Food is essential for human life and its stable supply is important. However, it seems that there is room for suppressing the
food wastage throughout our food system. This study focused on Japan, and estimated amounts of reductions in the energy
consumption and GHGs emissions due to food wastage reductions. Our analysis based on an Input-output table shows that, if
50% of food wastage (F: agriculture for vegetables and fruits, I: food manufacturing industries, distributors, retailers, and eating
and drinking industries, and M: household) is suppressed owing to the technologies such as advanced food demand prediction
using weather forecast information, then, productions corresponding to the discarded food can be saved in many relating
sectors, and the energy consumption and GHG emissions in Japan are reduced by 0.04~0.08EJ/yr and 5.9~8.4million t
2eq/yr, respectively. Furthermore, it is suggested that decrease in food wastage at the sector I leads to the GHG emissions
reduction in Japan at lower cost compared to the decreases at the sectors F and M, since the latter may have issues on efficient
transportations of mail order vegetables (normally non-marketable) or replacements of residual heat at incineration facilities.