After the review of various studies on the factors of the motor ability, muscular strength, muscular endurance, explosive strength, speed, coordination, balance, agility, and flexibility were considered to be very important to measure the motor ability. Then, thirteen test items Which have been thought and used to measure these areas of motor ability were selected considering the practicability of tests for kindergarten children. The 13×13 correlation matrix was constructed with the data that were obtained by administering these items to kindergarten children sample; 107 boys and 105 girls, ranging from five to less has six years of age. The incomplete principal component solution and normal varimax rotation Were applied to these correlation matrix. Then, six factors were extracted and five of them could be interpreted in the case of boys and all of them interpreted in the case of girls. Considering the practicability, reliability of the items and results of factor analysis, it might be concluded that the test batteries of five items for boys and of six items for girls could be constructed; for boys, standing-long-jump, grip- strength, ball-bcunde, trunk-flexion, single-foot standing, for girls, standing-long-jump, grip strength, ball-baunce, trunk-flexion, spot-stepping, body-support by arms. The conclusion of this study is based only on the small sample, and it needs to develop this study with different samples and larger samples. Relationships between motor ability and character, mental ability, and physical fitness, for kindergarten children, should be also studied from this study in future.