recombination. The mutation of Ah1+ to Ah1- causes the inactivation of H1. The mutant sites of three Ah1- strains differ from each other in a single cistron, and they have different potentiality of reversion.
  • V. 玄米色の異常分離
    近藤 晃
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 276-284
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 遠縁品種間雑種の玄米着色についての遺伝学的研究を行なった。
    2) 供試系統は赤米3 (うち日本稲1, インド稲2), 褐米1(インド稲) および白米16 (日本稲12, 中国渡来日本陸稲1, インド稲2, ハワイ稲1) の間に作られたF2-22組合わせ, および検定交雑のF2の14組合わせである。
    3) 赤米 (RcRd)×白米 (rcrd) のF2では正常な赤:褐:白=9:3:4の分離がみられた。赤米 (RcRd)×白米 (rcRd) の組合わせではほぼ赤:白=3:1に分離するが, 常に若干の褐米個体の分離がみられ, Rd座をく個体が生ずるものとすれば説明可能であることが指摘された。
    4) 赤米品種 (RcRd) 相互の交雑によるF2でも稀な頻度で褐米個体が分離し, ここでもRd座欠夫個体の析出が指摘された。
    5) Rdの異常分離については親品種間のRd座の位置的差異または染色体の選択対合によるRd座を担なう染色体をふくむ同親接合の可能性が論議され, 後者の原因によると推論された。ただし同親接合の相手となる染色体は未だ不明である。
    6) 供試品種のうちの唯一の褐米品種 Surjamkhi の遺伝子型は RcdRd と決定され, Rc座は少なくとも3対立遺伝子を有し, その優劣関係はRc>Rcd>rcなることが明らかとなった。なお, RcdRdの表現型は Rcrd のそれとほとんど区別されない。
    7) Danahara (赤米) と6白米品種 (rcrd) との交雑によるF2では着色米:白米=9:7の分離を示し着色米が2遺伝子の補足作用によって表現され, どちらか一方の遺伝子を劣性にもつものは白米となるかのようにみえるが, F3で赤:褐:白=9:3:4の分離がみられることから, F2でみられた9:7の異常な分離は不稔性によってもたらされたものと推論された。
  • V. SfHvSaF1植物の外部形質および花粉母細胞の成熟分裂
    中島 吾一
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 285-288
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. In the present report, the external characteristics, the number of somatic chromosomes and the meiosis in PMC's of a plant, thought to be raised from natural crossing SfHvF1 with Secale africanum growing around it, were described, and the plant will be represented as SfHvSaF1-1.
    2. The somatic number of chromosomes of the SfHvSaF1-1 plant was counted to be 21 (Fig. 1). This was probably caused by the fertilization of the female gamete of the SfHvF1 plant (2n=14) having 2n chromosomes with pollen of S. africanum (n=7) growing around it, viz. 14+7=21.
    3. The culm height of SfHvSaF1-1 was intermediate between the parents, but it was much inferior to that of SfHvF2 plant, while the length of spikes shows almost the same value to that of the SfHvF2 plants. The length of awns was intermediate between the parents, but it was inferior to that of SfHvF2 plants. The number of spikelets and spike density are rather closely resembled the SfHvF1 as the mother plant, but these were considerably superior to those of SfHvF2 plants. The number of florets per spikelet was inferior to that of the mother plant (SfHvF1), but its value was almost the same as that of the pollen parent. The number of tillers was somewhat superior to that of the SfHvF2 plant but it was considerably inferior to that of the parents.
    4. The number of chromosomes in PMC's was 21 in the total as the 2n number (Figs. 2-9). Among them 7 chromosomes most probably have been derived from pollen parent, S. africanum (n=7), and also the remaining 14 must have been derived from the mother plant, SfHvF1 (2n=14). Therefore, the genomes of this plant, SfHvSaF1-1, will be VRaRf.
    At MI of PMC's 0-7 bivalents were found. Their frequencies are shown in Table 2. The mode of occurrence of bivalents was 5, and average value of the bivalents was 3.85.
    Most of the bivalents may be caused by the syndesis between the chromosomes of Ra and Rf genomes of S. africanum and S. fragile respectively.
    Trivalents besides bivalents were rarely observed.
    5. This SfHvSaF1-1 plant was completely sterile.
  • 矢野 雋輔
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 289-296
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    X線および Nitromin の単独ならびに併用処理のMTK肉腫-IIIにおよぼす影響を細胞学的に比較研究した。特に中期細胞における染色体の転座, 切断, 後期および終期細胞における染色体橋の形成と切断片の遅滞現象, 静止期細胞における小核の形成, 崩壊細胞, 腹水中の細胞数について観察をおこなった。いずれの場合においても, 腫瘍細胞の増殖はいちじるしく抑制され, 種々の異常分裂, 細胞の変性および崩壊が起るが, その作用機構はX線と Nitromin とでは多少異なる。併用した場合には異なった2つの作用が重複して, さらにいちじるしい分裂抑制が起る。
  • 蛭海 啓行
    1961 年 36 巻 7-8 号 p. 297-305
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 日本の中南部地方の自然集団におけるオオショウジョウバエの核型は3R, 1Vであり, Immigrans II に属するものは認められなかった。
    2) 染色体多型現象を263系統について調査した結果,
    i) Distal inversion-第II染色体の右腕末梢部。
    ii) Medial inversion-第II染色体の左腕中間部。
    iii) Proximal inversion-第II染色体の右腕基部
    3) 本種の季節および標高による分布の変動を調査した結果から, 本種は気温, 特に夏期の高温に対して感受性が高く適応力の弱い種と思われる。