The purpose of this study was to discuss the effect of swimming efficiency (e), buoyancy, and participation of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism on the relationship between swimming performance and energy metabolic capacity. The maximal oxygen debt (O_2 debt_max) and maximal oxygen uptake (Vo_2max) were measured after and during swimming in a swimming flume, as a parameter of anaerobic and aerobic capacity, respectively. Oxygen requirement (E) and swimming efficiency (e) were calculated from O_2 debt_max,Vo_2max, and swimming record. The subjects consisted of 44 freestyle swimmers with different sex, age and swimming record. The correlation between O_2 debt_max and 100m swimming speed was r=0.551 (p<0.01) for the group) of whole subjects, while the coefficients for the three groups classified in terms of e_1 (e in 100m swimming) were r=0.739 (p<0.01) for the low e_1 group (N=14, e_1=3.33), r=0.912 (p<0.01) for the intermediate e_1 group (N=17, 3.33<e_1=4.19), and r=0.645 (p<0.05) for the high e_1 group (N=13,4.19<e_1). The correlation coefficient between Vo_2max and 400m swimming speed was r=0.554 (p<0.01) for the whole group including all the subjects, while these coefficients for the sub-groups formed for e_4 (e in 400m swimming) were r=0.730 (p<0.01) for the low e_4 group (N=14, e_4≦5.24), r=0.927 (p<0.01) for the intermediate e_4 group (N=17, 5.24<e_4≦6.56) and r=0.486 for the high e_4 group (N=13, 6.56<e_4). Thus, correlations between swimming performance and metabolic capacity became higher for the group of subjects with homogeneous e than for the group of whole subjects with greater variability in their e. This result suggests that the relationship between swimming performance and metabolic capacity is markedly effected by the factor of e. Correlations between swimming performance and metabolic capacity were higher in absolute value than in relative value (/kg). This is probably because body weight is supported by buoyancy in swimming. Swimming performances in 100m and 400m races correlated higher with E than with O_2 debt_max or Vo2_max. This suggests that contributions of aerobic metabolism in sprint race, and of anaerobic metabolism in middle and long distance races should not be underestimated.