Online ISSN : 1882-6482
Print ISSN : 0021-5082
ISSN-L : 0021-5082
23 巻, 4 号
  • 小林 健次
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 353-369
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    口腔内のH2O2産生菌に関する研究は肺炎双球菌についてのMcLeod (1922)等の報告以来数多い。柳沢(1959)等が仮性小児コレラ患児の糞便よりH2O2産生菌を始めて分離している。著者はKrausのBEB培地を用いて,人体における本菌の分布並びに分離菌の分類学的研究を行ない,次のごとき結論を得た。
    1. H2O2産生菌は口腔および腟内に常在する。特に経腟分娩の新生児口腔内にも高率に分離し得た。
    2. 胃内よりは口腔内での検出率の約50%に検出した。
    3. 健康成人の糞便からH2O2産生菌は検出されぬが,胃腸疾患を有する患者の糞便からは10∼30%内外に検出される。特に,閉塞性黄疽,仮性小児コレラ患児よりは高率に認める。
    4. 口腔および胃より分離せるH2O2産生菌は,Genus, Streptococcus (Bergy's Manual)のmitis typeの菌種も含まれるが,一方胆汁耐性のStreptococcusが高率に存在し,腸内より分離せる菌株の多くは胆汁耐性である。
    5. 胆汁耐性の分離菌株の同定実験の結果,この菌株はStr. mitis, Enterococcusに相似する点があるが,相違する点も少なくない。しかし,Cowanの報告せるAerococcus viridansにかなり類似する。Lancefieldの群別分類ではD群に属さない。
    6. 本菌のH2O2産生にはO2の存在が必要であり,嫌気培養ではH2O2の前段階の産生物が蓄積される。
    7. 口腔内および消化管内より分離せる菌株が同一の生化学的性状を呈することより,これらは同一の菌種であると考える。
    8. 動物実験で分離菌の経口投与あるいは腸内注射により,これを糞便より常時検出することは出来なかったが,一過性に排泄されることがあり,また人からの分離実験より考察して,成人の正常な腸内細菌と認めることは出来ない。
  • 特にα波を中心にして
    高桑 栄松, 斎藤 和雄, 曾根 徳郎, 井守 輝一, 大中 吉人
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 370-373
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    This experiment was carried out to investigate the arousal states in the brain by the measurement of the brain waves, especially the alpha-wave (8∼13c/s) appearance under exposure to continuous and intermittent noise.
    Sixteen healthy men of 20 to 34 years of age were exposed to white noise of 80dB (C) under three different conditions, that is, (1) continuous noise for 10 minutes, (2) regular intermittent noise of one-minute noise and one-minute rest for 19 minute periods, (3) irregular intermittent noise of one-minute noise and irregular rests for 19 minute periods. The duration of the noise exposure in the three conditions each totaled ten minutes.
    Brain waves were recorded for 10 minutes before exposure to noise, during the noise administration of 10 or 19 minutes and for 10 minutes after the exposure. The changes of alpha-wave appearance between pre- and post-exposure were compared.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    1) The appearance of the alpha-wave decreased significantly in the ninth and tenth minutes after exposure to continuous noise.
    2) Exposure to regular intermittent noise resulted in a significant decrease of the alpha-wave appearance in the latter half of the noise administration.
    3) Exposure to irregular intermittent noise caused a significant decrease of the alpha-wave appearance after the first half of the noise administration.
    4) Comparing regular and irregular intermittent noise, the latter brought about a stronger alpha-blocking during the noise administration, while the former showed a delayed restoration in alpha-wave appearance after exposure to noise.
    These results indicate that the influences of noise as a stressor differ not only by amount of physical energy, but also by regularity of generation.
  • 特に人中指手背に於けるズビニ,アメリカ両種鉤虫仔虫を以てせる経皮的感染実験,及び人血清内に浸漬せるアメリカ鉤虫仔虫,犬腸管より分離せるズビニ鉤虫仔虫を以てせる経胃的感染実験について
    長瀬 信一
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 374-399
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Experiments have been conducted on the follwing percutaneous infection subject on five volunteers (Number 1-5): depositing the water containing the infective larvae of A.d. on the back of the middle finger of their right hand, and water containing the infective larvae of N.a. on the same part of their left hand. Rate of invasion of the larvae was obtained through the skin, 24.5%-62.0% by A.d. and of 31.1%-74.5% by N.a.
    In recovering worms using the anthelmintic treatment, the former rate was 0%-4.2% and the latter 8.6%-65.7%.
    2. Measuring the length and the width of the infective larvae of N.a. soaked in human serum at 28°C for 96 hours, and comparing them with an unsoaked case, growth and transformation of the former could not be found. Examination of their resistance to artifical gastric juice, neither could the intensification of the resistance of the former be found. Administrating the soaked larvae into the stomach of 4 volunteers (Numbers 6-9), worms by the anthelmintic treatment were not obtained.
    3. Placing the larvae of A.d. into the mucoid of the small intestine which had been extracted from a puppy, and keeping it at 28°C for 96 hours, then isolating the larvae from the small intestine, growth in length and width, or transformation could not be found. Larvae of A.d. was administered into the mouth of a puppy, and after 10 days, it was isolated from the small intestine. Transformation of the middle 3rd stage larvae was perceptible.
    Administering the larvae into the stomach of a volunteers (No.10), symptoms of the so-called the Wakana disease could be found. Worms were obtained by using anthelmintic treatment. The recovering rate of the worms was 64%.
