Dance as a visual stimulus enables audience to picture various images in their minds. The contents of dance are communicated to them through dance performances which consist of such elements as body, time, space, force, and others. When a choreographer creates dance, he/she always considers images audience will hold through looking at dance performances. Therefore, it is important for dance composition to know what kind of image a certain dance makes audience picture. In order to study the image of dance, semantic differential method seems to be useful. However, new scales must be constructed, because there is no definite scale for that purpose yet. The new scales evaluating the image of dance must be constructed in a scientific and objective way, and they should enables us to extract effective semantic dimensions for dance analysis from human emotional responses to a dance performance. In order to resolve the problem mentioned above, multivariate statistical analysis procedures were applied, and following inferences were induced. 1. In the 2nd experiment of three sequential ones, 118 adjectives were chosen from word samples which consisted of the words 887 students expressed as the image toward eight kinds of dance performances as stimuli. The new Scales were constructed with 46 adjective pairs, most of which showed high loadings on the factors extracted from principal factor analysis and normal varimax rotation applied to 118×118 correlation matrix (table 1, 2, 3, 4). 2. Eight factors were extracted from factor analysis applied to 46×46 correlaion matrix which was obtained from the 3rd experiment where 190 students were asked to respond to six different dance performances according to the 46 semantic scales. These factors were named as follows: 1) emotionality, 2) activeness, 3) flexibility, 4) value, 5) harmoniousness, 6) weightiness, 7) variety, and 8) spatiality. The first four factors are referring to inner and emotional aesthetic value judgement, and 5), 6), 7), and 8) show outer and perceptional comprehensive judgement (table 5). 3. Six kinds of dance performances as stimuli were composed so as to be contrasting in terms of movement temporality. It was inferred that three kinds of dance performances consisted of slow movements were imaged as unpleasant, Passive, harmonious, heavy, and monotonous, while other three kinds of performances consisted of quick movements were imaged as pleasant, active, inharmonious, light, and variant in the eight dimensional semantic space constructed in this study. Thus, the validity of these 46 semantic scales was considered to be high and to be applicable enough to the study of the image of dance (figure 1,2).