The Japanese Journal of Physiology
Print ISSN : 0021-521X
19 巻, 3 号
  • 辻 繁勝, 松下 宏
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 273-279
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Concentrations of nucleic acids and proteins, and the activity of aspartyl transcarbamylase of the thymus, spleen, liver and kidney have been studied in normal, leukemic and pyridoxine-deficient mice of AKR strain.
    2. There are significantly more RNA concentrations of the thymus, spleen and liver in leukemic mice than in the corresponding tissues in normal mice, whereas DNA concentration did not vary in the corresponding tissues. In pyridoxine-deficient mice, DNA was less in the thymus, spleen and liver than in normal mice, while RNA concentrations of the thymus in pyridoxinedeficient mice were drastically decreased than those of normal mice.
    3. Concentrations of proteins of the thymus, liver and kidney were less in pyridoxine-deficient mice than in normal mice.
    4. The activity of aspartyl transcarbamylase in the thymus and liver decreased in both leukemic and pyridoxine-deficient mice over normal control.
  • 藤田 安一郎
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 280-292
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The negative potential shift, having variable durations (from 250 msec to several sec) and occurring in all-or-nothing fashion by white matter stimulation, was studied with the microelectrode in the cerebellum of the rabbit anaesthetized with Nembutal. The shift ranged from several to 60 mV in magnitude. The shift was recorded from the molecular layer as well as from the layer of Purkinje cell bodies, but never observed in the white matter.
    2. The shift was always preceded by the sequential spike discharge of the Purkinje cell dendrites, but did not influence the excitability of the dendrites. Furthermore, no intracellular potentials were ever recorded from the Purkinje cell dendrites and cell bodies, which could account for the long-lasting potential shif t. These results show that the shift is recorded when the microelectrode tip is positioned close to the Purkinje cell membrane, but it does not originate in the Purkinje cell. All other nerve cells in the cerebellar cortex are also excluded as candidates for possible site of origin of the shift because they are physically not in a close relationship with the Purkinje cell dendrites. Possible site of origin of the shift was discussed.
    3. During the shift amplitude of the spike of the Purkinje cell dendrites increased and positive-negative spikes of its cell body were converted into monophasic-positive spikes. Possible mechanism for this phenomenon was discussed.
  • 池本 宏章, 広重 力, 伊藤 真次
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 293-305
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The role of fat breakdown and resynthesis cycle in an augmented oxygen consumption was examined in epididymal white and interscapular brown adipose tissues of both non-adapted control and cold-adapted rats. In vitro addition of norepinephrine or theophylline separately or in combination was used as a stimulant.
    It was found that in epididymal white adipose tissue of both control and cold-adapted groups increments in oxygen consumption were well correlated with the amount of FFA reesterified. Slopes of both regression lines were essentially identical, while the ordinate intercept of the cold-adapted group was about twofold greater than that of the control. From the slope it was calculated that high-energy phosphate bonds required for each molecule of fatty acid esterified would be 2.6-P, a value comparable to theoretically obtained 2.3-P on the assumption of P: O ratio to be three. Since the amount of oxygen consumption in the basal state (without an added hormone) of the control group increased in parallel with that of FFA esterified after cold exposure, these increments would well be explained as due to relative increase in f atfree dry mass caused by a partial depletion of lipid content. It appears therefore to be reasonable to conclude that white adipose tissue depends basically for an increased heat production on an accelerated turnover of the lipolysis and reesterification cycle and that this basic property is not affected by cold adaptation.
    Similar analysis on the data obtained from brown adipose tissue of the control group showed again an excellent correlation between oxygen consumption and FFA reesterification. But the slope of the regression line yielded a P: O ratio of 0.234. This very low value, though presumably due partly to the underestimation of esterification because of the neglect of glycerolkinase activity, may still be suggestive of a possible involvement of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in thermogenic systems in brown adipose tissue. Furthermore, when animals were chronically exposed to cold, this correlation was entirely lost. This appears mainly due to the apparently low rate of esterification calculated in spite of the high rate of oxygen consumption. Although the influence of glycerolkinase under these conditions remains to be clarified, these results may suggest that brown adipose tissue, in addition to its liability to uncouple phosphorylation from oxidation, may show an enhanced turnover of fat breakdown and resynthesis cycle under stimulation by the catecholamine in the cold-adapted state.
  • 原田 礼子, 伊東 洋一郎, 木村 英一
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 306-314
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new method of osmotic fragility test with the coil planet centrifuge is presented. The method is highly reproducible and accurate with a minute amount (3μl) of blood sample and most suitable for medical investigations, routine laboratory tests, and screening tests of blood at blood banks.
  • 小西 治兵衛, 日高 磐夫
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 315-326
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Stimulatory effects of various organic compounds upon the carp chemoreceptors, responsive specifically to dilute electrolyte solution, were studied by recording the electrical responses from the palatine nerve supplying the palatal chemoreceptors.
