We have several kinds of general motor ability test battery, particularly for elementary, junior and senior high school level boys and girls. But only a few of them have been examined on their validity Furthermore, there are few validated test batteries of general motor ability for college students. 343 boy students of Kyoto University were sampled and 31 test items which are thought to measure all parts of motor ability were administered to them. With their data, 31x31 correlation matrix was constructed. Then Guttman's Image analysis was applied to this matrix, and orthogonal rotation by Quartimax criterion was applied to reach the simple structure of the extracted factor matrix. Then body coordination, static strength of upper limb, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardio respiratory endurance, physique, agility, and static strength of lower limb were interpreted as the extracted factors. To determine the efficient items of test battery, the coefficients of each variable of multiple regression equation estimating the extracted factor scores were evaluated, and then the following 15 items are recommended as the test items for general motor ability test battery; physique: stature and chest girth, body coordination and power : standing broad jump, 1O0m dash and 50m shuttle run, static strength : grip strength (right and left) , back strength and leg strength, dynamic strength : push-ups flexibility : truck flexion and extension, agility : squat thrust and side step, and endurance: breath holding after exercise.