The present experiment is designed to examine systematically interactions of time, space and velocity in estimation at the field of motion perception. In this paper the author will report only the results of time and space estimations.
The procedure is as follows: The standard stimulus, a light patch, moves from right to left on the right side of the screen, in accordance with the conditions shown in Table 1. One second after the standard stimulus disappears, the reproduction stimulus, another light patch, appears on the left side of the screen, when the exposure time of the standard stimulus is estimated. Subjects are requested to push the key when perceived exposure time of the reproduction stimulus equals to that of the standard. Two light patches used for reproduction of the spatial distance are presented one second after the standard stimulus disappears. Subjects are requested to adjust the interval between two reproduction stimuli to the spatial distance of the standard stimulus. Experiments of time, space and velocity estimations are done on different days. For each estimation there are four experimental sessions corresponding to four standard values, each of which contains several conditions of standard values (see Table 2). The orders among three kinds of estimations, among four sessions in each estimation, and among conditions of several standard stimuli in each session are all at random for each subject. Each subject is assigned a single trial for each condition of standard stimulus.
The types and numbers of the subjects are in Table 3.
Results are as follows:
1. Constant short physical times, that is, 1.1sec and 2.0sec, are significantly overestimated in all groups, as spatial distance and velocity become smaller, but as for constant long physical times, that is 3.6sec and 6.5sec, there is not such tendency (see Fig. 1, Tables 4, 6 and 8).
2. Constant short physical spaces, that is, 2.0cm and 3.6cm, are significantly overestimated, as exposure time becomes shorter and velocity becomes larger. This tendency is stronger for younger children and it is not significant for U group. For constant long physical spaces, that is, 6.5cm and 11.7cm, there is not such tendency in all groups. (see Fig. 1, Tables 7 and 8).
3. In all groups there are few subjects who show such relations as tau- and kappa-effects between time and space estimations, and contingency coefficients (
C) between two estimations are almost zero (see Table 9).
4. In both estimations, reproduced values are larger than standard values, especially in the case in which standard values are small. In space estimation this tendency is stronger, as subjects are younger (see Figs. 1 and 2).