    2. The palatal chemoreceptors were stimulated by dilute solutions of disodium 5'-inosinate, dipotassium α-D-glucose-1-phosphate, tetramethylammonium chloride, choline chloride, sodium glutamate, disodium-lead ethylenediamineteraacetate, Congo red, Ponceau PR, Naphthol yellow, Amaranth, Direct sky blue, sodium alginate and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.
    3. In general, the higher the valency of the anion, the greater the maximum of the response-concentration curve. Some exceptions were observed. Intensity of the distilled water effect (a wash response produced by distilled water) appeared to decrease as the size of the anion increased.
    4. An electrolyte having no net charge (glycine) and a non-electrolyte (glucose) appeared to have nothing to do with this specific receptor system.
    5. Several anionic surface active agents were studied. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, dodecylpyridinium chloride, sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate and sodium dodecyl sulfate elicited positive responses; but these compounds were occasionally injurious to the palatal chemoreceptors and therefore it was difficult to say whether or not these salts stimulated the specific recepter system.
  • 小西 治兵衛, 日高 磐夫, 豊田 盛男, 松田 晴世
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 327-341
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sensitivities of the palatal, gill and lip chemoreceptors of the carp, the lip chemoreceptors of the sea catfish and the tongue chemoreceptors of the frog to carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen and air were studied, by recording the electrical responses from the afferent nerves innervating these chemoreceptors. The palatal chemoreceptors were found to be highly sensitive to carbon dioxide. No detectable responses to oxygen, nitrogen or air were obtained from the above chemoreceptors. Carbon dioxide diluted in nitrogen had less stimulatory effect on the palatal chemoreceptors than it was diluted in air or in oxygen.
    The effects of carbon dioxide dissolved in water, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid were studied on the carp palatal and frog tongue chemoreceptors. In the carp the effect of carbon dioxide was distinguishable from those of the other two stimulus solutions of the same pH, whilst in the frog it was nearly the same as that of hydrochloric acid, over the pH range investigated.
    The stimulatory effects of mixtures of the above acid stimulants in phosphate buffer upon the palatal chemoreceptors were studied. Addition of carbon dioxide and acetic acid to 0.025M phosphate buffer (pH 7.1) increased the stimulating effectiveness of the phosphate buffer, while addition of hydrochloric acid tended to depress the response, over the pH range 7.0 to 6.3. The enhancing effect of the carbon dioxide was greater than that of acetic acid at the same pHs.
    The effects of prior stimulation of the receptor by one acid on the response of the receptor to another acid solution were studied on the carp palatal and frog tongue chemoreceptors. In the carp the cross adaptation of the receptors appeared to be slight between carbon dioxide and the other two, whilst in the frog it was pronounced between carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid.
    The effects of stimulation of the chemoreceptors by respiratory gases upon the opercular movements of the carp were studied. Application of carbon dioxide to the palatal organ exposed in air caused immediate decrease of the opercular movements of the animal in amplitude and occasionally in frequency. Neither air nor oxygen had any apparent effect on the respiratory movements of the animal.
  • 福田 篤郎, 大熊 広之
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 342-349
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was observed that both cortisone pretreatment and endotoxin-conditioning are effective in preventing the specific PVP anaphylactoid shock in dogs. The latter effect was quite independent of glucocorticoid and was observable even. in adrenalectomized dogs maintained with DCA. Both procedures were found to induce an adaptive state in which cutaneous mast cells were stabilized and capillaries rendered tolerable to histamine, i. e. a state of reduced hypersensitivity.
  • 松原 一郎, 松田 幸次郎
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 350-359
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The rate of outward capillary filtration induced by water drinking was measured by means of the pressure plethysmography in the calf of two healthy young men. The maximum rate of filtration was 0.026 and 0.024ml/min/100ml calf after drinking water of 1% of body weight. Ingestion of 0.9% saline, however, caused no such fluid movement. Capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) of calf, estimated at the same time, was 0.0030 and 0.0033ml/min/100ml calf/ mmHg. From these data, the maximum increase in effective filtration pressure after water drinking was estimated to be 8.7 and 7.3mmHg. No change in calf blood flow and CFC was observed of ter water drinking. The decrease in plasma protein. concentration was 0.4g/100ml, corresponding to 2.2mmHg fall of plasma colloid osmotic pressure. The plasma osmolality was decreased by 4 and 6mOsm/KgH2O of ter water drinking, but remained unchanged of ter saline drinking. It was concluded that a decrease in crystalloid osmotic pressure caused the observed fluid movement.
  • 三田 俊定, 猪股 孝四郎, 菅原 洋子, 佐藤 匡
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 360-372
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The variations in the O2-tension within the retina and in the corneoretinal standing potential of the eye in the rabbit and the cat were recorded simultaneously during anoxia and its following restoration stage. With regard to the two species of the cat and the rabbit the correlation between these variations were studied comparatively. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. Two characteristic variations are observed in the corneo-retinal standing potential of the eye as soon as the intra-ocular pressure is restored from its high levels (such as 200, 100 and 50mm Hg) to the normal (10mm Hg). The negative deflection of the variations was termed as N-wave and the positive deflection as P-wave. Both the trough time of the N-wave and the peak time of the P-wave were measured, and the values obtained were compared between cat and rabbit. It became evident that these times for the cat are shorter than those for the rabbit respectively.
    2. In both species of the rabbit and the cat, the N-wave is generated in every case of restoration of the blood flow through the retina (due to normalization of the intra-ocular pressure). The generation of the N-wave is never caused by the variation in O2-tension within the blood flowing through the retina. On the other hand, the P-wave is generated differently between two species of the rabbit and cat, i. e. the P-wave for the cat frequently failed to appear, while the P-wave for the rabbit can be seen without fail. The generation of the P-wave for the rabbit may possibly be facilitated by a rapid increase in O2-tension within the blood, while this tendency can never be observed in the case of the cat.
    3. The injection of isotonic NaCl solution into carotid artery with such a rate as 0.2ml per sec. causes a temporary increase in the corneo-retinal standing potential, but the injection with the rate slower than 0.05ml per sec. causes no variation in the corneo-retinal standing potential.
    4. The adrenaline injected into the carotid artery causes two characteristic variations in the corneo-retinal standing potential which are similar in shape to the N- and P-wave respectively. Neither noradrenaline nor acetylcholine brings about such variations in the corneo-retinal standing potential as adrenaline does.
    5. From the above mentioned results it is suggested that the generation of the N- and P-wave is most probably a consequence of the effect of adrenaline.
  • 伊藤 文雄
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 373-391
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Abortive spikes in single nerve terminals of frog muscle spindles were recorded by means of a paraffin gap method.
    2. One or sometimes two kinds of abortive spikes with different amplitudes or time courses were observed in spindles of single type in the sartorius muscle, while three to four kinds of quantal potentials were detected in spindle afferents supplying two capsules which are arranged in series (tandem type) or in parallel (compound spindle) in the semitendinosus muscle.
    3. The amplitude of abortive spikes (usually 0.2mV) decreased with increase of the distance between the site of the receptor and the paraffin gap.
    4. Tetrodotoxin abolished both abortive and propagated spikes without any effect on the generator potential.
    5. When the node (N1) next proximal to the bifurcation node (NO) along the parent axon was crushed or anaesthetized, abortive spikes and generator potentials remained unchanged, but propagated spikes disappeared.
    6. The amplitude of abortive spikes decreased during increase in the amplitude of generator potentials caused by muscle stretch.
    7. The frequency of abortive spikes decreased of ter transiently increased with extension of the muscle and disappeared with muscle length of+8mm, while the propagated spikes increased stepwise with this extension. Further extension of the muscle resulted in steep increase in the frequency of the propagated spikes in absence of the abortive spike.
    8. Histograms of intervals between one of propagated spikes and the preceding abortive spike or the subsequent propagated and abortive spikes show that occurrence of the propagated spike was always preceded by that of an abortive one and also that of ter a propagated impulse the preparation at slack condition became silent for 50-100 msec. This duration was noted to be close to that of a positive after-potential following the propagated spike.
    9. No silent period was observed after an abortive spike, and two successive abortive spikes were often superimposed with each other.
    10. The site of origin of the abortive spikes and the mechanism of initiation of propagated impulses from the spindle were discussed.
  • 黒島 晨汎, 土居 勝彦, 伊藤 真次
    1969 年 19 巻 3 号 p. 392-402
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2011/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of denervation, reserpine syrosingopine, lidocain, antihistamine, acetylcholine and atropine were investigated in order to evaluate these factors in the cold-induced increase of blood flow through interscapular brown adipose tissue in the rat.
    Denervation of brown fat immediately before acute cold exposure did not. prevent the increase in blood flow in brown fat induced by cold exposure. Denervated fat pad 8 days of ter the operation also responded well to cold exposure with an increase in blood flow. However, the blood flow in the denervated pad was significantly less than in the intact one when exposed to cold.
    Topical application of lidocain around brown fat and subcutaneous administration of reserpine effectively blocked the blood flow increase in response to cold exposure. Reserpine treated animals exhibited a decreased cardiac output and blood flow in epididymal fat when exposed to cold.
    Syrosingopine, dextrochlorpheniramine, and atropine did not prevent the cold-induced increase in the blood flow in brown fat.
    Acetylcholine infusion caused a significant increase in the cardiac output and blood flow in brown fat, but not in epididymal white fat.