  • ラット気管内投与時の体内分布と肺臓のオートラジオグラフィ
    森重 敏子
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 400-405
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distribution and excretion of 95Zr-95Nb, which was administrated subcutaneously and orally in rats, had been studied from time to time, for the same experimental period as previous reports. At this time, 95Zr-95Nb were administered to rats of the Wister strain, by intra-tracheal intubation and time trends of distribution in organs as well as excretion in urine and feces of these experimental animals were observed. In addition an autoradiography of lung was performed using the dipping technique in order to observe a finer distribution of 95Zr-95Nb in lung when administered by inrta-tracheal intubation. The results are as follows.
    1) When 95Zr-95Nb were intubated into the lung, a great amount was retained in and deposited into lung 24 hours after administration and the amount of them decreased considerably after the 7th experimental day. But, it was observed that the amount of 95Zr-95Nb at any time during the experimental period of lung was greater than that for other organs. 63 days after administration, deposition ratio of 95Zr-95Nb for lung held the some level as that of bone which would be considered to be the highest affinity for 95Zr-95Nb among organs.
    2) The amount of 95Zr-95Nb of tibia increased considerably for 7 days from administration and then began to decrease toward the final experimental day. The rate of decreasing radioactivity in the tibia was considerably slow after the 14th experimental day and the deposition ratio of tibia was the highest among organs excluding the lungs. Therefore, when 95Zr-95Nb was administered into the body, it was considered that bony tissue had strongest affinity of all organs.
    3) After administrating 95Zr-95Nb, the largest amount was excreted in urine and especially in the feces the first 24 hours through the experimental period. And, 49.86% of 95Zr-95Nb intubated into the lung was excreted in feces until the 63th experimental day and half of the amount of them was contains in the feces excreted until 24 hours after administration. After that, the amount of 95Zr-95Nb excreted in feces suddenly decreased and difference of the amount between feces and urine gradually became less and less toward the final experimental day.
    4) A micro-autoradiography of the lung at the 63th experimental day revealed the fact there were still a number of blackening spot caused by 95Zr-95Nb in the alveolar wall and some spots were also likely to be in cells in the wall.
  • 川村 佐和子
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 406-411
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    A Mass measles vaccination program by the KL method was conducted in Chiba prefecture during two separate priods; from January to March in 1967 to March in 1968.
    Concerning the clinical reactions during 2 weeks after immunization with live vaccine, observations of 812 vaccinees were done by their mothers, in three areas of Chiba prefecture.
    Results of mothers, observations were to be objective.
    The incidence of febrile reaction (more than 37.5°C) was 10.3±4.0%, that of rash 8.9±3.8%, and that of vaccinees' manifestation of any clinical signs was 50.8±10.4%.
    For the analysis of the distribution of the onset day of febrile reaction and rash, data of Chiba city was used. There, 517 vaccinees out of about twenty thousand were observed throughout two weeks and febrile reaction was recorded in 71 cases and rash in 54 cases.
    According to the analysis of the result by Weibull theory, their manifestations are randomly distributed in the time course. It might be suggested that the factors which randomize the multiplication rate of vaccine virus in the host or which are randomly distributed among vaccinees, play an important role in the manifestation of clinical reactions. Further investigation, however, is required to confirm these findings.
  • 小池 重夫, 山口 裕, 小西 美智子, 生駒 賢治, 堀内 英子, 川口 毅
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 412-425
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    20∼80歳の正常血圧者(128名),高血圧者(131名)を男女別に20∼39, 40∼59, 60歳以上の年齢群に分けた。高血圧の判定基準は,50歳までは150/90以上,60歳以上は160/90以上とした。得られた脈波3つについて平均を求め,従来の文献にある11のParameterについて分析した。
    正常血圧者群の波形は加令に伴って変化した。即ち,加令に伴い上行脚はゆっくり上昇し,下行脚はゆっくりと下行するようになる。男女共に,加令に伴う有意の変化を示す項目は,relative crest time, inclination time, dicrotic waveの波頂振幅に対する比の増加と,elasticity indexの減少である。
    男子の高血圧者群のrelative crest time, elasticity indexを年齢別に正常者と比較すると,年齢と血圧間の有意の交互作用が認められた。即ち,両項目の年齢に伴う変化に高血圧者と正常血圧者で有意の差が認められ,20∼39, 40∼59歳の男の高血圧者群のrelative crest timeは正常者に比べて高く,elasticity indexは低い値を示した。また,男女ともに20∼39歳の高血圧群にはdicrotic waveの減少が見られた。このことは,本態性高血圧では末梢循環の抵抗が増加することを示唆している。
    60歳以上では,男女ともに11のparameterのいずれにも,高血圧者と正常者の群の差が見られなくなった。そこで60歳以上の男女を一緒にして,(1)正常血圧群(2)常時高血圧だが測定時正常血圧群(3)最高血圧のみ高い群(4)最低血圧のみ高い群(5)最高最低ともに高い群の5群に分けて観察した。その結果,最高血圧のみ高い群では,上行脚の形成に関与するparameterであるrelative crest time, elasticity index, inclination time, angle of anacrotic limbは正常血圧者群に近い値を示した。また,下行脚に関するpercentage of descending time at 1/2 or 1/4 peak amplitude, relative amplitude at 1/2 or 1/4 the distance of diastolic phaseは他の高血圧群よりも低い値を示した。このことは高年齢者の最高血圧のみ高い群の動脈の弾力性低下と末梢循環の抵抗は,正常血圧者群とさして違わぬことを示唆するものといえよう。
  • 鯉沼 茆吾
    1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 426-431
    発行日: 1968/10/31
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1968 年 23 巻 4 号 p. 431
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー